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Presentation Specs. Title : Paperless Hospital - A Reality? Theme : Role of Training in Healthcare Target Audience : Professor Sullivan, Elizabeth O'Connor & Students of Instructional Technology Duration : 4-5 minutes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentation Specs Title : Paperless Hospital - A Reality? Theme : Role of Training in Healthcare Target Audience : Professor Sullivan, Elizabeth O'Connor & Students of Instructional Technology Duration : 4-5 minutes Development Platform : Windows PC, MSPowerpoint, Adobe Captivate 5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, Flypaper Color Scheme : Blue, Green, Red on White/Gray with spread of contrasting colors for emphasis Font style : Calibri(Headings -32, Body-20) Font color : Dark Blue on light gray Transitions : Fade in from left for Images Background Music & Narration : TBD (Create Narration with Neospeech?) Callouts : Yellow References : APA Format & Active URLs

  2. Paperless Hospital a Reality Laptop and Stethoscope Image : courtesy Master isolated images / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

  3. Brief Intro on Healthcare Reform 2. 1. 1. Health_care_Reform_mage : courtesy pmienterprise.com 2. Obama Signs HITECH Act image : courtesy secure4health.org

  4. Components of HITECH Act <Caption with Captivate> 2. 1. Healthcare Reform Yes or No Image : courtesy secure4health.org

  5. Why Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Necessary? 1. 2. • Mature doctor_Reviewing_records Image: courtesy Fotosearch.com • Medical_Records Technician Image : Courtesy Fotosearch.com

  6. Electronic Clinical Documentation 2. 1. Doctor-tabletcomputer Image: courtesy blog.911medicalid.com Young Nurse_laptop Image : Courtesy Thinkstock.com

  7. Current Status of EMR implementation in the U.S EMRStatistics courtesy HealthcareITnews.com (Pie chart –created by Sheeba Thomas)

  8. How can Hospitals reach total EMR status? EHR_implementation Image : Courtesy Flickr.com

  9. What do you think is the highest cost for transition to EMR for a large hospital system?

  10. Training, Training & Training! EMR Success: Training is the Key

  11. Challenges in Training Healthcare Workforce <Bulleted points = 4/5 >

  12. Job Opportunity in Healthcare Health care IT is No. 1 among the top 10 hot jobs for college graduates, according to a report by the University of California San Diego Extension (June, 2011)

  13. Shortage of Instructional Designers in Healthcare IT Interested ? Contact – Sheebadatta@gmail.com Multiple Images: courtesy Master isolated images / FreeDigitalPhotos.net (Edited and merged with Photoshop)

  14. Thank You!

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