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The Digital Future of Healthcare

Slides to accompany my keynote speech given at the leadership summit of a leading European pharmaceuticals company. March 2014.

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The Digital Future of Healthcare

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  2. 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 . . .

  3. source: TIME

  4. BODY

  5. The internet of the BODY

  6. The internet of BABIES

  7. The internet of AGING

  8. EU27 Population by Age & Sex Total: 517 Million Total: 2010 2060 500 Million AGE 80+ 65 - 79 15 - 64 0 - 14 25 25 15 15 Millions of Persons 25 25 15 15 Millions of Persons Source: European Parliamentary Research Service, November 2013; based on data from Eurostat and the United Nations

  9. “The first person to live for 1,000 years may be born in the next two decades.” Dr. Aubrey De Grey

  10. Quantified SELF

  11. video still

  12. Listen Up!

  13. video still

  14. 52%of the companies ranked in the Fortune 500 since 2000 are GONE stat:

  15. How will you transform your business for the DIGITAL FUTURE?

  16. EGO ECO

  17. put NETWORKS to work image: ‘Spinal Network’ Anthony Mattox

  18. VISION

  19. rethink STRATEGY

  20. start now

  21. createnewfutures.com | greg@createnewfutures.com | +1.631.747.1451

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