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Chapter 5 Power Point Review

Chapter 5 Power Point Review. Use this to help you study for your test and the midterm. Where did the French and Indian War begin?. The Ohio River Valley. What was the cause of the French and Indian War?.

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Chapter 5 Power Point Review

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  1. Chapter 5 Power Point Review Use this to help you study for your test and the midterm.

  2. Where did the French and Indian War begin?

  3. The Ohio River Valley.

  4. What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

  5. The cause of the French and Indian War was the fur trade with the Native Americans. It was also part of a series of wars that had been going on for the last 100 years between France and Britain.

  6. What territory did France claim before the war began?

  7. France controlled much of modern day Canada as well as the Mississippi River valley.

  8. What tribes were allies of the French in the French and Indian War?

  9. The Algonquins and Hurons.

  10. What tribe was an ally of the British in the French and Indian War?

  11. Iroquois

  12. What advantages did the French have in the French and Indian War?

  13. They fought like the Native Americans using the trees for cover. They also had only 1 government in North America which made decisions a lot easier to be made.

  14. What disadvantage did France have in the French and Indian War?

  15. The French had a lot less people in the colonies.

  16. What advantages did the English have in the French and Indian War?

  17. The British had the best army in the world. They also had many more people in the colonies to fight the war.

  18. What disadvantages did the English have in the French and Indian War?

  19. The English tried to fight the war as they would in the open fields of Europe. They did not take advantage of the cover offered and were easy targets for the French.

  20. What was the last battle of the French and Indian War?

  21. The Battle of Quebec

  22. What was the name of the treaty at the end of the French and Indian War?

  23. The Treaty of Paris

  24. What did the Treaty of Paris say?

  25. Most of the French land in the colonies was given to Britain.

  26. Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union?

  27. Ben Franklin

  28. What was the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union?

  29. To unite the colonies to plan for defense. It didn’t work because colonies didn’t want to give up any power.

  30. Why didn’t colonies pass the Albany Plan of Union?

  31. Colonies did not want to give up their own rights and power. This will still be true in the American Revolution and will cause problems then.

  32. What was the war called when Pontiac united many Native Americans to fight against the settlers moving onto the frontier in the early 1760’s?

  33. It was called Pontiac’s War. It ended in 1763 right after the Treaty of Paris when Pontiac realized his group would no longer receive help from the French.

  34. What act forbid settlers to move west of the Appalachian Mountains?

  35. The Proclamation of 1763 forbid settlers to move west of the Appalachian Mountains. Many settlers ignored this proclamation. Britain was trying to stop settler / Native American conflicts over land.

  36. What act, passed in 1765, placed taxes on legal documents such as wills, diplomas, marriage papers, newspapers, playing cards and even dice?

  37. The Stamp Act.

  38. What was the colonists reaction to the Stamp Act?

  39. Riots broke out in cities like New York. Mobs harassed British tax officials by throwing rocks and tarring and feathering them. They hanged or burned effigies of the British officials.

  40. A huge complaint the colonists had was that of “No taxation without representation!” What did this mean?

  41. “No taxation without representation” arose because the colonists did not elect anybody to the British Parliament. The colonists claimed that Parliament could not tax them because they were represented in Parliament.

  42. What was the Stamp Act Congress?

  43. The Stamp Act Congress was when 9 colonies sent delegates to discuss what to do about the Stamp Act. They decided to boycott British goods.

  44. What does boycott mean?

  45. Boycott means to refuse to buy certain goods. It was a very common and successful means of colonial protest. The boycott caused the Stamp Act to be repealed.

  46. What does repeal mean?

  47. Repeal means to cancel. The Stamp Act was repealed after the colonial boycott.

  48. In 1767 the Townshend Acts were passed.What did the Townshend Acts tax?

  49. The Townshend Acts taxed glass, paint, lead, paper and tea. These were very important colonial goods.

  50. What was the colonists reaction to the Townshend Acts?

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