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    1. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." PEER COACHING USING VIDEO-TAPED LESSONS: GORDON’S MODEL FOR ENHANCING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Presenter: Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT (2001) NBPTS Conference July, 2009

    2. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Introductions Presenter introduction Participants introduction –introduce yourself and tell one thing that drives you Ice-Breaker

    3. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Peer Coaching Using Video-Taped Lessons: Gordon’s Model for Enhancing Professional Practice. Objectives: Participants will - Understand what is peer coaching Identify the benefits of Peer Coaching Develop an interest to participate in PC Collaborate with peers reflectively Integrate technology in a new way –video-taping “Build communities of teachers who continually engage in the study of their own practice” Know & practice NBPTS 5 Core Propositions

    4. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Research Question -Ponder How, and to what extent will peer coaching using video-taped lessons enhance the professional practice of (Apple Hill) school teachers and impact students’ learning and performances generally as well as their performances on state standardized tests? Personal –What do I want to know about my teaching practice? How do I do it better?

    5. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." NBPTS Five Core Propositions Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring students learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers are members of learning communities

    6. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." What is Peer Coaching? Activity Collaborating –small groups: What is peer coaching and what does it look like? Share with the large group.

    7. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." What is Peer Coaching? Peer coaching is an effective in-service model for teachers at all experience levels making it attractive for use with pre-service, novice, and seasoned teachers, (Hasbrouck & Christen, 1997).

    8. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." What is Peer Coaching? Peer coaching is a strategy in which teachers are paired with other teachers for the purpose of observing each other in the classroom. Then, based on the results of that observation, the teachers assist each other to develop or improve their instructional skills, which in turn, have been proven to increase teacher effectiveness (Hasbrouck & Christen, 1997).

    9. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." What is Peer Coaching? Peer coaching can be used to enhance instruction for a variety of teaching professionals including teachers, student teachers, and paraprofessionals. There is a growing body of literature which uncovers the benefits of peer coaching.

    10. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Historical Perspectives of PC Teacher coaching originated as a staff development technique designed to enhance effective teaching behavior (Showers, 1985). Peer coaching emerged as an accepted practice in the development and supervision of educators in the 1980s (Brandt, 1987).

    11. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Purposes of Peer Coaching The purposes of coaching include: (1) To build communities of teachers who continually engage in the study of their craft. It is an interactive, reciprocal relationship among professionals; (2) To develop the shared language and set of common understandings necessary for the collegial study of new knowledge and skills; (3) To provide a structure for the follow up to training that is essential for acquiring new teaching skills and strategies (Showers, 1985).

    12. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Gordon’s Model Peer Coaching Using Video-Taped Lessons: Gordon’s Model for Enhancing Professional Practice. A professional development strategy grounded in 5 core propositions* http://nbpts.org/ State standards –check your state’s standards* http://www.nsdc.org/standards/index.cfm content, context & process standards: Staff development that improves the learning of all students

    13. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Gordon’s PC Model A continuous cycle of improvement Three (3) components Make a list of what takes place at each stage.

    14. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Continuous Cycle of Improvement Plan –pre-assess, goals, objectives, resources, procedure, evaluation, activities, groups Teach –explicit instruction, facilitate, monitor, support, assess, modify, model, re-teach Reflect –view video, identify strengths, weaknesses, & challenges, make decision, journaling

    15. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Continuous Cycle - contintus Comprehensive Sustainable Peer coaching An effective learning community Trust building Open mind to learning Professional growth Improved teaching and learning

    16. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Group Activity –Benefits of PC In what ways will video-PC improve teachers’ performances? How will students benefit? How will the local school benefit? What impact will video-PC have on professional development? To what extent will video-PC impact the curriculum?

