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DAWAH. 250,000 PEOPLE DIE EVERY DAY What is Your Life’s Mission?. Last Week Homework. Lesson learned from the Convert Story Feedback from the English – Arabic vocabulary Raise your hand how many people has picked the person you are going to encounter? . www.dawah corps .com.
DAWAH 250,000 PEOPLE DIE EVERY DAY What is Your Life’s Mission?
Last Week Homework • Lesson learned from the Convert Story • Feedback from the English – Arabic vocabulary • Raise your hand how many people has picked the person you are going to encounter? www.dawahcorps.com
Practical Results of Dawah • Video 2: Revert Story Why He Convert in Islam -Amazing • Video 3: Revert Story Turning Muslim in Texas www.dawahcorps.com
Introduction A Man Said “I have always believed what Muslims believe, but I never knew about Islam until now.” www.dawahcorps.com
Supply Vs. Demand Demand of Truth Demand of Supply www.dawahcorps.com
Does this happen every day? Millions of people around the world are sincerely searching for the Truth but have no true guidance. Why? • Muslim lifestyles • Absorbed in their own life • Forgotten Dawah is essential • Feel hopeless www.dawahcorps.com
What is Dawah? • Dawah is simple: • Inviting mankind to worship Allah alone • To follow His Straight Path • To keep away from all sorts of disbelief and evil • The Qur’an tells us, “And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, ‘There is no deity worthy of worship expect Me, so worship Me.’” [12:25] www.dawahcorps.com
What do you need? • Determination • Compassion for mankind • The right message: Companion Rib’eeibnAamer said: • “Allah has sent us, with His Message to mankind, so that we release whoever desires, from the worship of people, to the worship of the Lord of people, from the injustice of man-made religion to the justice of Islam, and from the strangling of this world, to the disburden and grace of the Hereafter” www.dawahcorps.com
Results of the Dawah www.dawahcorps.com
Reverts share their experiences • Perfect work • Islam’s coherent structure of moral teaching and practical life programme attracted me. It is a perfect work of architecture. All its parts complement each other: nothing is superfluous or lacking. - Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss) • True freedom • I am attracted to Islam’s concept of One God. Nothing is like Him. This belief in the Oneness of God librates man from servitude to any human being and this is true freedom. The direct relationship between God and His servants also attracted me. - Ibrahim Khalil (Philobus) • Books against Islam • I came to Islam after reading the books written against Islam. I felt that these writers feared the dynamism of Islam. They put it to utter disgrace because they feared it. www.dawahcorps.com
Reverts, Part 2 • Oneness of God • It is pure monotheism. It has a clear moral system. No scripture expresses the message of the Oneness of God as clearly as The Qur’an – Yahya • Science • I am convinced that the Qur’an is the Word of God. Things mentioned in the Qur’an were discovered by scientists in the last 100 years. The only one who could have known those things 1400 years ago was God. – Khadija Evans • Liberating • Because you cover yourself up you’are not seen as a sex symbol, and because people cant judge you on your appearance, they have to judge you as a Human Being. That’s quite liberating. You don’t need anything else once you’ve found Islam. – BahiyaMalik (Lucy Norris) www.dawahcorps.com
Reverts, Part3 • True equality • I realized that Islam gives True equality not only to men and women, but to all races and classes, and individuals are differentiated only their level of piety - Karima Slack Razi • Complete system • The teachings in Islam resembled the values I had been taught: belief in God, respect for others, truthfulness, courtesy, charity and honour. In Islam these are integrated into a complete system that is easy to understand. - Greg Noakes • Found the missing pieces • I came to know that Muslims believed in all the previous prophets, the miraculous birth of Jesus (pbuh), that there is no need for a mediator, that Jesus(pbuh) is a prophet and that there was another Prophet Muhammed(pbuh). I found that I had discovered all the missing pieces that I had been searching for. - AminahVanderdrift • Nothing to offer • Muslims are the hardest people to convert to another faith because there is nothing to offer them! In Islam, there is a relationship with Allah, forgiveness of sins, salvation and promise of Eternal Life. - Khadijah 'Sue' Watson www.dawahcorps.com
Results in Number? World Population increased by 136% www.dawahcorps.com According to Christian magazine “The Plain Truth” – Feb 1984
