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SAM risk-free rate workshop Swaps versus bonds. Lindy Schmaman. Swap curve versus Bond curve. Source: Bond Exchange of South Africa. Bonds curve | Swap curve | NCD curve. NCD: Contains credit and liquidity risk.
SAM risk-free rate workshopSwaps versus bonds Lindy Schmaman
Swap curve versus Bond curve Source: Bond Exchange of South Africa
Bonds curve | Swap curve | NCD curve NCD: Contains credit and liquidity risk Source: Bond Exchange of South Africa overlayed with Deloitte bootsrtrapped NCD curve
Criteria for deriving the risk-free curve
Criteria for deriving the risk-free curve - continued
Equilibrium swap pricing Swaps - supply and demand Demand (investors) • Receive fixed, pay floating • Demand increases with higher swap yields (earn more) • Invest in corporate bonds / offset the swap • Supply increases with lower swap yields (earn a higher margin) Supply (banks) Equilibrium • Swap based strategies attractive despite low yields • Good hedge for swap-based discounting => stable profit • - Easier portfolio rebalancing Source: ‘Swap spreads – why have they become negative?’ Deloitte CMG, 2008
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