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Is Life Dissatisfaction the Opposite of Life Satisfaction

Is Life Dissatisfaction the Opposite of Life Satisfaction. Melanie Davern & Robert A. Cummins School of Psychology, Deakin University. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index. Quarterly surveys since April 2001 of 2000 Australians All participants invited to remain involved in a longitudinal study

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Is Life Dissatisfaction the Opposite of Life Satisfaction

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  1. Is Life Dissatisfaction the Opposite of Life Satisfaction Melanie Davern & Robert A. Cummins School of Psychology, Deakin University

  2. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index • Quarterly surveys since April 2001 of 2000 Australians • All participants invited to remain involved in a longitudinal study • Data collected in November 2002 from Survey 4 of the Index

  3. Australian Unity Wellbeing Index • Personal Wellbeing is the average level of satisfaction across 7 domains: • Standard of living • Health • Achievements in life • Personal relationships • Community connectedness • Safety • Future security • Additional global life satisfaction item

  4. The Assessment of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction • Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction ratings of all PWB and global “Life as a whole” items • Total sample of 518 split into 2 samples according to response scales • Unipolar and bipolar response scales

  5. Satisfaction Response Scales • BIPOLAR: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely Completely Dissatisfied Satisfied • UNIPOLAR: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not at All Completely Satisfied Satisfied

  6. Dissatisfaction Response Scales • BIPOLAR: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely Completely Dissatisfied Satisfied • UNIPOLAR: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not at All Completely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

  7. Circumplex Theory of Affect ACTIVATED High NA High PA Activation Valence PLEASANT UNPLEASANT Low PA Low NA DEACTIVATED Russell (1980)

  8. Unipolar Response Scale:Bipolar Relationship Completely Satisfied r = -1.00 Not at all Satisfied Not all Dissatisfied Completely Dissatisfied

  9. Unipolar Response Scale:Bipolar Continuum & Mutually Exclusive Completely Satisfied r = -.47 Not at all Satisfied Not all Dissatisfied Completely Dissatisfied

  10. UNIPOLAR DATA (N=297)

  11. BIPOLAR DATA (N=221)

  12. Correlations - Unipolar

  13. Unipolar Response Scale Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

  14. Correlations - Bipolar

  15. Bipolar Response Scale Satisfaction Dissatisfaction

  16. Satisfaction (72.63) Dissatisfaction (27.16) 0% 100% Balance between Satisfaction & DissatisfactionUsing a Unipolar Scale

  17. Conclusions • Use of unipolar response scales in affect theory research • Inverse relationship between life satisfaction and dissatisfaction

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