“…. Then I asked you where his followers were increasing or decreasing. You replied that they are increasing. In fact, this is the result of the true faith until it is complete (in all respects). -- Heraclius, The Roman Emperor www.dawahcorps.com
News Media “Moslems are the world’s fastest-growing group…” -- USA Today – 17 Feb 1989 “Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people….” -- Hilary Rodman Clinton (Los Angeles Times – 31 May 1996) ”Islam is the world’s fastest growing faith…” --- BBC 14 Sept 2001 “No other religion in history spread as rapidly as Islam -- Reader’s Digest 22 Dec 2007 “A Fifth of humankind follow Islam, the fastest growing and perhaps the most misunderstood religion on earth” -- National Geographic Jan 2002 “In the period 1990-2000, approximately 12.5 million more people converted to Islam then to Christianity” --- Guinness World Records 2003
Why Islam? Why on earth are these converts worshipping a Muslim God who said, “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved. . . .”[Q 8:12] and as if this is not scary enough, the same God commands Muslims in the battlefield to “. . . strike them (disbelievers) over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes.” [Q 8:12] Why all that torture? “This is because they defied and disobeyed Allâh and His Messenger (i.e. Muhammad)” [Q 8:13], says the God of Muhammad. And it is not to be forgotten that the world, from the point of view of Islam, is divided into the“House of Islam (Dar al-Islam)” and the “House of War (Dar al-harb).” Such a division would make one wonder: is Islam a religion of conquest? To make things appear worse, those who embraced Islam are supposed to develop the conviction that their non-Muslim relatives and friends are no more than Kafirs* *They are either extremely smart or extremely ignorant
How is this achieved? • Organizational/Individual levels • Step By Step Process • Islamic Concepts • Etiquettes of Dawah www.dawahcorps.com
THE ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONS Allah, subhanahuwata’ala, says: “Let there arise from among you a community of people who invite others to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Such are they who attain the true success.” [3:104] www.dawahcorps.com
THE ROLE OF INDIVIUALS Allah says, “…and invite to your Lord and be not of al-Mushrikeen (those who ascribe partners to Allah).” [28:87] www.dawahcorps.com
Step by Step Process He, sallallahualayhewasallam, said to Muadh, “Invite the people to testify that none has the rights to be worshiped but Allah and that I am Allah’s Messenger. If they obey, then teach them that Allah has enjoined on them that Allah has made it obligatory on them to pay the Zakah from their property. Zakah is to be taken from the wealthy among them and given to their poor.” (Bukhari) www.dawahcorps.com
Core Concepts That Every Da’ee Should Know • Allah’s Existence, Oneness and Perfection • The Prophets • The Books of Allah • The Hereafter www.dawahcorps.com
REMEMBER TO: • Prioritize • Concentrate • Avoid – Negativity • Avoid Details • Avoid unfamiliar terms www.dawahcorps.com
A Successful Caller… • is consistent • trusts in Allah for support • sacrifices time, money and self-pride • has good knowledge • has clear communication skills • is patient • is tolerant and forgiving • has good manners www.dawahcorps.com
Pronunciation & Intonation Be aware of unfamiliar sounds: [p] / [b] - [f] / [v] - [ch] / [sh] /[s] Examples: Braise vs. Praise Pray vs. Bray Vatican Satan www.dawahcorps.com
Pronunciation & Intonation Be aware of syllabic stress Produce / Produce Record / Record Blessed / Blessed Learned / Learned www.dawahcorps.com
Expressions Avoid using common English expressions that are contrary to Islamic beliefs & general cultural sensitivity. For example: “Knock on wood” “Keep your fingers crossed” “Bring home the bacon” “Bear your own cross” “Play the devil’s advocate” www.dawahcorps.com
Next Week Homework 1. Prepare a brief description of Islam that you can talk about in less than a minute. 5-7 students will be picked to present it in front of the class. (Randomly) 2. Read the book called " They are Either Extremely Smart or Extremely Ignorant" and summarize how they converted to Islam. 5-7 students will be picked to present in front of the class MANDATORY:You MUST pick a non-muslim that you are going to talk to him/her about Islam. Make sure you have a person in mind. After the next session we will start our conversation with non-muslim. The Most important session is next week. (Dawah Methodology) www.dawahcorps.com
Next Week Schedule www.dawahcorps.com