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polymer dynamics & field cycling NMR. - glass transition - dynamics in polymer melts analyzing T 1 relaxation. E.A. Rössler Experimentalphysik II, Universität Bayreuth, Germany. a rheological crossover in the viscosity of polymer melts. M < M c : M 1
polymer dynamics & field cycling NMR - glass transition - dynamics in polymer melts analyzing T1 relaxation E.A. Rössler Experimentalphysik II, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
a rheological crossover in the viscosity of polymer melts M < Mc: M1 M > Mc: M(3.4-3.7 Mc: „entanglement M“ Berry and Fox 1968
two microscopic theories for explaining two rheological regimes rheological behavior changes at entanglement molecular weight Mc M < Mc: Rouse theory (1953) M > Mc: tube reptation theory (deGennes 1979, Doi/Edwards 1987)
Rouse model (M < Mc): bead & spring model in a viscous medium entropic force constant:
Rouse model II: calculating correlation function of normal mode coordinates neglecting inertia effects, (overdamped oscillations due to viscous medium) and continuous chain decoupled relaxation („breathing“) modes
Rouse -1/2 1 <R2> lgt 1/2 lgt Rouse model III – results a.) mean square segment displacement b.) correlation function of tangent vector b
Rouse modell IVscaling arguments yielding more and more segments are dragged cf. T. Springer, IFF-Ferienkurs 1994
Rouse glassy & Rouse dynamics mean square segmental displacement <r2(t)> = g1(t) MD simulations (Binder et al. 2003) - ballistic regime: t2 - cage regime to - sub-diffusive Rouse regime: t1/2 - hydrodynamic regime: (t ): <r2> = 6 D t
accounting for entanglement effects: deGennes´ idea: tupe-reptation model forecast: M3(exp.: M3.60.2) D M-2 (exp.: D M-2.2)
from Rouse to entanglement dynamics hierachy of power-laws is expected mean square rank-two displacementorientational correlation function (courtesy K. Saalwächter) regime II and III:
shear modulus lg G(t) lg t What mechanical relaxations do we expect in polymers? Rouse entanglement simple liquid = „glassy dynamics“ (-process) M <MRM >MRM >Me
bead-and-spring model JCP evidence of tube
fast or electronic field cycling NMR:powerful tool for investigating polymer dynamics since 2005 in Bayreuth (EPII) Doi, M.; Edwards, S.F. The Theory of Polymer Dynamics; Oxford 1986. Binder, K., Baschnagel, J., Paul, W. Progr. Polym. Sci. 28, 115 (2003) Kimmich, R., Fatkullin, N. Adv. Polym. Sci. 170, 1 (2004) Greassley, W.W. Polymer Liquids & Ntworks: Dynamics and Rheology, Garland 2008 Kruk D.; Herrmann, A.; Rössler, E.A.Progr..NMR Spectroscopy 63,33 (2012) Bayreuth (EP II; FFC NMR and DS): Kariyo et al. Phys. Rev. Lett.97, 207803 (2006) Kariyo et al. Macromolecules41, 5313 dito 41, 5322 (2008) Herrmann et al. Macromolecules42, 2063 dito 42, 5236 (2009) Abou Elfadl et al. Macromolecules42, 6816 (2009) dito 43, 3340 (2010) Herrman et al. Macromolecules45, 1408 dito 45, 6516 (2012) Hofmann et al. Macromoleces45, 2390 (2012) Kruk, Meier, Rössler, J. Phys. Chem. B115, 951 (2011) Meier, Kruk, Rössler, J. Chem. Phys.136, 034508 (2012) Kruk, Meier, Rössler, PRE 85, 020201 (2012) Meier et al. ACS MacroLetters 2, 96 (2013)
N-0 N+0 nuclear spin in external magnetic field B0
impact of pulses RF probe pulse (B1 field) turns Mz into x,y-planeafter pulse: magnetization precesses with Land decays freely: free induction decay (FID) FID amplitude M0
signal detection precessing magnetization induces NMR signal S(t) in RF coil perpendicular to Bz=B0
Mz M0 M0 (1- e-1) t T1 spin-lattice relaxation What re-establishes Mz and Boltzmann distribution of Ni? no spontaneous emission relevance of internal relaxation processes due to coupling of spins with “lattice”
source of spin-lattice interaction: dipolarly coupled spins simplest case: pair of spins fixed by distance r fluctuation of orientation () produces Bloc(t) driving transitions in 4-level-system of spin pairs T1 relevant: intensity of fluctuations at L and 2L
Bloembergen, Purcell, Pound theory (BPP) isotropic liquid: 1/T1 probes spectral densityJi() at L=B0and2L a noise probing experiment
correlation function CAA(t)describes equilibrium fluctuations of the quantity A stationary process:
correlation function, spectral density, susceptibility a measure of the fluctuation of A with frequency
What is a susceptibilty? relaxation experiment: equilibrium disturbed by applying AC field and response measured
fluctuation-dissipation theorem linear response theory dissipation fluctuations in equilibrium (with exciting field) (without field)
some important properties „normalized“ „time constant“
simplest case: „Debye relaxation“ solution of rotational diffusion equation
dielectric spectroscopy probing susceptibility related to reorientational correlation function C1(t)
frequency-temperature superposition (FTS) spectral shape is independent of or T feature commonly observed for glassy and polymer dynamics
1H NMR in polymers: probing fluctuation of bond vector segmental correlation function C2(t)
Mz T1 Mz polarization Mz detection T1 relaxation Mz T1 t T1 relaxation T1 frequency principle of field cycling NMR Larmor frequency becomes variable = Bo t
Bd Bp Br 90o Tx Acq basic FFC sequence switching time of Bo ~ 1.5 ms Bo/2 = = 10 kHz – 20 MHz FFC 2000 relaxometer (STELAR) operating in Bayreuth since 2005
similar relaxation behavior as revealed by dielectric spectroscopy DS behavior typical of glass formers
applying FTS yields master curves 5 - 6 decades in amplitude & frequency accessible at << 1 „simple liquid limit“
FFC NMR: 10-11s – 10-6 s NMR master curve yields time constant (T) agreement with results from other techniques non-Arrhenius behavior typical of glass transition
crossover from simple liquid to polymer melt master curves of a series of polybutadienes
crossover from simple liquid to polymer melt PB355 and PB466 show no polymer effect (like OTP)
crossover from simple liquid to polymer melt first polymer effect for PB777
crossover from simple liquid to polymer melt note: s(segmental time)assumed
crossover from simple liquid to polymer melt increasing contribution at low frequencies (<<1)
crossover from simple liquid to polymer melt saturation due to entanglement (M >> Me)