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Renault in the South West. Supporting Renault Dealerships in the South West.
Supporting Renault Dealerships in the South West • Renault currently using regional editions of the national newspapers to support their dealerships in the South West. They don’t use regional press however they have previously used the Western Morning News and Western Daily Press. • The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate how effective regional titles can be in the South West and make recommendations on which NNG titles will work best for Renault.
Estimated spend on next car by newspaper type All of our titles have scope to influence a considerable amount of spend in the South West car market place. Source: TNS 2004. Amount prepared to spend on next car. Base : All adults who intend to buy/replace car in next 2 years in SW region.
Profile of car buyers by newspaper readership The titles reach different types of car buyer. The morning titles reach a greater proportion of older car buyers. The evening and weekly titles deliver a profile more representative of the wider car buying public. Source: TNS 2004. Profile of people who intend to buy a car in the next 2 years compared to AIR of NNG title by frequency.
Most respected for motors • Buying a new car • Morning 8,000 • Evening 43,000 • Paid Weeklies 49,000 • Buying a used car • Morning 10,000 • Evening 119,000 • Paid Weeklies 127,000 The figures (left) show the number of people who would turn to our titles first when buying a new and used car. Larger numbers of people would turn to our morning titles. However this is eclipsed by the large numbers who would turn to the evening and weekly titles. The evening and weekly titles are clearly a more influential choice. Source: TNS 2004. Base: All adults 15+. Media turn to first for buying a new or used car.
Renault in the South West Car dealerships are spread throughout the South West Source: CACI 2005
The Western Morning News circulation area You have previously used the Western Morning News (WMN) which covers all of these dealerships. Source: CACI / JICREG 2005. Base: Western Morning News circulation area.
A new schedule • However, instead of the Western Morning News we recommend: • Plymouth Evening Herald • Torquay Herald Express • Exeter Express and Echo • Cornish Guardian • The Cornishman, • North Devon Journal • West Briton
Effective coverage of the dealerships The recommended titles cover the dealerships more effectively. They offer a greater concentration of readers around the dealerships. Source: CACI / JICREG 2005.
Using the WMN 1 ins 115,303 £1,742 2p 6% 6 ins 243,467 £10,454 4p 12% Net reach Cost CPT Net reach % x2.1 x6 Six inserts in the WMN will double your net coverage. Source: JICREG / TGI 2005. Base: All adults 15+ in the Western Morning News circulation area. Rates: Full page mono in motors supplements.
A more effective schedule 7 ins 614,534 £9,749 2p 30% 243,467 £10,454 4p 12% 6 ins WMN Net reach Cost CPT Net reach % x2.5 X0.93 By using our proposed schedule you can deliver two and a half times the net audience you deliver with the WMN schedule … for less money… in a titles synonymous with motors! Source: JICREG / TGI 2005. Base: All adults 15+ in the Western Morning News circulation area. Rates: Full page mono in motors supplements.
Example: Exeter Individual dealerships would be better supported with the evening and paid weekly package…. Distance prepared to travel to visit a motor dealer* 20.6miles Source: CACI / JICREG 2005. * Source: TNS 2004. Base: All adults 15+ in the WMN / WDP 3%+ circulation area. Distance prepared to travel to visit a motor dealer.
Example: Exeter Within the catchment area of the Exeter dealership both the Exeter Express & Echo and the Torquay Herald Express over twice the number of readers in the area. Source: JICREG 2005. Base: All adults 15+ in the Exeter dealership catchment area.
Example: Exeter Net reach Cost CPT Net reach % Exeter Express & Echo + Torquay Herald Express 126,182 £3,254 3p 30% Western Morning News 24,783 £1,742 7p 6% x5.1 x1.87 By adopting the suggested schedule, you can increase the net reach by over five times at under double the cost. Source: JICREG / TGI 2005. Base: All adults 15+ in the Exeter catchment area. Rates: Full page mono in motors supplements.
Example: Exeter Net reach Cost CPT Net reach % Exeter Express & Echo + Torquay Herald Express 126,182 £3,254 3p 30% 2 x WMN 49,566 £3,484 10p 8% x2.55 x0.93 By adopting the suggested schedule, you can increase the net reach by over two and a half times for less than double the cost. Source: JICREG / TGI 2005. Base: All adults 15+ in the Exeter catchment area. Rates: Full page mono in motors supplements.
Summary • Our morning titles WMN / WDP can be used creatively to deliver car buyers • However, evening titles and weekly titles are preferred:- • they are top of mind for car buyers • readership profiles more closely match car buyers • they reach more of the market • they offer most comprehensive coverage of dealer catchments • they reach more people for less money