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The paleo diet is a diet that mimics the eating habits of our caveman ancestors. They ate lots of meat, fat and vegetables and had access to some fruits and nuts, yet they where healthy as can be. Learn about what we're doing wrong that makes for so many sick people today. See http://thepaleodiet.net for more
The Paleo diet Get in shape while being the healthiest you've ever been
What is the Paleo diet? * A lifestyle more than a diet * You get to eat, without restriction or calorie counting : • Meat (Beef, pork, chicken, bison, turkey, eggs, ...) • Fish (Salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, sardines, ...) • Fresh fruits (Grapes, berries, grapefruits, bananas, oranges, apples, ...) • Fresh vegetables (Cucumbers, Avocados, tomatoes, winter and summer squashes, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, celery, ...) • Good fats (Olive oil, coconut oil, flax seed oil, avocado oil, lard, duck fat, beef fat, ...) • Nuts and seeds (Almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, pecans, ...)
What is the Paleo diet? * You eliminate problematic foods: • Added sugar (Sodas, sweeteners, candies, sugary snacks, ...) • Processed food (Prepackaged food, food with additives, ...) • Trans fats and vegetable oils (Corn oil, soy oil, peanut oil) • Grains (Wheat, oats, barley, corn, ...) • Dairy (Milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, ...) • Legumes (Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, kidney beans, black eyed peas, ...)
What is the Paleo diet? *Our ancestors ate this way, so they evolved over 2 million years to eat this way. Only recently have we changed drastically the way we eat and started getting sick, fat, depressed and out of shape * The Paleo diet is alow carb diet, but you can still eatplenty of fruit and vegetables * You get togorge on all the good meat, fish and good fats that you want, and the variety is plentiful. *Never count caloriesagain in your life * No more never ending gym sessions. Diet is more than80% of your body composition success
The problem with today's diet Way too much sugar and carbohydrate : • Our ancestors rarely had sugar, fruit was a luxury. Today, all our meals are carbohydrate based (toasts, sandwiches, pasta dishes, rice dishes, potatoes, chips, ...) • Carbohydrate triggers insulin and too much insulin overtime leads to fat gain, inflammation, diabetes and heart conditions. Antinutriants and irritants from grains and legumes: • Neither us nor almost any mammal has to digestive system to digest properly all the grains that we eat. They carry antinutriants in their composition especially for protection against animals eating them. • Over time, they irritate the gut lining leading to leaky gut problems, crohn's disease, nutrient malabsorption, ... • They contribute to the excess carbohydrate
The problem with today's diet (2/2) Dairy products from other animals was never consumed by our ancestors: • Most people after the age of two can no longer digest lactose, one of milk's sugar, properly. • This leads to all kind of digestive problems • It irritates the gut lining • A lot of people also have problems with Casein, one of the main protein in milk.
Why the Paleo diet works? * You control your carb intake and get better insulin response witch lead to fat loss while maintaining or gaining muscle mass. * Your body gets plenty of protein to build muscles and new cells * You get plenty of good fats, witch your body adores when the fats come from good sources * You get a lot of nutrients not only from the meat, but all the vegetables and fruits
The truth is now unavoidable * For years, doctors and dietary recommendations have been dead wrong: • What started as a way to save money and produce surplus in the food chain ended up ruining our lives and health • Our diet is so different then what our body is used to process it's no wonder we feel bad, get sick and get fat * The truth is now unavoidable and people are starting to realize the mistake our society made * So called "experts" said too much protein and too much fat is bad! • Then the humans that we evolved from ate badly for millions of years? Meat and fat from meat was their staple and their favorite source of food. • Those early humans where in a super shape and health problems where very rare, some of them completely non-existent.
The truth is unavoidable (2/2) * In the last 30 years the recommendations have been shifting to lower and lower fat and higher and higher carb intake: • We have more obesity now than ever in the history of mankind • We have more diabetes now than ever in the history of mankind • We have more heart conditions now than ever in the history of mankind • We have more depression, mental illnesses, arthritis, crohn's disease, osteoporosis, dental problems, ... You get the point! * The truth is staring at us and laughing at people who don't get it * Evidence of mammals getting sick when you change their original and natural diet is plentiful.
Points to consider * Once you've tried it for a month, you'll never go back! There is adaptation for the first couple of weeks though, but you'll soon get over it * Saturated fat, the fat abundant in meat, is not the monster we made it, but it's extremely important that you get premium quality meat. Focus on free range animals, grass fed beef and try to go for organic meats whenever you can. Avoid animals treated with growth hormones and fed corn and soy based diets at all cost. • You're not only helping the environment by doing that but you're doing a service to yourself • Another example of animals getting sick on an unoriginal diet, factory farmed animals, shows again that changing what we are supposed to eat causes problems
Points to consider (2/3) * Go with wild caught fishes whenever possible. * Here's what happen to the fat in farmed fishes and factory farmed animals: • All the toxins from hormones and antibiotics fed to them get stored in the fat, and we consume it when you eat the fat. Fat is where toxins gets stored. • Their unnatural diet causes their fat ratio to be screwed and the fat contains way too much omega-6s and way too few omega-3s • This screwed ratio is an other big problem for us today. Most diseases is rooted in an inflammation of some sort and omega-6s are pro-inflammatory. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory!
Points to consider (3/3) * This omega-3/omega-6 ratio is more important than you might think • Along with too much insulin from all the carbs, antinutriants and irritants from grains, legumes and dairy, it's the third factor causing all the problems we see today. • In today's diet, we can easily get 20 times more omega-6 than omega-3 • Our ancestors had a ratio of about 1:1! * Ways to get more omega-3 in your diet • Eat wild caught and fatty fishes regularly (Salmon, sardines, mackerel) • Eat free range animals raised without antibiotics and hormones and fed natural diets • Choose eggs from free range chicken, with added omega-3 if possible • Get a good quality fish oil supplement in your diet.
Finals words * I wish you to best of luck in your health journey and I hope for everyone to experience great vibrant health and a shape that turns heads! * My final advice would be to stay open minded, seek scientific evidence behind your choices and test out things for yourself before ruling them out. * Cheers to good health and great food! Visit ThePaleoDiet.net for more!