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Long Range Correlations in String Fusion Model. V.V.Vechernin, R.S. Kolevatov V.A. Fock Institute of Physics, St.-Petersburg State University. Introduction. Two stage scenario
Long Range Correlations in String Fusion Model V.V.Vechernin, R.S. Kolevatov V.A. Fock Institute of Physics, St.-Petersburg State University
Introduction Two stage scenario A.Capella, U.P.Sukhatme, C.--I.Tan and J.Tran Thanh Van, Phys. Lett. B81 (1979) 68; Phys. Rep. 236 (1994) 225.A.B.Kaidalov, Phys. Lett., 116B (1982) 459; A.B.Kaidalov K.A.Ter-Martirosyan, Phys. Lett., 117B (1982) 247. • At the first stage a certain number of colour strings are formed stretched in rapidity space between the incoming partons • At the second stage these strings decay into the observed secondary hadrons.
String fusion • M.A.Braun and C.Pajares, Phys.Lett.B287 (1992)154; Nucl. Phys.B390(1993) 542, 549 String Fusion as a source of Long Range correlations • N.S.Amelin, N.Armesto, M.A.Braun, E.G.Ferreiro and C.Pajares,Phys. Rev. Lett.73(1994) 2813.
Fusion Scenarios • The rapidity intervals must exclude fragmentation regions to exclude the influence of pt of the parent partons • Fusion affects particle production in both rapidity windows
Sources of correlations in the model • Fluctuations in the number of strings • Fluctuations of strings positions in the transverse plane • As a consequence – fluctuations of string density per unit area.
Positive pt-nand pt-pt correlations, transition from positive to negative forpt-n
Calculations • Input parameters xandrstrmay be fixed by comparing <p_t> and dN/dyfor AA and pp collisions • Possible ways of fixing centrality in correlation study Restriction on the impact parameter Restriction on Npart
Energy and impact parameter fluctuations dependence of the correlations
pt−n, n−n correlations study in PbPb at 17.3 GeV (NA49 Collaboration at CERN) and G.Feofilov, R.Kolevatov, V.Kondratiev, P.Naumenko, V.Vechernin; reported by G. Feofilov at ISHEPP-XVII, JINR,Dubna (to be published)
Correlations in the central class (reproduced from G. Feofilov report) • Correlation coefficients not normalized • Black squares – experiment (Ev window is 4625±dEveto); open circles – SFM with number of strings fixed in terms of participants (simulations of Ev)
When centrality is fixed in terms of impact parameter pt-n correlations stay positive even for fixed b
Conclusions • SFM predicts significant long-range correlations of the types n-n, pt-n, pt-pt. • These types of correlation involving mean transverse momentum do not vanish with energy. • SFM gives a qualitative description of the correlations at the NA 49 experiment • Centrality should be treated in a proper way in the calculations