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Manufacturer Information. The manufacturer name can be found on the asset or on the supporting documentation attached in Sunflower. If you do not see the manufacturer name in Sunflower catalog contact Sunflower helpdesk 202-482-4110/email to have the manufacturer added to the SF catalog.
Manufacturer Information The manufacturer name can be found on the asset or on the supporting documentation attached in Sunflower. If you do not see the manufacturer name in Sunflower catalog contact Sunflower helpdesk 202-482-4110/email to have the manufacturer added to the SF catalog. Found: http://www.pps.noaa.gov/CD%2050%20Create-Update%20Asset%20User%20Guide.pdfCD 50 User Guide page 9. 3 *
Model Number The model number can sometimes be found on the asset or on the supporting documentation attached in Sunflower. If you do not see the model number in the Sunflower catalog, the Property Custodian or Property Contact should stop entering the asset information and submit a Catalog Request Form to the Sunflower Management Center (help desk) 202-482-4110 or contact them by email. Information Found: pps.noaa.gov/CD%2050_Create-Update_Asset_User_Guide.pdf CD 50 User Guide 8 *
Serial Number The serial number create in Sunflower should match the asset and supporting documentation. If the asset does not have a serial number use the below format to identify the asset. example: SN_CD1234567890 http://www.pps.noaa.gov/personal_property_policies_procedures/120910_property_serial_number_requirement_for_accountable_assets_in_sunflower.pdf Property Bulletin #004, FY 2011 13 *