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Welcome to the Hall Of Weaponization During Cold War. Museum Entrance. Conventional Weapons. Thermonuclear Weapons. Heavy Weapons. Air-Force. Missiles . Curator’s Offices. Curator’s Office. Fidel Sairo.
Welcome to the Hall Of Weaponization During Cold War Museum Entrance Conventional Weapons Thermonuclear Weapons Heavy Weapons Air-Force Missiles Curator’s Offices
Curator’s Office Fidel Sairo Hello Welcome to my Hall Of Cold War Weapon Technologies from simple handguns to Weapons of Mass Destruction. As For I, I graduated James Madison University with a Doctorate in History and now direct Weapon Museums. 100021807@student.ccisd.net Return to Entry
[Room 1] Conventional Weapons Room 1 1 Return to Entry
Heavy Weaponry Room 2 Return to Entry
Thermonuclear Warheads Room 3 Return to Entry
AirForce Room 4 Return to Entry
Missiles Room 5 Artifact 21 Return to Entry
M-16 M16 was developed during the 1950s and were loved for their lightweight, accuracy and volume of fire as it could hold lots of rounds. It was gas operated and one could choose between semi-automatic and full automatic. It could also hold grenade launcher and multiple add ons. By 2010 it was getting phased out for the AR-15(civilian Variant) M4 Carbine Rifle. M16 battled in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan This Weapon Changed wars for its Fast, Accurate and large Magazines "M16 - Google Search." M16 - Google Search. Gunshero, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
AK-47 AK-47s are one of the most common weapons around the world named after its maker and year of creation There are between 75-100 million of these 1 in every 60 of the world. The Soviet Unions weapon of choice. And used in all the Soviet Satellites and allies. The United States shipped thousands of these to Afghanistan to combat the soviets who were fighting the Mujahidin's. Your text here Return to Exhibit
M1911 The M1911 was and still is the American Military Most trusted Secondary Weapon during combat. Built in 1911 as the name states Used During World War 1 & 2 and also during the proxy wars by Marines and American Personnel like Vietnam, The Koreas and other Battles. "M1911." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
PSM Pistol Built by the Russians in 1973 This Handgun became a staple for military, Police forces and even the Russian equivalent of The United States CIA, The KGB task force which didalot of espionage and spying secrets on the United States.This is a self reloading Handgun that is light and accurate which gives a good magazine capacity. Was also Personally used by the High Command Military personnel of the communist state "PSM Pistol." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
PT-76 Light Amphibious Tank This is a Russian Plavayushchiy Light Armor Amphibious Tank Created in the 1950s. Shipped to Vietnam, China, Korea, and other communist nations. It is a light Tank normally used in Reconnaissance, fire support and troop transport operations. It is still in service in over 25 countries and gives great mobility to an attacking force "PT-76 Light Amphibious Tank, Russia." Http://www.army-technology.com/. Army Technology, 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
M551 Sheridan M551 Sheridan Was an American Light Tank Which was developed to be light and maneuverable but still have good firepower and strength but its downside came during the Vietnam War in which it was completely outmatched and outgunned by Enemy tanks. Was revived During Operations Desert Shield in Saudi Arabia and Just Cause in Panama in1989 It is a Parachute Capabilities and used in Airborne Attacks Currently its been phased out in the Army only a few departments still own them. "M551 Sheridan." Flames Of War. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
T-54/55 Main Battle Tank T-54/55 Main Battle Tank Was and is the most used and common Tank. Created by the Russians/Soviets in 1949 They were used by the Soviets in the Invasion of Hungary in 1958 and saw action in Vietnam and other Nations it was praised for its power, versatility and strength although not as used as its successor currently. It made the Soviets a powerhouse • The Editors of Publications International, Ltd., Editors of Public Internation. "T-54/T-55 Main Battle Tank." HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks.com, 18 Nov. 2007. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
Artifact 8 Built at the end of the second world war it was supposed to combat Soviet Heavy Tanks but its maneuverability problems and lack of speed the tank needed more than 100 notifications to be declared capable for combat. The Tank saw some action in Vietnam before ultimately getting phased out for main battle tanks in 1972 Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit
W69 Thermonuclear Weapon The W69 Thermonuclear weapon that was created in the 1970s this Warhead was produced in mass production to comply with M.A.D(Muturly. Assured. Destruction) The United States Stoped making these Warheads after fear that it could catch fire and annihilate them during 1990 Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit
Boeing 86B/C It started in 1974 by BOEING This warhead is 3200 lbs. and self guided that attached to a warhead it also had electronic mapping that could tell where it was going and could fly more than 1500 miles by October of 1987 Boeing had built thousands of these Warheads. • "History." Boeing: AGM-86B/C Air-Launched Cruise Missile. Boeing, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
Hydrogen Bomb Instead of Fission Like the Atom Bomb the Hydrogen Bomb Fuses Hydrogen Isotopes to come together. It is 1000 times more powerful. When Detonated the center of the explosion is so hot that anything inside its center vaporizes living Condensed pressurized Gas laying behind the first Thermonuclear Bomb detonated was Entewak in the Marshall islands in 1952, Soviets detonated its bomb in 1953, Britain, France and China have detonated the bomb also and are part of the nations that admit to having the bomb who have come out and said they have them. • "2. Gone Fission." 2. Gone Fission. University Of Wisconsin, 01 Jan. 2003. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
