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Dry Cleaning in Dubai | Laundry in Palm Jumeirah

If you really care for your clothes then you should avoid major laundry mistakes such as do not scrub aggressively, do not ignore bleeding tests, do not use excess detergent, do not use washing machines incorrectly and do not overuse bleach.

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Dry Cleaning in Dubai | Laundry in Palm Jumeirah

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  1. Major Laundry Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making Laundry is not a task everyone enjoys and when you make some mistakes you shouldn’t it can cost you a lot. Everybody who has washed their clothes has experienced some sort of disaster once in a while. It is better to know what mistakes you should avoid rather than repenting on the ruined fabrics, say the company offering the best dry cleaning in Dubai. In this post, we will share the major laundry mistakes you should avoid at all costs. 1.Do not scrub aggressively If you scrub stains furiously it will just make the stain worse in the first place. Besides, it will spoil the fabric of as well. Also, if you are dealing with stains you must not let the stain sit on the fabric for too long. The quicker you get onto cleaning, the better are your chances to quickly. You are advised to dab at the stain instead of rubbing it furiously. 2.Do not ignore bleeding test The best dry cleaners in Dubai say that most of us skip the bleeding test which is one big mistake to make. If you ignore this crucial step, you will end up having bleeding color of the fabric on other clothing items. Dampen a small area of your

  2. new outfit and blot it using a white cloth. If you see the color bleeding you must wash it separately rather than washing it with other clothes. 3.Do not use excess detergent It is a misconception that using excessive detergent will clean clothes better. Excess suds are produced due to this which then gets caught in some areas which are hard to clean such as hems, cuffs, and under collar areas. 4.Do not use washing machine incorrectly You will damage your clothes if you are not using the washing machine correctly, say the best laundry in Palm Jumeirah. The correct way to use or load washing machines is to put clothes in and then add soap in the dispenser. 5.Do not overuse bleach You should not use bleach for every purpose. It is a big mistake which just weakens the cloth fibres. It hampers their longevity as well. Use bleach just for whitening the clothes and for protein stains. If you do not know how to use bleach correctly, then you should rather leave the job to a professional. Search for a good agency offering clothes washing services. Hope you found the post useful. For more information related to dry cleaning in Dubai, feel free to get in touch with us. We will be happy to answer your queries. Contact Details: Visit the website: https://imglaundry.com Call: +971 555776608 Follow: https://www.facebook.com/IMGLAUNDRY/ https://twitter.com/laundry_image https://www.instagram.com/imglaundry/

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