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9/23 Focus: Early civilizations developed in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

Explore the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, such as Sumer and Babylon, which developed along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Discover key aspects like cultural diffusion, city-states, religion, government, and architecture. Uncover how these ancient societies influenced later civilizations through trade, writing, and literature.

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9/23 Focus: Early civilizations developed in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 9/23 Focus: • Early civilizations developed in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers • There were few natural barriers in this region which made it a crossroads where people shared customs and ideas. • Important Terms • Cultural Diffusion, City-State • Do Now • Identify two characteristics of a civilization? *******Essay due Wednesday 9/28******

  2. Cities & Government Public Works Religion Civilization Social Classes Specialization Of Labor Writing & Record Keeping Arts Architecture

  3. Mesopotamian Civilizations Sumer and Babylon

  4. Mesopotamia • Fertile Crescent • “The Land between the Two Rivers” • Tigris and Euphrates Rivers • Fertile farmland from silt left by floods • Floods unpredictable • Lack of natural barriers allowed frequent migrations of people and invasions • Cultural diffusion • the exchange of ideas, customs, and goods between cultures

  5. Sumer • The first civilization to develop in Mesopotamia • 5,500 B.C.E • City-States along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers • An independent political unit with its own government • Ur, Uruk, Kish, Lagesh • protected by defensive walls

  6. Sumer • Ziggurats were found at the center of each city • A large, tiered, structure • Built for the god or goddess of each city

  7. Religion • Were polytheistic • Believed Gods controlled natural events • Viewed their gods as hostile and unpredictable • Similar to their environment • Priests held high status in Sumer • Worked to keep the gods pleased

  8. Government • War chiefs often became Kings • Kings performed rituals to please the gods • Dynasties developed • A series of rulers from one family

  9. 9/26 Focus: • The first known civilization arose in Mesopotamia, and its culture and innovations influenced later civilizations in the region for thousands of years. • Important Terms • Cuneiform • Do Now • Describe the impact that a lack of natural barriers had on Mesopotamia. *******Essay due Wednesday 9/28******

  10. Trade • Traded with people across Southwest Asia • Cultural diffusion • Lacked many natural resources • Traded for timber, stone, metals

  11. Writing • Cuneiform • Form of writing that used sharp tools to make wedge shaped symbols on clay tablets • Scribes had a high place in society

  12. Literature • The Gilgamesh Epic • One of the oldest surviving works of literature • 4,000 year old story • Sumerian hero who seeks immortality • Originally passed on through oral tradition

  13. Closure • Explain how the Sumerians viewed their gods. • What geographic characteristics of Mesopotamia encouraged cultural diffusion?

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