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This project focuses on defining and demarcating project boundaries, stratifying by altitude and stocking, determining forest size, making decisions on forest carbon pools to measure, selecting sample plots, and analyzing forest biomass. It uses a regression equation to estimate woody biomass and calculates total forest carbon stocks and CO2 sequestered. The methodology includes fixed-size main plots and nested subplots based on tree diameter classes. The number of sample plots in each stratum is determined based on vegetation type, logistics, accuracy level, and cost. Acacia-Comiphora woodland and Juniperus-Podocarpus forest carbon stocks are assessed to gauge environmental impact.
REDD+ Project Area Acacia-Comiphora woodland Juniperus-Podocarpus
Definition & Demarcation of project boundary and Mapping stratum Stratification - Altitude - Stocking Acacia-Comiphora woodland Juniperus-Podocarpus
Forest Size determination Acacia-Comiphora woodland Juniperus-Podocarpus
Cont.. • Decision on Forest Carbon Pool to be Measured: • Available financial resources, • Availability of existing data, • Others • Determination of the Type of Sample Plots ( Permanent or temporary) • NB: example if Soil carbon is omitted during first carbon stock assessment (i.e. baseline), it has to be also omitted during the second and subsequent carbon assessments.
Main Plot (100 m x 100 m) Trees ≥ 30 cm DBH Sub plot (25 m x25 m) Trees 15-29 cm DBH Sub plot (10 m x10 m) Trees 2-14 cm DBH Sub plot (1 m x1 m) Litter, soil, shrubs, herbs < 2 cm DBH Cont.. • Decision on the Shape and Size of the Sample plot (There are two types of plots – single plots of a fixed size or nested plots containing smaller sub-units of various shapes and sizes).
Determination of Number of Sample Plots • Once the strata’s are identified and agreed on, the type of plots and shapes are decided, the number of sample plots required in each stratum must be determined. • The decision on the number of plots depends on vegetation type, logistics, accuracy level, manpower and cost. • The number of samples for each stratum is selected proportional to its size. Acacia-Comiphora woodland Juniperus-Podocarpus
Juniperus-Podocarpus Forest • To determine the biomass, the Woody Biomass National • Inventory regression equation for 798 weighed trees Reg. Model = (0.3658* DBH)+(0.1144*(DBH^2.2)) • The overall mean stocking rate of above ground woody biomass (AGB) is 107 tons/ha. • Using the below ground biomass (BGB) factor of 0.22 of AGB, mean below ground biomass is 23.5 tons/ha. With a biomass to carbon ratio of 0.5, total forest carbon stocks are 65 tons/ha and CO2 sequestered is 239.5 tons/ha. CO2:C molecular ratio (44:12) = 3.67
Acacia-Comiphora woodland Juniperus-Podocarpus carbon stocks are 65 tons/ha and CO2 sequestered is 239.5 tons/ha