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What is a Hero?. Modern Day Heroes. A person who faces adversity and danger from a position of weakness An individual who regards others well being at the potential expense of their own People whose actions aren’t motivated by personal gain, but by a commitment to do what is right
Modern Day Heroes • A person who faces adversity and danger from a position of weakness • An individual who regards others well being at the potential expense of their own • People whose actions aren’t motivated by personal gain, but by a commitment to do what is right • People who put others needs ahead of their own
Captain Richard Phillips • Captain of the Alabama Maersk • Offered to stay as a hostage to secure the release of his crew • Navy snipers were able to kill the pirates and return Captain Phillips to his crew
Guadalupe Arizpe De La Vega • 74 year old grandmother who started a children’s hospital 30 years ago • Drives from El Paso into Juarez to run a hospital that will not turn anyone away • The hospital was born by a holy discontent regarding abortion • She wants the poorest people to have the best care, because they deserve it to
Susan Burton • Incarcerated 6 times in the Los Angeles area for prostitution and drug use • Started the organization “A New Way of Life Reentry Project” • She waits in the downtown bus terminal, where inmates are released with $200 and a manilla envelope • Worked as a live in caregiver until she could afford her first apartment. Stripped it and installed bunk beds.
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow • Scottish business man who saw the difficulty of children in Bosnia and planned a one time missions trip with clothing and supplies • Came home to a house full of additional supplies. • Quit his job and 22 trips later, has a network that enables him to feed over 400,000 children a day world wide through Mary’s Meals
Dan Wallrath • A general contractor who spent 30 years building high end homes for the wealthy in Texas • In 2005, dedicated his life to building homes for wounded veterans through Operation Finally Home • Used his network of contractors and builders supplies to build 9 homes so far, all at no cost to the vets
AnuradhaKoirala • CNN’s Hero of the year – 2010 • A 61 year old victim of domestic violenceand enraged by the sex trafficking in Nepal • Used her $100 per month salary to start a retail shop that employed sex traffic victims • Over 400 women currently in the program and the entire thing is led, funded by, and grown through victims and their children • Started social outreach into rural areas to educate
The greatest Hero of all - Jesus • Lived all His days in a place more wonderful than we could ever imagine – 1 Cor 2:9 • Laid down His deity to be born in a manger – Gal 4:4-6 • Gave 33 of life in the uncomfortable bondage of an earthly body – Phil 2:5-11 • Allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross to set us free from our sin – Heb 12:2 • Has given us the power to reach others with His message of hope and life – Acts 1:8