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The client as partner in care

The client as partner in care. Ana TALOS Lille Catholic University MSc.European Social Work. The care relation. Help (lat.« adjutare ») means join his efforts, give support to somebody in need. Middle Age

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The client as partner in care

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  1. The client as partner in care Ana TALOS Lille Catholic University MSc.European Social Work

  2. The care relation Help (lat.«adjutare») means join his efforts, give support to somebody in need. • Middle Age • XIXth century The care relation is a helping process in which a person is bringed up to make new acquisitions in order to accomplish their needs and to resolve their problems.

  3. Carer and cared person « It is not because the clients don’t pay the social intreventions that they are supposed to be quet »  (Jean-René LOUBAT) • Carer – high position, « the Expert » Cared- not capable to deal with his problems • Carer- horizontal level with the cared person, in an ethical position of solidarity, sharing the action with the client

  4. The client-social worker relation Different approaches of the participation of the clients in the care process: • the social protectionism • the professionalism • the consumerist model • the managerialism • the participationism

  5. Partnership • The latin signification of partnership,« partitio » (share a booty) becomes in 18th century « undivided propietor of a good » • « A voluntarily cooperative approche in which are involved persons or groups brought to work together » • « a minimum negotiated united action »

  6. Legal framework International legislation: • Declarations • Conventions French legislation: • L75/1975; L 120/1991 • L 2/2002

  7. 2/2002 law principles • Professional ethics in practice • Equal dignity of the people • Information about social intervention, deriving rights and dutys • Research of a clear consent • Respect of the individual rights and liberties

  8. 2/2002 law instruments • The charter of rights and liberties • The mediator • The welcome brochure • The functioning rules • The council for social participation • The contract

  9. The contract. A partnership tool « because no men has a natural authority over his fellow human being and because the force never gives any rights, it only remains the conventions like foundation of all Legitimate authority among the people » (Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du contrat social) The contract means a mutual agreement that seals a transaction and definies the modalities of exchange, the responsabiblities, the rights and obligations of the parties. Social field is an excange market relationship between the professionals and the clients.

  10. The contract. A partnership tool The contract concretises the partnership in a « face-to-face » relation in which the two parties regain their prerogatives, their roles and their dignity: • For the client: gives a content and a meaning to the citizenship • For the professional: gives a readability and traceability of their work

  11. The contract. A partnership tool The client-professional partnership means: • reciprocity • responsability • negociation • exchange from an equal level • projet of the client himself, not made for the client, but with the client • mutual limits and constraints

  12. The contract. A partnership tool The main strenghts of the contract: • client mobilisation • discourage the dependence • give security and obtain rapid results • measure all the way done

  13. Conclusion Making a contract in social work mark an essential turning point in social intervention, is bringing in a new type of partnership, between the professionals and the clients, a less stigmatised and more negociated relationship.

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