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How to Choose the Right Childcare Centre Your Child?

Entrusting your child to the care of strangers is not an easy decision to take. Given the present economic scenario, it is not entirely feasible to run a family on just one income. If you want to give the best clothes, food, education etc, for your child, you have no choice but to leave your child at a childcare centre while you go to work.

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How to Choose the Right Childcare Centre Your Child?

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  1. How to Choose the Right Childcare Centre Your Child • chrisgiufre.com.au

  2. Whatever stage you're at in the parenting process, whether you're worrying about what to name your baby, what to feed him or her, where to send your child to school or what to say about the birds and the bees, fortunately there are plenty of resources out there to make things easier. The first and most obvious worry for many modern, working parents is: who will look after my child when I'm out at work all day? Some families are lucky enough to have grandparents or aunts and uncles around, or perhaps willing neighbours or local friends. • chrisgiufre.com.au

  3. The arrangements can be a godsend for some working parents, and there are children who thrive in the nurturing atmosphere of a family-orientated environment. However, convenient as these arrangements may be, they are not always in the long-term best interests of every child. All children are different, but all young children have the same basic needs of routine, stimulation and the company of other children, and it is not always possible to guarantee such an environment with a local childminder or family member. This can be one of the many reasons that many working parents choose childcare centres for their children, also known as nurseries, preschools or kindergartens. Many childcare centres nowadays boast highly-trained and experienced staff, tried-and-tested learning resources and safety-certified play facilities. Some centres take in no more than 20 or so children: others have the space and staff to cater for upwards of 200 or even more. • chrisgiufre.com.au

  4. Some put the focus on basic literacy and numeracy from an early age, in a more regimented environment, whilst others will emphasise learning through outdoor play, or arts and crafts. It is vital to consider carefully about what you want your child to take away from his or her childcare experience. Do you want him or her to be in a gentle, more traditionally nurturing environment that advocates quiet time, naps and teacher-led learning? Or would you prefer that your child spends his or her days in the kind of childcare centre that lets children learn through their own mistakes (to a certain extent!), encouraging outdoor team games and messy play? • chrisgiufre.com.au

  5. Attending a childcare centre can be especially beneficial for children with no brothers and sisters, or who would otherwise not have the opportunity to interact with children of a similar age. Some childcare centres have provision and facilities for children with special needs and some cater specifically to children whose first language is not English, so you're sure to find the right facility for you and your family. When selecting the childcare centre, find out how the staff relate to parents, children, and their peers. Good communication skills are very important; not just in being able to discuss your child with the caregiver but also your child will be unconsciously learning from them. If you are planning to start a childcare centre, then Chris Giufre can help you as he has vast experience in all aspects of construction, investment, property acquisition, and project management. • chrisgiufre.com.au

  6. Thank You • chrisgiufre.com.au

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