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Benchmark Dry Cleaning and Laundry: Process Optimization Analysis

Learn about Benchmark’s pick-up and delivery service, process map, and staffing model for efficient dry cleaning and laundry operations. Discover insights for better productivity and customer service.

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Benchmark Dry Cleaning and Laundry: Process Optimization Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benchmark Dry Cleaning and Laundry Brock Busby Bret Lakey Marlon Traille

  2. Benchmark • Background • Problem • Process Map • Method of Analysis • Analysis • Conclusions

  3. Background • Owner and president, Rodney Doyle founded the company three years ago in Carrollton, Texas. • Benchmark is a pick up and deliver dry cleaning and laundry service.

  4. Background • Benchmark utilizes two routes for pick up and delivery. There is the Monday-Wednesday route where clothes picked up on Monday are delivered on Wednesday and those picked up on Wednesday are delivered Monday. There is also the Tuesday-Thursday route which incorporates the same logic.

  5. Background • This service is provided to over 3000 customers in the cities of Carrollton, Irving, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Coppell, McKinney, and Allen. • Benchmark currently employs 50 people.

  6. The Problem • Create a process map. • Create a model allowing the user to input the total number of clothes and number of operators to determine the total amount of time for the cleaning and finishing process.

  7. Process Map

  8. CustomerDriverMark-In Sign-up Prepare bag of clothes and leave outside front door Pick up customer bags Return to the plant Place bags in route bins 1

  9. Mark-InCleaningFinishing 1 Tag clothes Sort clothes based on service requested Spot removal (if necessary) Dry clean or launder the clothing Load clean clothes in baskets 2

  10. FinishingPackaging 2 Press the clothes Hang in holding area Pick out customers order Inspect Repress the clothes Fail Inspection Pass Inspection Bag the order 3

  11. Customer DriverMark-In CleaningFinishing 3 Load truck with orders Deliver clean clothes Receive clean clothes

  12. Mark-In • A trained employee can tag and sort 100 pieces of clothing in one hour. • The clothes are sorted according to the type of service needed. • Dry Cleaning • Laundry

  13. Mark-In • There is a further breakdown within those two types of service. • Dry Cleaning • Dark and Light colors • Laundry • White, Khaki, and Dark Colors • No, Light, and Heavy Starch

  14. Cleaning • There are three functions associated with the cleaning station. • Spot Removal • Dry Cleaning • Laundry

  15. Cleaning-Dry Cleaning • Dry Cleaning • 2 Machines • One of the machines can handle 70 pounds per load and takes 75 minutes for one load. • The other machine can handle 55 pounds per load and takes 65 minutes for one load.

  16. Cleaning-Laundry • Laundry • 2 Identical Machines • Each can handle 45 pounds per load and takes an average 40 minutes for each load.

  17. Finishing • The finishing stage is where the clean clothes are pressed and dried. • This is separated into four sections: • Laundered shirt press • Laundered pant press • Dry Cleaned pant press • Dry Cleaned utility press

  18. Finishing-Laundered Shirt • There are two stations for pressing laundered shirts and each station is comprised of two machines. • Two employees working one station can press 90 shirts per hour. • One employee can press 50 shirts per hour.

  19. Finishing-Laundered Pants • There is one station for pressing laundered pants and it is comprised of one machine. • One employee can press 25 pants per hour.

  20. Finishing-Dry Cleaned Pants • There are two station for pressing dry cleaned pants and each is comprised of one machine. • One employee can press 30 pants per hour.

  21. Finishing-Dry Cleaned Utility • There is one station for the utility press and it is comprised of two machines. • Two employees working the station can press 50 items per hour. • One employee can press 30 items per hour.

  22. Packaging • Benchmark is incorporating a brand new automatic sorting machine developed by Rodney Doyle. Once a customers order has been sorted it is inspected for any imperfections. If any article of clothing fails inspection then that item is sent back to be repressed. Orders that pass inspection are then bagged. The order is now ready to be loaded on the truck and delivered.

  23. Method of Analysis

  24. Method of Analysis • Input historical data into Microsoft Excel and then using that data a simulation was created of different possible scenarios for the amount of clothes entering and the number of operators working various machines.

  25. Analysis of the Model

  26. Conclusion

  27. Conclusion • The Process map can be used to help clarify how their business is run. It draws out each step of the process and shows how they depend on each other. • The model can be used by management to determine staffing needs, equipment needs, and assist in forecasting production.

  28. Conclusion • Simulation shows that the optimal staffing: • 3 operators at Laundered shirts • 1 operator at Laundered pants • 1 operator at utility press • 2 operators at Dry Clean pants

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