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RT-273. Note to Instructors: Download the power point and add your own graphics to the presentation. See the notes section of each slide for additional information on the lesson plan. . 2011 On-Call SEAT Summary Statistics From 3/15/11 - 10/1/11. Days of Availability 4,667 Days

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  1. RT-273 Note to Instructors: • Download the power point and add your own graphics to the presentation. • See the notes section of each slide for additional information on the lesson plan.

  2. 2011 On-Call SEAT Summary StatisticsFrom3/15/11-10/1/11 • Days of Availability 4,667 Days • Total Flight Time 6,737 Hours • Service Truck Miles 154,946 Miles • Extended Pilot 7,413 Hours • Extended Truck Dr. 7,442 Hour • Days of Per Diem 10,604 Day • Ret Loaded into other companies Trucks 705,414 Gallons

  3. 2011 Texas On-Call SEAT Statistics • Days of Availability 2,709 Days • Total Flight Time 4,180 Hours • Service Truck Miles 65,174 Miles • Extended Pilot 5,170 Hours • Extended Truck Driver 5,230 Hours • Days of Per Diem 6,315 Days • Retardant Pumped into other Contractors Equipment 475,595 Gals.

  4. 2011 Exclusive Use SEAT Use* • East Great Basin 310 hrs. • State of Idaho • Northern Rockies 134 hrs. • State of Idaho • Northwest 75 hrs. • BIA • Rocky Mountain 233 hrs. • State of Colorado • Southwest 92 hrs. • BIA Estimate*

  5. Lesson Learned 2011 Observation: Wing tip strike in Colorado due to wind shear event. Clear air “Wind Events”, such as “Wind Shear” should always be a consideration during hot Summer days. Aircrews should continually apply risk assessment/mitigation measures based on all available visual cues (Wind Socks, Vanes, Dust Devils, Smoke, trees, grass, etc) and weather reports such as ATIS, AWOS, IREPS from ground personnel/other aircrews. This available information should be used in subsequent immediate risk mitigations, including aborts, holding to observe airport conditions/reports, use of alternate runways or airports. Good communication is the Key!!!

  6. Lesson Learned 2011 Observation: Aircraft being asked to operate out of airports that compromise safety, performance and efficiency. SMEG can be asked to operate out of small airports with short runways that can compromise performance and safety. Learn your aircraft’s capabilities and limitations for your current base of operations. The SEMG needs to work with PIC on preplanning on the safe/effective load given environmental conditions. (Reference performance charts. Section B6.6.3 National On-Call contract.) In addition to working with the pilot, the SEMG needs to keep the using agency apprised of any safety or performance issues that may be present at the airport they have been directed to work from.

  7. Lesson Learned 2011 Observation: Increased geographical use of SEATs The 2011 season showed a great increase in sharing SEATs in a large geographic area, and a willingness to pre-position aircraft to increase the effectiveness of initial attack. Continue the good work in the 2012 season ! Observation: PIC Preforming Preventative Maintenance Manyquestions were asked about pilots performing preventative maintenance on SEATs during operating hours. The National SEAT Program Manager is currently working with the AMD Inspectors to help identify what type of preventative maintenance can be done by the pilot. The results will be posted to the National SEAT Web Site under the “SEAT Program Manager Updates”.

  8. RT-273 Current Year Outlook for the SEAT Program 2012

  9. Changing of the Guard ! Mark Bickham retired at the end of December 2010 !! Glen Claypool from the BLM National Aviation Office in Boise was appointed the new BLM National SEAT Program Manager. Contact Information: Glen_Claypool@nifc.blm.gov Office Phone: 208-387-5160 See Glen’s introduction letter to the field posted on the BLM SEAT Web Site under the “SEAT Program Manager Updates”

  10. 2012 SEAT Updates Contractors Available for 2012: • Will have 12 Vendors SEAT Aircraft Available for 2012: • Will be between 65 - 67. • Will be all turbine including few M-18T and Thrushes

  11. What’s New with Aircraft 2012 ? • No new aircraft introduced into the fleet. • Majority of the AT 802s in the fleet will be Type III, with the constant flow gate systems. • Still have the Fire Boss (3 aircraft available on the On-Call contract).

  12. What’s New with Aircraft 2012 ? Update on the Air Tractor 1002: • The 1002 is still in the rescreach and development stages and will not be seen on contract this year.

