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India’s Science, Technology and Innovation Policy – Making Incredible India a Super STI Power
India’s Science, Technology and Innovation Policy – Making Incredible India a Super STI Power Prof. P.B. Sharma Vice Chancellor Delhi Technological University Govt. of NCT Delhi Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
India’s Glorious Track Record of S&T Innovations With a history of advanced S&T dating back to the Ramayana (Some 5000 BC) and Mahabharata (around 3000 BC), India has a deep rooted tradition of cultivation of Scientific Knowledge and technological innovations. Metallurgy, shipbuilding, town planning and architecture, sophisticated guided missiles and chemical warfare, fine art and carvings, metallic jewellery, coloured rock paintings, avionics and navigation on one side and rich knowledge of nature and bioscience applications for human cloning are as amusing as the wonder that was India. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
India’s Glorious Track Record of S&T Innovations Capabilities like Rama Setu penetrating deep into the sea, connecting Dhanushkoti at India’s sea coast to Sri Lanka, floating of stones on the sea surface, guided missiles fired by Ravana and equally matched by the firepower of the highly sophisticated warfare launched by Rama including the Brahmastra, capable of devastating a major portion of the universe are some of the finest examples of S&T innovations. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
India’s Glorious Track Record of S&T Innovations Goddess Sita, the daughter of the famous king Janaka taking birth from an earthen pot, that too buried in the open crop field, sounding like a test tube baby of the modern times, 5 sons of Kunti in the Mahabharta taking birth as tailor made human beings, equally matched by 100 Kaurva sons of Gandhari are the glimpses of a highly advanced and sophisticated biotech development of the Ramayana and Mahabharta period. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
India’s Glorious Track Record of S&T Innovations Naturally all this was supported by policy framework on S&T innovations that the ancient India had which enabled the creation of power of science and might of technology together for the wonder that was India. “JnanaVijnanaSamahita” – Was the buzz during Mahabharata time as evident from BhagvadGita. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Post Independent India’s Impressive Record of S&T Development Nehru’s Vision of S&T led growth and development. Rise of DRDO, BARC, ISRO, CSIR and the DST all owe to Nehru’s tryst with Destiny propelled by his love for cultivation of Science and Scientific temper coupled with technology development. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Post Independent India’s Impressive Record of S&T Development For Nehru S&T were inseparable and often interchangeable. For instance, at CSIR the emphasis was on cultivation of science and the development of technology together in all its laboratories. Likewise, at ISRO and BARC the scientists and engineers worked together with a mission mode on each project. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Post Independent India’s Impressive Record of S&T Development India’s institutional arrangement for cultivation of science and for the development of technology was highly impressive as compared to even advanced countries of the world. Scientific and technological development in India was also closely linked to the paradigm of self-reliance in strategic sectors. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Post Independent India’s Impressive Record of S&T Development The weakness of the S&T policy in addressing certain core issues such as energy security, environmental sustainability, water security, innovativeness of the core industry and growth of India as innovation capital of the world is however, well voiced by many. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
10 Major Issues at Hand 1.India’s continued march as the world’s fastest growing economic power requires easy and cost effective supply of technological innovations driven by scientific quest and service to society. 2.Scientific enquiry and scientific research has to align to the needs of the society and industry relevance. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
10 Major Issues at Hand 3.The hubs of talent and innovative genius i.e. the colleges and universities are to be part of a vibrant ecosystem for S&T innovations and techno-entrepreneurship. 4.Working in isolation is no more relevant. India’s science and technology policy should foster collaborative research, market driven innovations and new product development. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
10 Major Issues at Hand 5.The recognition that the boundary between science and technology has disappeared giving way to technology tempered scientific research and science based technology development. India is yet to evolve such a mindset in its research laboratories and universities. 6.Inter-disciplinaryness of science and technology is yet another major issue today to meet the challenge of quality, cost, technology and product innovation cycle. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