    17. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." BENEFITS of PC to TEACHERS Reflect on practice Build & enhance staff morale Identify strengths and weaknesses/challenges Enrich staff collaboration Conversation is thought provoking Appreciation of others’ strengths Establish a video library Opportunity to observe others teach A chance to self-correct Brainstorm for other examples

    18. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." BENEFITS: ESTABLISH A VIDEO LIBRARY Check out tapes from the Video Library on specific content lessons and view them in the privacy of your own classroom or home Eliminates for and intimidation of verbally asking for help from your peers Collaborate with the teacher whose lesson you observed for additional support if needed View for classroom management strategies View for “best practice” content strategies

    19. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." BENEFITS of PC to STUDENTS Academic behavior: Teacher & students view taped lesson*** Students develop note taking skills Unique way of reviewing the lesson Concept taught may become clearer Accommodates various learning styles Promotes skills: listening, viewing, writing & speaking Learn to pose analytical questions Motivates learning Develops critical thinking

    20. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." BENEFITS of PC to STUDENTS Academic behavior Continues: Students enjoy seeing themselves participating in the lesson Enhances collaboration and team work Creates opportunities for student leadership Self-esteem and Social Behavior: Students demonstrate a sense of pride by staying focused on their work Increased self-esteem, effect behavior change They are more willing to help others –peer tutor

    21. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." BENEFITS of PC to the SCHOOL Boost staff morale and collaboration Data collection Use data to inform instruction Identify teachers’ areas of strengths (when we build on the strengths over time the weaknesses will fade away. Gordon, 2006)

    22. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." BENEFITS of PC to the SCHOOL Provides information in planning for professional development needs Establish video library as a resource Indirect mentoring strategy Technology integration Use taped lesson in support session with new, and inexperienced teachers

    23. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." TECHNIQUES OF VIDEO TAPING CLASSROOM TEACHING Do not edit the tape (stop & go) Teacher must be seen/visible Capture the faces of the students Zoom in and out when necessary Lighting is important Obtain written parental permission to video-tape students

    24. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Model a Peer Coaching Session Dr. Gordon models what a peer coaching session is likely to look like. Needs a volunteer as a partner.

    25. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." SUPPORT: Enlist support staff members to assist with video-taping if needed Upper grades could have students assist with technology –video-taping Take “Baby Steps”: View your tape by yourself & with class View your tape with a trusted friend View your tape on a grade level basis View your tape with the staff Provide a tape in the Video Library

    26. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." Debrief/Reflect – Small Group My grade level will benefit from video-peer coaching in many ways including … I will introduce video-peer coaching as a professional development strategy to my (grade level, school, etc.) because … Video-peer coaching is an opportunity to integrate technology in new ways that will include … PC will impact students’ learning …

    27. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF PC Askvig, & Garnes, (1999) 1) Meet with your partner 2) Decide who will be “coach” and who will be “coachee.” The “coach” should maintain the role of facilitator. 3) Discuss the teaching behavior the “coachee” decided to target for that lesson. 4) Define measurable student outcomes which would indicate- 5) Brainstorm ideas for how to collect data. Consider the dynamics of the teaching behavior. You may choose to measure rate, fluency, duration –time on task, questioning, management styles, among other behaviors.

    28. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF PC (5A) Consider the dynamics of the teaching behavior. You may choose to measure rate, fluency, duration, among other behaviors. Make sure data collected will tell you if your teaching was effective. (6) Design data collection sheet. (7) Set dates, times, and places. (8) The coach observes the coachee teaches. (9) The coach provides data from the observation to the coachee. (10) Use the data to change your teaching behavior. Choose specific teaching behavior you want to practice and perfect it.

    29. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." FINAL THOUGHT If we build on the strengths, over time, the weaknesses will fade away. (Dr. Gordon, Jasmine R., 10-06-06). Please complete the feedback sheet. THANK YOU MUCH! Dr. Jasmine Gordon P. O. Box 360388 Decatur, GA 30036 jrgordon@bellsouth.net

    30. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, NBCT 2001 "Excellence is purposeful." FINAL THOUGHT “Teach to touch the future.” Ponder: Am I teaching for tomorrow, today? Please complete the feedback sheet. THANK YOU MUCH! Dr. Jasmine Gordon P. O. Box 360388 Decatur, GA 30036 jrgordon@bellsouth.net

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