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MONDAY 7 TH OCTOBER Our Lady of the Rosary This week we say a vocations prayer for every day

MONDAY 7 TH OCTOBER Our Lady of the Rosary This week we say a vocations prayer for every day . FAMILY LIFE

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MONDAY 7 TH OCTOBER Our Lady of the Rosary This week we say a vocations prayer for every day

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  1. MONDAY 7TH OCTOBEROur Lady of the RosaryThis week we say a vocations prayer for every day FAMILY LIFE Heavenly Father, bless our families within our diocese. May their homes be true places of love and respect for one another. May parents cherish their children and children respect their parents. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. KEYWORD: Laity ~ All the people of the Church who are not chosen to be bishops, priests or deacons.

  2. TUESDAY 8THOCTOBER THOSE CONSIDERING THEIR VOCATION Lord God, be with those who are considering their vocations. Help them to choose wisely what you would have them become. Let them not be discouraged by obstacles or personal weakness and sin, but let them grow in faith and courage, so that the Holy Spirit can act in their lives and enable them to consider what is good and acceptable and mature. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. KEYWORD: Vocation ~ A call from God to lead the Christian life.

  3. WEDNESDAY 9THOCTOBER SAINT DENIS, SAINT JOHN LEONARDI, BLESSED JOHN HENRY NEWMAN SEMINARIANS AND DEACONS God our Father, help those on the road to the priesthood to be true servants to others. May they be sustained on their journey with the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, and come to appreciate the great joy there is in a life of holiness dedicated to following the ways of the Gospel. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. TODAY IS ST MATTHEW’S DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS. YOU MAY HAVE SOME IMPORTANT VISITORS IN YOUR RE LESSONS TODAY. KEYWORD: Ordination ~ Making someone a priest, bishop or deacon by the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

  4. THURSDAY 10TH OCTOBER SAINT PAULINUS KEYWORD: Holy Orders ~ The status of a priest, bishop or deacon. PRIESTS God our Father, sustain all our priests with the love of the heart of Christ. Grant them your wisdom in their preaching and your strength in their daily lives. Help especially those who are in trouble and show them your mercy, that they might have a greater appreciation of your love for all people. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

  5. FRIDAY 11THOCTOBER KEYWORD: Trinity ~ The belief that God is three in one. RELIGIOUS AND CONSECRATED LIFE God our Father, in the name of your Son, send your Holy Spirit on religious and consecrated people in our diocese. May those who have been called to the consecrated life realise more and more how much you love them, so that they will love others as you do. May they learn to grow ever deeper in their gift of self in the service of the Church. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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