10 Major Issues at Hand 7.S&T as drivers of the growth of techno-entrepreneurship infinite is what is required and not just research publications and completion of research projects. 8.S&T as an enabler of the growth of a civic society tuned to the objective of serving the self, society and nature. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
10 Major Issues at Hand 9.The dream of a developed and prosperous India can only be realized when India has its billion people engaged in cultivation of fair prosperity and happiness as against unfair prosperity and plenty of unhappiness as of today. 10.The ethical dimension of S&T developments and professional morals of S&T workforce is yet another, rather highly important issue for India. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
05 Major Thrust Needed for India’s STI Policy: 1. Promoting and fostering interdisciplinary environment for technology innovations. 2. Major thrust on relevance driven excellence. 3. Clear emphasis on technology incubation, new product development, growth of start-up companies and technology transfer needed. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
05 Major Thrust Needed for India’s STI Policy: 4. Policy framework for establishment of Knowledge and Innovation Parks in institutions of higher learning and technological Universities should be an integral part of the New S&T Policy. 5. The new S&T Policy should not lose focus on the emergence of the 3rd Industrial Revolution powered by energy entrepreneurship for the masses and penetration of knowledge industry and manufacturing deep into the rural areas. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Expectations of Academia from the New STI Policy Support for research and innovations from UG level onwards – support for student innovation teams, support for participation of UG and PG students in national and international Conferences. Support for world-class Design Engineering Centre and world-class Test Houses in Universities and Institutions of repute. Continuation of support for thrust area researchinvolving interdisciplinary research teams – jointly led by faculty and industry associates. Support for international collaboration especially in areas of high relevance to India. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Expectations of Academia from the New STI Policy S&T Policy as an enabler of the growth of New Engineering (Mind Engineering, Medical Engineering, Sports Engineering, Music Engineering, Molecular Manufacturing, Nano Machines and Devices, Smart and Intelligent Machines capable of surpassing human capabilities, Rehabilitation Engineering etc.). Initial support for IPR Cell and Ideation Centres. Support for establishment of Technology Incubators and Knowledge and Innovation Parks in Universities and Institutions of High Repute. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
DTU – Lockheed Martin UAS Team Designed and Developed Next Generation UAV for Urban Application Lockheed Martin - DTU, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Team made a presentation to the Hon’ble Lt. Governor Delhi Shri Tejendra Khanna at Raj Niwas. The inter-disciplinary team of DTU has designed and developed a Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to cater for surveillance applications in urban areas. The UAV comprises of a fixed winged aircraft of approximately 12ft span weighing around 36 kilograms equipped with sensing, imaging and surveying capabilities and could fly upto 20000 feets of altitude with a payload of 17 kilograms. The prototype has been flight tested in Urban Areas of Delhi and Gurgaon. Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
DTU UAS Team Scored 3rd Position in the World Competition after Cornell and California State University DTU UAV Team returns from Maryland, USA scoring 3rd Place in the AUVSI International Competition – June 2012 Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
DTU Solar Car for World Solar Challenge, Australia 2011 Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Glimpses of DTU Innovations Solar Car Rally at Rajpath on 25th June, 2012 Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Formula Student Car of DTU for SAE International Competition, Silverstone UK July 2012 Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Making Delhi A Innovation Capital - Innovations at DTU Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Concluding Remarks STI policy to empower India with Relevance led Excellence. STI policy to empower Universities to Create Power of Science and Might of Technology together. STI policy to foster a new era of Technology tempered Scientific research and science tempered Technology Innovations. Just imagine what DTU could have done if we has a Knowledge and Innovation Park in DTU
THANK YOUfor Your Precious Time Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012
Contact Info Prof. P.B. Sharma Vice-Chancellor vcdtu@dce.edu, pbsharma48@yahoo.co.in www.dce.edu Ph.: 011-27871018, Fax: 011-27871023 Prof. P.B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, DTU at Stakeholders Consultation on STI Policy at FICCI – July 9, 2012