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1-300-WHY-ISLAM Dawah Workshop February 23 rd 2014. 1-300-WHY-ISLAM An ICNA-IFAM PROJECT. Workshop Agenda. Introduction Purpose of Dawah Know your audience Dealing with conflict Key Messages of Dawah conversations Topic 1- Violence Topic 2- Christianity
1-300-WHY-ISLAM Dawah WorkshopFebruary 23rd 2014 1-300-WHY-ISLAM An ICNA-IFAM PROJECT
Workshop Agenda Introduction • Purpose of Dawah • Know your audience • Dealing with conflict • Key Messages of Dawah conversations Topic 1- Violence Topic 2- Christianity Topic 3- Women and Gender Issues Topic 4 – Shariah and Western Values Rockaway dawah activities – next steps
Purpose of Dawah Define dawah and what are your responsibilities? What are the benefits What are the consequences of not doing this work?
Know Your audience Customise the delivery of your message to their understanding. Use analogy as a tool Build on similarities and items that they already appreciate. Drive the conversation Ask questions to know your audience Understand their concerns so that you can address them
Etiquettes of A Daee • First purify your intentions always before starting • Recite “Auzubillah” and “Bismillah” at start • Always remain calm no matter what the situation • Speak politely using good words and avoid slangs • Give good facial expressions while speaking • Listen carefully to others viewpoint without interrupt • Do not be rude by cutting their conversation or by arguing with them in high pitch voice • Give full respect and show best manners to attract
Etiquettes of A Daee • If you don’t know answer to any question, don’t feel shy in saying, “I don’t Know” to the person • Always try to give reference from Quran & Hadith, and avoid any unauthentic stories of the past • Increase your knowledge of Islam by reading books or articles, watching lectures of scholars online, etc..
How to steer a conversation to Dawah? • Trying to make a connection between caller’s question and Tawheed. • For example question Of Hijab can be connected to Oneness of Allah and how we should respect His authority • Explain what is Tawheed, then link it to Risaalah and then Akhirah • Engage in a healthy discussion or conversation BUT avoid any arguments or debates. If you see other party doing that then politely excuse from that
How to Find an opportunity in every Dawah? • Golden Rule: Don’t just answer their question and query then stop! • Instead ask questions that provoke their interest into Islam, its beliefs and practices….this is engaging caller • If you feel caller has time and is interested to learn then give details about Islam, beliefs & practices • Remember you can impact more thru your Character than words out of your mouth, so present your best manners and etiquettes while talking to the person
Dealing with conflict Avoid saying negative of other religions Acknowledge that they have the right to chose their belief system Build on similarities, before pointing out differences Acknowledge the good that you see Be prepared to clarify the Islamic position on issues, even if they won’t be accepted by the listener. The responsibility is to give the message, the rest is from Allah.
Basic Messages What are the key elements that must be conveyed with priority in a dawah conversation? List in order of priority
Basic Messages of Dawah Present Allah (Tawheed) Present Muhammad (saw) Present Life after death Be prepared to respond to comments like I don’t believe in life after death Purpose of religion is high moral character. Why Islam? How can you arrogantly say you will go to Paradise and I will go to Hell? Present the Quran
Violence Why are muslims killing innocent civilians? Why are there verses that condone killing in the Quran? “…Kill them wherever they are found…”(9:5) Doesn’t the Quran state not to take the Jews and Christians as friends? (5:57) Wasn’t Islam spread by the sword? Why do you have the concept of Jihad or Holy war ? Why do you believe your religion to be superior to others?