  13. What’s New with Aircraft 2012 ? SEAT Numbering System • All contractors have been issued a block of numbers. • Anything with a 800 tanker number is a Type III. The gate system determines the Type III category (Hatfield , Hydromax, and Air Tractor Fire Gate). All Type III SEATs are carded at 800 gallons. • Anything with a 400 tanker number is a Type IV, and is carded between 500- 799 gallons.

  14. What’s New with Aircraft 2012 ? New SEAT Gate System: • There is a new Type III gate system in the evaluation stages for the SEAT program. • The new gate is called “Hydromax Gate” • SEATs using this new gate will have the “800” series tanker number. • May see some Contractors using the new gates during the season. • SEMG should help the Contractors get the necessary feedback or input from aerial supervision and/or ground personnel. The Contractor is required to submit field evaluations as part of the approval process.

  15. 2012 Contracts ! Two types of SEAT contracts: • Exclusive Use Contracts • National On Call Contract (NOTE: The Variable Term Contracts will no longer be used in contracting SEATs.)

  16. Exclusive Use Contracts No changes with the exclusive Use contracts. Will still see them with the Forest Service, States and other DOI agencies. Estimated Exclusive Use Contracts for 2012 : • BLM will have 7 Exclusive Use Contacts • Total of 11 AT-802’s with a Type 3 gate system • Each contract will be 60 days • Contracts will be located in AZ, NV, UT, ID, CO and MT. • State: (Idaho and Colorado) • BIA: ( White River and & Omack/ABQ) • USFS is still evaluating their needs

  17. On Call Contract • Second year of the new National On Call Contract 2011 • Still order aircraft off the Source List. • The COR is still the National SEAT Program Manager. • The On Call contract and the new 2011 pricing list is posted on AMD’s web site. Link to the web site on the BLM National SEAT web site. (Note: Remember to check for updates to the price list throughout the year. The Contracting Officer does post changes during mid- season reflecting changes like fuel adjustments, etc )

  18. SEAT Pilot Academy Changes for 2012 ….. • The Academy moved last year from Safford, AZ to Sacramento, CA. to the US Forest training center at McClellan Air Force Base. • The curriculum and class structure will remain the same as developed and taught at Safford. • The primary change in the curriculum is replacing actual aircraft flight with simulators. • The 2nd class at McClellan will start March 5th. Looking at 40 students both Level I and Level II.

  19. SEAT Pilot Academy Some highlights of the simulators: • The design of the simulators is an AT-802 cockpit. • Funding has been approved for 2 simulators. • Both simulators have been configured to observe a pilot during all phases of the simulated mission. • The cockpit is made up with multiple large screens that wrap around the inside of the cockpit providing the pilot with a 180 ° field of vision. • The program links to 7 other aircraft simulators like heavy airtankers, helicopters, lead planes, etc. that can interface with the SEAT during the simulation.

  20. SEAT Pilot Academy Concepts behind the change: • Simulators can provide year round capability for training available to the Vendors community for their company training programs. • All Level I pilots will be required to go through the academy for 36 month refresher. • Simulators provide an environment to incorporate flexibility with the programming, inputs, scenarios, and levels of complexity depending on the target group. • Simulators are configured to allows an instructor / owner to observe a pilot during all phases of the simulated mission. • Easier for the pilots to absorb, focus, and advance with the lesson plans and concepts when not having to solely focus on flying the aircraft in a new environment.

  21. New Re-Write of S-273 Subject Matter Experts (SME)s worked with NWCG to re-write S-273 SEAT Manager Course. Some Highlights: • Developed 4 On-line modules for the pre-work. • Developed an alternate class exercise if a SEAT aircraft can not be present during the class. • Updated all chapters with new content and photos. • Added a new chapter on SEAT Manager Briefings.

  22. New Re-Write of S-273 • Course material is in the final review stages of approval and should be available for order this year. • If planning on putting on a course prior to the release of the revised course, Contact the NWCG Project Lead Noble Dunn at 208-387-5694 for the updated materials.

  23. New Electronic AMD 23 • Referred to as Aviation Management System (AMS) • In 2010 AMS was phased into selected DOI contracts. Experience various difficulties throughout the season. • New Information Bulletin (IB 11-02) was recently signed February 15, 2011 that provides direction for both Vendors and government representatives. • SEMG can expect new changes being made to the AMD 23 sometime in 2012. Detailed information on the changes will be posted to the National SEAT Web Site under the “SEAT Manager Program Updates”

  24. New Electronic AMD 23

  25. What is the AMD 23E ? • Spread sheet developed to be used in the field. • Will be completed and signed by the SEAT Manager and the pilot. • The Contractor will use the AMD 23E to fill out and submit the electronic AMD 23 for payment. New Requirement for 2012…. The SEMG needs to clearly identify who the Agency / Jurisdiction was that ordered and used the SEAT in the remarks section of the AMD 23E. This information can be found on “Block” 9” of the Aircraft Resource Order. Recording this information in the remarks section allows AMD to access the proper agency’s financial payment system for processing.

