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Medicinal plants and medical plant material that contain essential oils ( sesquiterpene lactones and aromatic compounds). Volatile oils (VO) are miscellaneous volatile organic compounds which are produced in plants and cause their specific odour.
Medicinal plants and medical plant material that contain essential oils (sesquiterpene lactones and aromatic compounds)
Volatile oils (VO) are miscellaneous volatile organic compounds which are produced in plants and cause their specific odour. • They differ entirely in both chemical and physical properties from fixed oils. VO can be distilled from their natural sources; they do not consist of glyceryl esters of fatty acids. Hence, they do not leave a permanent grease spot on paper and cannot be saponified with alkalies. VO do not become rancid as do the fixed oils, but instead, on exposure to light and air, they oxidize and resinify.
Folia AbsinthiiHerba AbsinthiiArtemisia Absinthium- Wormwood, AbsinthAsteraceae • Geographical distribution. Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. • Constituents. VO containing absinthol, a bitter glycoside termed absinthin, tannic acid, resin, etc. • Uses. Aromatic bitter, diaphoretic and flavouring agent. Medicines: bitter tincture, tincture, appetising and cholagogue collections.
Rhizomata et radices InulaeInula helenium- Inula, ElecampaneAsteraceae • Habitat.Europe and Asia, along roadsides and in damp pasture land. • Constituents. 1 to 2% of an active crystalline substance known as alant-camphor or helenin; inulin, acrid resin, volatile oil with the peppermint-like odour and consisting chiefly of alantol, inulenin, mucilage, etc. • Uses. Elecampane is used as an ingredient in veterinary pulmonic powdersand numerous proprietary medicines. It is active constituent, helenin, has been employed as an antiseptic and bactericide in pulmonary diseases. Alantolactone is an anthelmintic remedy. Alanton is used to treat peptic ulcers.
Flores ChamomillaeChamomilla recutita (Matricaria chamomilla) - Matricaria, German ChamomileAseraceae • Constituents. VO (0.4- 1.5%) of a blue colour due to azulene ( Chamazulene) and containing isoamyl, isobutyl and other alcohols combined as esters with angelic and tiglic acids; and related sesquiterpenes (up to 50% of the oil), anthemic acid (a bitter principle), tannins, etc. • Uses. Internally- symptomatic treatment of digestive ailment such as dyspepsia, epigastric bloating, impaired digestion, and flatulence. Infusions of chamomile flowers have been used in the treatment of restlessness and mild cases of insomnia due to nervous disorders. Externally- inflammation and irritation of the skin and mucosa (skin cracks, bruises, frostbites and insect bites, including irritations and infections of the mouth and gums, and haemorrhoids.
Medicines-romazulan, rotocan, alorom, herbagastrin, fiton, camistad-gel, gastrolit, flowers are ingredients of arphazetin, elecasol.
Herba MillefoliiFlores MillefoliAchillea millefolium- Yarrow, Milfoil, Thousand-leafAsterace • Habitat. North America, Europe and Asia. • Constituents. An azure-bluearomatic VO (to 0.8%), containing chamazulene, cineole, a brownish-red substance called achillein, achilleic acid, a dark yellow, resinous, bitter substance called iwin, tannins, etc. • Uses. Aromatic bitter, diaphoretic and emmenagogue. • Medicines- rotocan, vundekhil, appetising, laxative, hypotensive collections.
Flores ArnicaeArnica montana- ArnicaAsteraceae • Habitat.Mountains and meadows of Europe. • Constituents. Contains up to 0,8% of sesquiterpene lactones- the main is helenalin, 11,13-dihydrohelenalin d their esters with organic acids. In 1970 from leaves and flower heads of arnica arnifolin was extracted, it has tonic action on womb muscles. Ether oil has a golden colour. • Uses. Medicines have haemostatic, cholagogue, antisclerotic, irritating and bacteriostatic action. In high amounts remedies have sedative properties. Tincture and infusion are used externally to treat skin disorders, trophic ulcers, burns and frostbites.
Fructus Anisi vulgarisOleum AnisiAnisum vulgare- Anise Apiaceae • Habitat. Asia Minor, Greece and Egypt, Southern Ukraine. • Constituents. Up to 6% of volatile oil containing anethol; fixed oils, etc. • Uses. Stimulant, carminative and flavouring agent. Medicines also have expectorant, antiseptic, bactericide and antispasmodic actions. Fruits are part of stomach and ches collections, oil- part of chest elixir, ammonia-anise drops, dry mixture from cough, Traskov’s mixture (antiasthmatic properties), and remedies- anitos, altalex, strepsils-original, etc.
Fructus FoeniculiOleum FoeniculiFoeniculum vulgare- FennelApiaceae • Habitat. Southern Europe and Asia Minor. • Constituents. Up to 6.5% of Oleum Foeniculi containing anethol and fenchone, anise ether, anise acid, fixed oils, etc. • Uses. Medicines usually have carminative, spasmolitic, secretolitic and light sedative actions. Fruits are part of Carminative, Sedative and Laxative collections, ether oil- part of the fennel water, altalex drops, Traskov’s mixture.
Herba SerpylliThymus serpyllum-Wild thyme, creeping thymeLamiaceae • Habitat. Europe and Northern Asia. Naturalised in eastern North America, and growing on fields. • Constituents. From 0.15 to 0.6% of VO containing carvacrol and cymene, bitter principles, tannins, etc. • Uses. Wild Thyme is employed as an antispasmodic in the treatment of whooping-cough, dry nervous asthma, severe spasms with little sputum and other respiratory inflammations, either in the form of fluid extract, tincture or syrup. Thymus serpyllum is ingredient of pertussin, anitos.
Herba Thymi vulgarisOleum ThymiThymus vulgarisLamiaceae • Habitat.Southern Europe. • Constituents. VO, about 2.5%, containing thymol, carvacrol, thymine, cymene and l-pinene; tannins, etc. • Uses. Antispasmodic, carminative, stimulant, and condiment; an ingredient in poultry dressing, in the flavouring of meat and fish dishes and soups. Preparations: thyme fluid extract, thyme syrup.
Thymol is a phenol occurring in large colourless, transparent crystals or as a white powder having a thyme odour and a pungent taste. It is used as an anthelmintic ( for hook worm), as an antiseptic and deodorant in mouth washes and gargles and occasionally as an intestinal antiseptic. The average daily dose as anthelmintic is 2g. divided into 3 doses. Thyme oil is a VO distilled from the flowering plant of Thymus vulgaris. It is a colourless, yellow or red liquid. Actions- stimulant, carminative and antiseptic. Oil is part of camistad-gel (used in dental practice). Herb extract is ingredient in pertussin, efkamon and pinosol.
Herba OriganiOriganum vulgare-Pot majoram, wild majoramLamiaceae • Constituents. VO contain carvacrol, thymol, free alcohol and ester. • Uses. The dried herb is used as a condiment in flavouring of salads, in the treatment of whooping-cough and other respiratory inflammations. Has cholagogue, diuretic and diaphoretic actions, stimulates indigestion, extract is part of urolesan which has litholitic properties.