Atomic Bomb The Atomic Bomb you could say was tested on Japan in 1945 so the United States could show the Russians that they have a weapon of mass destruction and they didn’t in 1947 the soviets detonated their own Bomb because of KGB Spies who infiltrated The Manhattan Project and cue the beginning of the Nuke Race to develop and stockpile More of this Weapons During the Cold War and still affects us today (Especially Japan) • Bellis, Marry. "History Of The Atomic Bomb & Manhattan Project." About.com. About.com, 06 Feb. 2013. Web. Return to Exhibit
F-86 Sabre Born in 1948 The F-86 sabre was a mixture of the XP-86 Prototype and German Swept Wing Design after the Fall of Nazi Germany Which Americans took the designs. The Sabre was mostly used and notorious in Korea as it won battles and forced a stalement its only competitor was the Soviet Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-15 “Fagot” "North American F-86 Sabre / FJ-2/3/4 Fury." Warbird Alley. DoubleStar Group, 2012. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
Gurevich MiG-15 “Fagot” The Gurevich MiG-15 nicknamed “fagot” was a soviet jet fighter that became the biggest challenge for the F-86-Sabre During the Korean War it forced a stalement in the war for the Koreas Since the Soviets never had the Turbo Jet designs During time of creation the Soviets Captured German scientists to the innovational German plane designs. The Soviets also got the British to hand them a license to the Rolls Royce Nene Turbo Jet Engine They were able to at times outmatch the American F-86-Sabre Jet. New1Superion2. "Great Planes Photo: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 "Fagot""Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 "Fagot" Fan Pop, 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
F-16 Fighting Falcon F-16 Fighting Falcon after the large success of the F-86 Sabre Under Pressure from the Military Department with budget cuts started creating Jets that allowed maneuverability speed, Precision and firepower as it took part in small conflicts around the world and also the late Vietnam war and Operation Desert Shield on Saudi Arabia. Austrua, Ardua Ad. "F-16 Fighting Falcon | Aircraft |." F-16 Fighting Falcon | Aircraft |. Fiddler Is Green, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
B-52 Stratosphere This Massive “fortress” B-52 that asserted American Dominance in the Sky especially in the Cold War Nuclear War Time that they existed in. First Flown in 1952 this behemoth is scheduled to stay in service until 2040 nearly 90 years since its conception. It could send Nuclear Arms when head to head missiles couldn’t. Although a Handful and hard to Control and maintain it has showed how its versatility has come to Americas Aid Especially in the Cold War "Boeing B-52 Stratofortress." - Aircraft Wallpapers. Superb Wallpapers, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
Soviet Air-Air Missile Soviet Air-Air Missile that was built in 1960. Most used by the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact Allies During the cold war. It was also exported to other soviet allies. It is a Heat seeking missile with a range of 7 KM in distance. It has been phased out by nations but still in use in second in line on older aircrafts "Thread: Rare/Unusual Loadouts." Military Photos RSS. Military Photos, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
Mk-143 Developed in the 1970s by the United States. It was built as a cruise missile which was launched from the ground to deliver Thermonuclear Warheads. It was Launched in 1982 in a test trial to see its capabilities Used by both the Navy and Air force. "MK-143 Armored Box Launcher." Seaforces.org. Seaforces, 01 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
SM-65 Atlas Built in 1957 it had the capabilities as a ballistic missile to Launch Warheads to any place on earth. The warheads in the missiles were 100 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki it was retired in 1965 to be converted its base to a launch pad for the space "Convair SM-65 Atlas ICBM." Britmodeller.com. Britmodeller, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit
RPG-7 One of the most well known weaponry on the planet this weapon originated in the Soviet Union which came from the German Paunzerfaust anti-tank weapon it was redesigned to the current RPG by the Soviets It was used during the Russian-Afghan War in Afghanistan it is one of the most used weapons now adopted by terrorist cells all over the world "RPG-7 Rocket Launcher." Playstationallstarswiki.com. Playstation Allstars Wikia, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. Return to Exhibit
Sarin Gas The Sarin Gas was originally made in Germany only as an insecticide but after world war II NATO made the gas the default chemical weapon but the united states and the soviet union began stockpiling it’s a colorless agent and odorless if inhaled it creates convulsions and leads to death • Horowitz, Alana. "Sarin Gas Gets A Lot Scarier Once You See What It Does To Humans — Take A Look." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Return to Entrance
Project 112/SHAD Project 112/SHAD Was a military chemical experimentation project that tested several Chemical Agents. It began during President John.F.Kenedy and secretary of defence Robert McNamara during the sixties all branches of the military and CIA contributed Staff and Resources to Set up and operate the Project. Many of the Participants had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. Some got terribly ill and in some cases they died. The U.S Government started to investigate these tests but downplayed the risks and deaths but participants claimed otherwise. There were 6000 US military personnel that were experimented on.Declassification of those documents were released • "Opsec News." Opsec News. Ospec News, 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Return to Entrance
USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2) First Ship turned into a full amphibious assault ship on September 17th 1960 to transport marine forces and land them anywhere in the world. It also has been used for search and rescues and ship refueling • Mizokami, Kyle. "Thoughts on a Japanese Marine Corps, #3: The MSDF." Japan Security Watch. Japan Security Watch, 25 Aug. 2010. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Return to Exhibit