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Supplement to the agreement in principle on a merger of the Metalworking-Textiles´Union (GMT) and the Agriculture, Beverage, Food and Tobacco Workers´Union (ANG) Stand: 14.6.2005. Bodies. Central board : Branch div. Agr.: 2 Branch div. Food: 2 Branch div. Bev; Tobacco: 2 Vienna: 1
Supplement to the agreement in principle on a merger of the Metalworking-Textiles´Union (GMT) and the Agriculture, Beverage, Food and Tobacco Workers´Union (ANG) Stand: 14.6.2005
Bodies Central board: Branch div. Agr.: 2 Branch div. Food: 2 Branch div. Bev; Tobacco: 2 Vienna: 1 Lower Austria: 1 Upper Austria: 1 Salzburg: 1 Styria: 1 Women: 1 Members of Presidium: 3 Co-opted 3 (union employed) Honorary Chairs: 2 Auditing Comm.: 1 Arbitration 1 FCG 1 • Central board: at least. 12 + 3 Branch secretaries of the ANG (co-opted) • Presidium: 3 (1 of them Vice President) • Managing board:1 (ZS) • Regional/provincial executive: at least. 3 + secretaries (union officers) • Auditing commission: 1 (at least Vice-Chair.) • Arbitration: 1
1. Unsalaried functions • All former presidents/chairmen (at federal, regional level etc.) will be no less than Vice-Presidents/Chairmen in the new union
2. Salaried functions • The responsibilities of the current ANG Regional secretaries have to be redefined prior to the merger, while guaranteeing that the branch affiliation will be maintained. Losing the position of a Regional secretaries must not be result in income losses. A leeway might be that the job related bonus will become fixed part of their salaries . • All current secretaries of various branch divisions will be secretaries of the branch committees
3. Branches • At federal level an ANG sectoral committee for all the subsectors will deal with collective bargaining and branch-related issues • In addition, at federal and regional level subsector committees can be established (due to the variety of collective agreements of various subsectors) • The branch specific vocational committees and grants by the Chamber of Labour remain in the scope of influence and service of the ANG sectoral committee • The Chambers of Agriculture remain in the scope of influence of the sectoral committee/Agricultural section
4. Name • A new name, indicating a promising future for the union and integrating all represented sectors, has to be created +
5. Timeframe • Union Congress scheduled for November 2005 (+/- 6 months) • Regional conferences will be convened prior to the Congress • Conferences and Congress on a smaller scale • The Union Congress will focus on key issues • Celebration The time frame can be varied depending on the will of an additional union to join the merger .
6. Common office premises • A cost saving and practicable way of creating common office premise has to be found at central and regional level. Headquarters: Extension of the building on the amount, realised by the sale of the ANG headquarters. Cadastral entry. Regional offices: Lower Austria: OK Burgenland: OK Styria: OK Carinthia: OK Upper Austria: under way Salzburg: still open Tyrol: OK Vorarlberg: OK
7. Recreational/seminar center Hartberg • A long-term preservation of the building is intended, depends however on a new business and investment concept .
8. General affairs/Part1 • Job Positions, currently filled with ANG-representatives have to be reoccupied by nominees,proposed by the sectoral committee The same applies to all other joint bodies (including women, youth, pensioneers, political fractions) • Solifonds/Pius Schneeberger The property of the so-called Soli-Fonds will be merged with the property of the new union. This merger guarantees that all services will be fully maintained, as expenses for all kind of membership benefits will be covered by the joint union.
8. General affairs /Part 2 • Museum and historical archive • Branch specific legal representation • Servicing of works councils in company groups • Women-, youth-, and pensioneers departments • Political fractions