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Canaletto's Paint. 安东尼 · 坎努的 传世名画. E-mail 文化传播网 www.52e-mail.com.
Canaletto's Paint 安东尼·坎努的 传世名画 E-mail文化传播网www.52e-mail.com
Zuane Antonio Canal,是十八世纪威尼斯著名的画家。他出身于书画世家,父亲和兄长都是画家,他幼时即从其父兄学习。由于悉心投入,他很快显露了过人的才华,而被称为“小坎鲁‘Canaletto’”。这个名字反而更为世人所知晓。青出于蓝而胜于蓝,成为该世纪公认最了得的风景画家。他在故乡画了不少脍炙人口的当地水乡之作后,前往罗马,画了该地不少古迹,也成为传世之作。后来,由于当时最大的富翁都集中在伦敦,以收藏他的画作为时髦,因而促使他迁往该地就近卖画,因此在英国画了很多十分受欢迎的当地品味十足的风景画,成为抢手佳品。以下就他是各个时期的代表作。读者可以看出,这些作品的确具反有复品味的乐趣和价值。
London - Westminster Bridge from the North on Lord Mayor`s Day - 1746
他的画作受到当时英国驻威尼斯领事,British Consul in Venice,一位富商的赏识,因而被推介到英国上流社会的达官巨贾。正是这位领事,极力推荐他到罗马一显身手,以求其才能与古迹久享盛誉。这是其中最为世人称道的作品之一。 Rome - The Arch of Constantine - 1742
He also gave increased attention to the graphic arts, making a remarkable series of etchings, and many drawings in pen, and pen and wash, as independent works of art and not as preparation for paintings. View of a River in Padua - 1742
View of the Isles of San Michele, San Cristoforo and Murano from the Foundamenta Nuove - 1726
Venice - Capriccio The Horses of San Marco in the Piazzetta - 1743
Venice -The Bucintoro Returning to the Molo on Ascension Day - 1730
The Old Horse Guards and Banqueting Hall, from St James's Park - 1749
Entrance to the Grand Canal from the Piazzetta,1727 The Piazzetta towards S. Giorgio Maggiore, 1724
Grand Canal, Looking Northeast from Palazzo Balbi toward the Rialto Bridge,1723-24
Grand Canal: from Santa Maria della Carità to the Bacino di San Marco,1730-33
Arrival of the French Ambassador in Venice,1740 Oil on canvas
Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza di San Marco,1755 circa, Oil on canvas
END Musical background: Barcarolle ( da Ópera Os Contos de Hoffmann ) Offenbach,Jacques( 1819-1880) Research & Production: Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha Formatation: Anabela de Araújo 更多精彩请点击这里访问http://www.52e-mail.com