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UNDP-GEF Project Implementation Requirements. Integrating Climate Change Risks into Water and Flood Management by Vulnerable Mountainous Communities in the Greater Caucasus Region of Azerbaijan Keti Chachibaia, Regional Technical Advisor, CC Adaptation. OVERVIEW. Background:
UNDP-GEF Project Implementation Requirements Integrating Climate Change Risks into Water and Flood Management by Vulnerable Mountainous Communities in the Greater Caucasus Region of Azerbaijan Keti Chachibaia, Regional Technical Advisor, CC Adaptation
OVERVIEW Background: International Financial Architecture for adaptation; GEF – SCCF results framework UNDP/GEF projects implementation responsibilities Monitoring and Evaluation Requirements: • Adaptive Management • Monitoring progress • Report on progress
Azerbaijan is not among the most vulnerable but with very low readiness to cope with Climate Change impacts vulnerability readiness
UNFCCC Financial Mechanisms for Adaptation GEF – SPA Strategic Priority on Adaptation SCCF Special Climate Change Fund LDCF Least Dev. Countries Fund AF Adaptation Fund • Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into GEF projects TF. • GEF guidelines approved in 2005 • $ 50 million programmed; now closed • Additional cost of addressing climate change impacts in developing countries • GEF manages SCCF separately from GEF TF • $112 million programmed • Support special urgent and immediate adaptation needs of 48 LDCs • GEF manages LDCF separately from GEF TF. • $140million programmed • Adaptation in developing countries party to the KP • GEF provides secretarial support to AF Board. • $160 million programmed
GEF-SCCF RESULTS FRAMEWORK Strengthened adaptive capacity to reduce risks to climate-induced economic losses OBJECTIVE 1Reduce vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change, including variability, at local, national, regional and global level Increased knowledgeof climate variability and change-induced threats Strengthened awareness/ownership of climate risk reduction processes Mainstream cc-risks into development frameworks OBJECTIVE 2: Increase adaptive capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change, including variability, at local, national, regional and global level Increase adaptive capacity of development sectors and natural resources Diversify and strengthen livelihoods Enhanced enabling environment to support technology transfer for cc-risk management OBJECTIVE 3: Promote transfer and adoption of adaptation technology Demonstration, deployment and transfer of adaptation technology
OBJECTIVE: To reduce vulnerability of the communities of the Greater Caucasus region of Azerbaijan to water stress and hazards by improved water and flood management OUTCOME 2: Key institutions have capacities, technical skills, tools and methods to apply advanced climate risk practices for water stress and flood mitigation OUTCOME 3: Water and flood management practices demonstrated to lead to community resilience OUTCOME 1: Water and flood management policy and regulatory policy modified to respond to CC risks Capacities of water user associations to apply SWAT, CWM and other risk management tools A package of normative legal acts developed – IWRM, flood zoning regulations, conjunctive water use Targeted training for flood risk assessment and planning Soil and water assessment tool applied in 3 rayons at sub-basin watershed level Rayon level water committees establish to strengthen sub-basin, water shed level water management planning Water code and Land code revised to account for CC risks. Hazard and inundation maps produced for better planning Watershed management plans initiated in 3 rayons Conjunctive water management model developed and introduced to respond to CC risks Automated hydromet stations to increase coverage Awareness raising and information campaign targeted to exposed and vulnerable communities Community-based early warning system
UNDP/SCCF project implementation responsibilities GEF Secretariat (DC) Formal delegation of authority to implement the GEF project M&E responsibilities Reporting responsibilities UNDP/GEF (NY) UNDP/GEF Regional Center - Bratislava UNDP Country Office -Azerbaijan Ministry of Emergencies PSC/ PB PIU
ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT - What changes are allowed? • Objective level: • Clearance from GEF in Washington D.C. • Revised Project Document – very difficult process • It is basically a new project – so not recommended, as you will need to resubmit • Outcome level: • Clearance from UNDP-GEF, reported to GEF • Revised Project Document • Not recommended , resubmission might be necessary • Output/Activity level: • Clearance from UNDP-CO, reported to Regional Coordination Unit • Revised Workplan, Budget Revision • Input level: • Agreement with UNDP-Regional Technical Advisor • Substantive Budget Revisions cleared by RCU
Monitoring Progress 2.1. Logframe: Developed during the project design Refined and finalized at Inception Phase 2.2. Annual Work plan 2.3. Field visits from UNDP CO and UNDP/GEF RCU 2.4. Evaluations (Mid-term and Final)
REPORTING ON PROGRESS 3.1. Inception report – progress in the inception stage; 3.2. Quarterly operational reports – progress each quarter; 3.3. Project Implementation Reviews /Annual Project Report – progress for the year;