  26. What's New In Aviation ? Direction to tone both the RX and TX on the National Flight Following frequency to avoid radio interference. The project will be implemented in three phases, but will be completed by May 31, 2010. Some geographic areas located near the border are authorized to implement the changes immediately. Toning National Flight Following both RX / TX 110.9

  27. What's New In Aviation ? 123.975 (Air Tanker Base Frequency) will no longer be the only frequency used by bases ! The FAA changed the frequency at several bases due to interference issues with the nearby airport frequencies. The new frequencies will be posted in the Interagency Air Tanker Base Directory. The Interagency Tech Bulletin lists the changes on page two.

  28. What's New In Aviation ? New bulletin for 2011 Concerns new direction on using certain frequencies. Changes in authorizations for both VHF-FM (air-to-ground) and VHF-AM (air-to-air) radio frequencies. VHF-FM: 166.6875 VHF-FM: 171.1375 VHF-AM: 122.225 VHF-AM: 122.425

  29. What's New In aviation ? New FTA Chart ! Effective June 1, 2010 Check out the frequencies and tones !

  30. New Lesson Learned Web SiteOne Stop Shopping for Safety Reference Informationhttp://www.wildfirelessons.net/Additional.aspx?Page=177 Note: Changes will be made to the web site May 2012. “It is the mission of these web pages to facilitate the sharing of information between all aviation users for the purpose of promoting a learning culture and to enhance and sustain safe and effective work practices. ” See the “Safety Review” Power Point for additional information about the web site

  31. RT-273 What’s New ? SEAT Triennial Re-fresher = RT-273 New filters have been put into the Interagency Qualifications and Certification System (IQCS) program to flag individuals who are not current with their re-fresher requirements. Heads Up !….. • Make sure your RT-273 re-fresher certificates are put into IQCS or your agencies qualification program. • Your currency depends on the date of the last re-fresher….your qualifications may expirein the middle of the season depending on the re-fresher date. Plan ahead !

  32. RT-273 What’s New ? A new section has been developed on the BLM National SEAT Web Site for instructors to download course materials for RT-273. The intent of the new section is to: • Provide standardized information given at any RT-273 • Promote more re-freshers at a local or geographic level. • Provide annual updates for all SEAT Mangers in between the triennial re-fresher. Downloads Include: • Lesson plans for each of the 8 elements required for putting on RT-273 1. National season Review 2. New Year Outlook 3. AMD Contracting Updates 4. ISOG Updates 5. Reference Material Updates 6. Safety Review 7. Security Review 8. Retardant Review • Three developed Power Point presentations for selected elements. Heads Up !Remember….all re-fresher and instructors still need to be approved at a State or Regional level depending on the hosting agency.

  33. What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? New section of “Briefing” job aids available to the SEMG.

  34. Initial Pilot / Loader In-Briefing • Replaces the old form. • ISOG requirement. • Three Section: • Facility Related Items • Operational Related Items • Read File Information

  35. SEAT Manager’s Briefing Checklist Great Job Aid ! Items to review during a briefing with the FBO. Items to review during the agency in-briefing.

  36. SEAT Managers Daily Briefing WorksheetGreat Job Aid ! Designed to help the SEMG document their daily briefing.

  37. Evaluation Forms AMD-136A: Evaluation Report on Contractor Performance • ISOG requirement to complete after each assignment. • Has established rating criteria. • Sent directly to the Contracting Officer.

  38. New Routing Requirement for theSEAT DAILY OPERATIONS WORKSHEET SEAT-002 2010 In order to nationally track flight hours, aircraft and pilot status, etc the SEMG will need to provide the National SECO Desk with a copy of their Daily Operations Worksheet each day. This can be done by a fax or email. SEMG must fax or email the worksheet in each day even if there was not flight time recorded. The sheet can be sent at the close of business, or early the next morning. Worksheets will be submitted no late than 10:00 on the next day. In order to comply with the new retardant reporting requirements for the USFS The SEMG will still fill in the Fire Code, but identify which fires are USFS fires in the Daily Diary section. National SECO Desk: Office: 208-387-5419 Cell: 208-850-2780 Fax: 208-387-5199 Email: ilmfcopDsp60@blm.gov Remember to always record the refract reading . ISOG Requirement! Identify which fires from the Fire Code column are USFS fires.

