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Welcome To the Fabulous Fourth Grade!!

Welcome To the Fabulous Fourth Grade!!. This year we are working towards becoming the Best-Version-of-Ourselves - Matthew Kelly, modern Catholic Apologist- During Religion class, students set goals to empower themselves to always do their Personal Best. 4A: Mrs. Bigney

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Welcome To the Fabulous Fourth Grade!!

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  1. Welcome To the Fabulous Fourth Grade!! This year we are working towards becoming the Best-Version-of-Ourselves -Matthew Kelly, modern Catholic Apologist- During Religion class, students set goals to empower themselves to always do their Personal Best.

  2. 4A: Mrs. Bigney Also teaches Social Studies 4B: Mrs. Casner Also teaches 4A Math and Science 4C: Mrs. Cooper Also teaches 4B Math and Science 4D Mrs. Hunzinger Also teaches English We are:

  3. Please help your students by setting up a place they can file their papers at home. Students (You’re welcome to help at first, but please don’t do this FOR them!) should remove work that is no longer current, and file it. We’ve been working on writing info correctly in planners. Please check your student’s planner and homework in RenWeb, and sign their planner every day. Study Skills

  4. Students are expected to read 20 min. per day. AR will be an incentive program, students will be encouraged to meet their goal. AR

  5. Students have homework every night, except on weekends. (Most homework in fourth grade is started in the classroom, and completed at home.) Homework should not take more than an hour of active engagement. Please email us and let us know if your student is frequently needing more than an hour. Homework

  6. Tutoring is available Tuesday through Thursday at 7:20 in all 4 classrooms. Students must sign in at the front desk. Morning Tutoring

  7. Best Field Trip Ever!!! Date: March 24 Actually it’s WAY more than a field trip…it’s the culmination of a month’s worth of cross curricular learning. We will need four to five parent volunteers from each class. You’ll have a wonderful time, but also work all day! (And not in the same business as your student) Enterprise City

  8. Students will not be having snacks at school, except on early release days. Please encourage them to eat a healthy breakfast before school. They’re encouraged to bring water (ONLY water, please!) bottles. Snacks…

  9. RenWeb/Facts: Homework is posted every day by 4:30, and grades are posted promptly. Homeroom Moodle pages Best way to contact us: Email: We check and respond daily. (Students are asked not to email.) In case of emergency or late notice, call or email Mrs. Kappes. (cc us!) Home/School Communication:

  10. 10 Points are deducted for late work. All late work must be turned in one week prior to the end of the quarter. Late Work

  11. We are happy to write down your student’s missed assignments. If you would like to pick up their assignments that day, please call the office and email the homeroom teacher in the morning. We will have them on the table inside the front door at the end of the school day. They have as many days as they were absent to complete and turn in work. Homework that was due the day they were absent is due the day they return. It is school policy to not give absent work in advance. Absent? We’ll miss them…

  12. For students who are current on all assignments, enrichment/extension activities will be offered. A study hall will be provided for students who have incomplete/missing work TGIF!!

  13. Students making below an 80% on a major grade, may make corrections to bring the grade up to an 80% Students making below a 70% will be required to make corrections. The highest grade possible for corrections is an 80%. Test Corrections

  14. Attendance and punctuality! 7:55! Haircuts, uniforms! Make sure they know who they’re going home with, and whether or not they’re walking, before they come to school! Homework: check it if you need/want to, but please don’t DO it for them! Make sure absent work is completed on time. FA Parent Q:“How can we help?”

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