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Tell me about yourself. Review. Well, my name is…. Tell me about yourself. Personal information. Well, my name is…. Greetings. Good morning. am Good afternoon. pm Good evening. pm. Greetings. I’m fine, thanks. And you? Very well, thank you. How are you?.
Tell me about yourself Review Well, my name is…
Tell me about yourself Personal information Well, my name is…
Greetings Good morning. am Good afternoon. pm Good evening. pm
Greetings • I’m fine, thanks. And you? • Very well, thank you. How are you? Hello ! Hi !
Farewells Good night. Good bye. See you soon. See you tomorrow.
Introducing oneself How do youdo? My nameis Priscilla. I’m Priscilla. Nice to meet you.
Introducing others Nice to meet you. This is my friend, Sue. Nice to meet you, too.
personal details • describing family members & friends • present activities & likes • past activities & memories • future activities Giving personal information
greetings nationality Phone number origin Personal details marital status occupation name age address
Describing people physically • What do/does … look like? • tall short • pretty ugly • handsome adjectives
Describing personality traits • What is/ are … like? • smart • important • intelligent adjectives
We use the simplepresent to talk about permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines.
Daily activities & routines A: What do you do every day? B: I go to school in the morning and practice sports in the afternoon.
How often do you study? Work? goto Parties? Read?
always 100% usually often 80% 60% sometimes 50% rarely never 20% 0%
I usuallygo to parties. frequency adverb action verb + I amsometimes at home. verb To Be frequency adverb +
Usually, I go to parties. frequency adverb action verb
Time expressions every day on Sunday, Monday… in the morning/ afternoon/ evening
In the simple present tense we add –s to the verbs in the third person singular (he/she/it).
To express likes and dislikes subject + like /love…. subject + dislike/hate don’t/doesn’t like E.g. I like novels. But I don’t like comedies.
To express likes and dislikes I love to read novels. She likes to dance. But she does not like to sing. She hates to be late.
The Present Continuous Tense is used to: 1. a) express actions happening at the moment of speaking. 1.b) refer to actions that are happening about the moment of speaking. 2. Refer to actions that are going to take place in the near future.
I’m teach ing now . Action Verb + (-ing) Subject Time Expression Verb To Be I’mflying home nextSaturday.
Expressions of time now at the moment at present Spelling swimming travelling die-dying drive-driving
Be+going to is used : • to speak about future plans and intentions. • when there’s evidence that something will definitely happen.
Structure Subject+ + + going to main verb verb to be e.g. Peter isgoing tostudy chemistry this afternoon.
Will is used to: • make predictions. • to make on-the-spot decisions.
Structure Subject+ + main verb will e.g. Amy will visit her grandmother tomorrow afternoon.
Time Expressions tomorrow year next week month Saturday
should • must • have to Asking for and giving advice
Must and have to • Mustisonlyused in thepresent tense. • Haveto /has tobecomeshadtoin thepast.
Example Brian has a terrible pain in hisrightarm. He mustseea doctor.
Example The doctor said: ¨You must stop smoking .¨
Example You have to lose weight. So, youshould eat vegetables.
We use the simple past to speak about actions that finished at a stated time in the past.
Form action verb (past form) subject + I worked.
Time Expressions yesterday year last week month Saturday
Used to… … refers to past habits or things that do not happen anymore. I used to sleep for long hours. (I do not do it anymore).
To ask Yes/No questions Aux. + subject + verb+timeexpr. Do youstudyeveryday? Doesshestudyeveryday? Willyouplaytennistomorrow? Didshe dance lastnight?
To ask Yes/No questions Isshe at home in themorning? Are theyplayingnow? Isshegoingtostudytomorrow? Wereyou at theballgamelastnight? Wassheat theballgamelastnight?
To ask information questions Wh question + aux. +subject + main verb + expression of time? What do you do everyday? Wheredidyougoyesterday? Whenwillyouvisityourfriend?
To ask information questions Wh question + verbBE +subject? Whois he?
They are talking aboutactivities: a.______happening at the moment of speaking. b._____that happened sometime in the past___ c.In the future
Tick the correct tense that is used. ___ simple present ___ simple past ___ future ____present continuous