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BOOKS. Maturita oral exam rehearsal Lada Leszkowová , GKVR Hlinsko, prosinec 2013. You have 3 minutes to answer these questions. Do you read a lot? What kind of literature do you prefer ? How can you benefit from reading ( what skills do you acquire ?)
BOOKS Maturita oral examrehearsal Lada Leszkowová, GKVR Hlinsko, prosinec 2013
Youhave 3 minutes to answer these questions Do youread a lot? Whatkindofliterature do youprefer? Howcanyoubenefitfromreading (whatskills do youacquire?) Why do peoplereadless these dayscompared to the past Describe a book (physically)
Speak on yourownfor 5 minutes • ChoosetwoBritishwritersandgiveustheirbiographicalfacts, describetheirmainworkandtopicsaboutwhichtheywrote • ChoosetwoAmericanwritersandgiveustheirbiographicalfacts, describetheirmainworkandtopicsaboutwhichtheywrote
Roleplay – interact in thefollowingsituations • Youdecidedyouwant to buy a book as a birthdaypresentforyourmother. Discusswithyourbrother (partner)whatbookwouldbethe most suitablefor her. • You are in thelibrarywithyourfriend. Youcanborrowonlythreebooks, decidewhichonestheywillbe.
Reference a instrukce • Zdroje obrázků: vlastní tvorba, Galerie Microsoft office – powerpointclipart • Materiál slouží k procvičení všech 4 částí ústní maturitní zkoušky. Všechny části jsou na téma Books a procvičují slovní zásobu a mluvní dovednosti spojené s tímto tématem