  39. AMD-136A Evaluation Criteria Defines the evaluation ratings standards and criteria for ratings one through seven on the AMD-136A.

  40. Tips When Completing Evaluations • Ask for input from the field. Check with the ATGS, ground personnel and dispatchers. • Always take the time to complete the forms, your input does count towards making the program stronger and safer. • Try to provide examples of why you rated the vendor the way you did. (both high and low ratings) • It is a MUST to fill out an evaluation when working with the National On-Call contracts at the end of your assignment ! • How many completed an evaluation last year ?

  41. What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? New Cost Coding Guide to help SEAT Managers use the correct Billee codes and cost coding formats for the different agencies.

  42. Cost Coding GuideDesigned to help the SEMG determine the correct Charge Code Format. See US-DOI Tech Bulletin #10-01 for complete list.

  43. Do You Have the Correct Charge Code Formatting ?? The number one problem with the AMD 23 is errors in the charge code formatting. Extremely time consuming for AMD when trying to process payment. How Can You Help ?? • Always confirm the charge coding format with your direct supervisor. • Understand formats change with severity and wildfire incident. • Always a good idea to put the name of the fire and the Fire Code in the comments section. • Never copy the formatting from another manager at your base. They may be managing a different type of contract and their formatting may not apply to you. • If you are managing more than one SEAT, do not assume the formatting is the same for both SEATs. They may be different contracts that require a certain type of formatting. • Bottom line…..ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DIRECT SUPERVISOR !!!

  44. What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? Good form to use to quickly check our base and operation! 2010 Don’t forget to use the 2010 forms.

  45. Forms ! No Changes in the 2010 SEAT forms We will continue to use the forms dated 2010. The forms should remain the same until the next re-write of the ISOG. The 2010 forms are available for download on the BLM National SEAT web site.

  46. What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? A new section will be add to the SEAT Web site titled: “SEAT Program Manager Updates” The intent of this section is to help provide the most current informational updates to SEMG in the field through the season. Check this section on the web site often and prior to departing for your assignment for the most current updates.

  47. What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? • A new section was added to the SEAT Web site titled: • “Wildland Fire Chemical Information” • The intent of this section is to help provide the SEMGs with some of the most important reference material should have with them when they are on assignment including: • Effective Use of SEATs • Principles of Retardant and Coverage Levels • Wildland Fire Chemicals: Qualified Product Information • Wildland Frie Chemicals: Reporting Information • Wildland Fire Chemicals: Lot Acceptance / Quality Assurance

  48. Some New Concepts for 2012 Geographic SEAT Coordinators The concept is to identify a SEAT Point of Contact (POC) working within the established Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC). These POCs will act as a central contact for other SEMGs operating within the GACC. The POC will be available to assist the SEMG with any questions, concerns or comments they may have when they are assigned in the GACC. A list of these designated POCs will be published on the National SEAT Web Site when completed. SEAT Operations Newsletter Plans underway to develop a newsletter produced by the National SEAT Program Manager to help identify any safety trends, new operational procedures, retardant updates, etc.

  49. National SEAT Desk Coordinator Position in Boise working for the National SEAT Program Manager (Glen Claypool) for the 2012 Season ! General time Frame: Mid April to End of September depending on activity. Duties Include: • Talking to the SEMG each day, inputting their flight hours, aircraft location and availability status into a national program. • Compiling daily reports used by NICC and the national office to monitor activity and facilitate the movement of SEAT aircraft. • Assisting NICC, GACCs and local agencies with identifying the closest resource for filling an order for SEAT aircraft. • Assisting NICC, GACCs and local agencies with possible available SEAT Managers. • Compiling year-end stats for the SEAT program. If interested in an assignment as the National SEAT Coordinator, please contact Glen Claypool.)

  50. Continuing Education There are many great web based aviation related training courses available to everyone to take advantage of. Interagency Aviation Training (IAT) https://www.iat.gov/ The IAT program is a “nonfire” system distiinct from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s(NWCG) Wildland Fire Qualification System (310-1). The target audience are the natural resource agency personnel. SEAT Manager should take advantage of the many on-line aviation related courses offered. Courses range from basic to intermediate aviation skills training modules. Note: The SEAT Managers position is an NWCG fire position, and IAT requirements do not apply to fire positions.

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