Why are muslims killing innocent civilians? Acknowledge the question “ I can understand why you might have that concern based on recent media coverage…” Separate actions of muslims from teachings of Islam State clearly that Islam condemns the killing of innocent people “…if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” Al Mai’da 5:32 Every religion has ‘good’ and ‘bad’ adherents to the faith Cite a recent terrorist act by non-muslims (e.g. Tucson) Last decade not representative of previous 1400 years
Why are there verses that condone killing in the Quran? “…Kill them wherever they are found…”(9:5) A set of words from any text can easily be taken out of context. The context of fighting here is specifically during a declared war Point out the verses before and after that refer to safety of those that don’t want to fight If this verse was referring to anything other that the war setting then why is there such a strong history of peaceful co-existence between muslims and non-muslims? ……If then, ye repent, it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith. (But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term: for Allah loveth the righteous. But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
Doesn’t the Quran state not to take the Jews and Christians as friends? (5:57) “O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith…” 5:57 Translation issue – “awliyah” not acurately translated to “friend” Distinguish “friend” from “spiritual friend” – ie. Someone you can consult with and trust in religious/spiritual matters. Give example of muslim man married to a woman from the people of the book. The wife is a “friend” but not a “spiritual friend” Emphasize the special relations and respect for “people of the book”
Wasn’t Islam spread by the sword? Clarify islamic position on religious freedom “Let there be no compulsion in religion” (2:256) Vast majority of Islam spread through peaceful means Some instances in history where Islam was spread by conquests – but atrocities committed were against the teachings of Islam Examples of non-violent spread of islam America – Islam is fastest growing religion - No Swords, rather false propaganda. Spain - 800 years of Muslim rule allowed non-muslims to flourish without conversion– forced out by Crusaders Arab world - 14 million Arabs are Coptic Christians Indonesia – largest muslim population – Which war occurred there?
Christianity • I don’t really know much about Islam. Can you tell me what it’s about? • Our God is loving and merciful but yours will punish you for the sins you commit. I see many verses in your Quran that describe the way he will punish mankind in the hell fire. Our God is more loving and that’s why we believe in him. • Why don’t you believe in the Trinity? Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Just believe in him and you’ll be saved. • Why should I take this Quran to read when I have my own Bible. Yes, I know how you guys criticize the Bible because you say it isn’t completely consistent. But you don’t understand - the whole beauty of the Bible is that we have multiple Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John +…) which all relate the same overall story about Jesus. I’d rather believe in a book that has multiple authors saying the same thing than a single book that non-one can verify. • Do you believe that as a Christian I will go to Hell?
I don’t really know much about Islam. Can you tell me what it’s about? An open ended question that is a perfect opportunity for dawah. Consider how you can bring this question up in your conversations. “What do you know about Islam?”
Why don’t you believe in the Trinity? Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Just believe in him and you’ll be saved. 1) What do Muslims believe about Jesus (AS) and God – Tawheed ? start with similarities virgin birth will return received revelation miracles etc… then explain differences crucifixion servant versus divinity 2) Why do we believe this? - Injeel versus Bible - Bible versus Quran - How is authenticity of a book determined/ Preservation of each - Should core beliefs not be mentioned clearly without ambiguity? - Which is the only book (from Last testament, new testament and Quran) that contains the word Trinity? Quran
Women & Gender Issues Why do women cover up and hide their beauty? Why does Islam promote polygamy? Why did your prophet have multiple wives? If Islam really promotes justice for women, as you claim, then why are women denied their rights in muslim countries? Why can a man go to work, but a woman usually stays at home? Why did your prophet (pbuh) marry a child (Aisha)?
Why do women cover up and hide their beauty? Primary reason is to obey the command of God and to seek His pleasure Connect to purpose of life, worship, life after death etc. Analogies - Islam did not introduce the modest dress code It simply maintains the importance of what used to be a broad practice Compare with Nuns, Mary, orthodox Jews, Hindus etc Compare dress code in America 50-100 years ago “….in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed…” (Qur’an 33:59). A self check for noble character – Need to live up to a dress code associated with piety Participants in society without drawing attention to sexuality Maintaning decency in society is a responsibility shared by men and women
Why did your prophet have multiple wives? Marriage to Khadija (RA) – monogomous marriage (from age 25 till 50) Known from his chastity even from a young age in a society that was sexually promiscous. Married 11 wives between ages 53 to 60 and had 9 when he died at 63. He had responsibilites as a Prophet: To teach muslims compassion with women including the weak and destitute widows, divorcees, orphans, and elderly women. To pass on islam to the next generations as a practical legacy Aisha RA was the only one that was a virgin at the time of marriage. She survived 47 years after his death and was a great source of passing on his tradtion/learning. To cement relations among the muslims To build relations with other tribes/religions