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Subsistence farming

I am going to give you a word / group / phrase and you need to tell me what colonial region (New England / Middle / Southern) I am talking about. Subsistence farming. Subsistence farming. New England. plantations. plantations. Southern.

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Subsistence farming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I am going to give you a word / group / phrase and you need to tell me what colonial region (New England / Middle / Southern) I am talking about.

  2. Subsistence farming

  3. Subsistence farming New England

  4. plantations

  5. plantations Southern

  6. Whalers and fishermen were common jobs or occupations.

  7. Whalers and fishermen were common jobs or occupations. New England

  8. backcountry

  9. backcountry Middle or Southern

  10. Lumberjacks and shipbuilders were common jobs or occupations.

  11. Lumberjacks and shipbuilders were common jobs or occupations. New England

  12. Craftsmen was a common job or occupation.

  13. Craftsmen was a common job or occupation. Middle

  14. Yankee traders were from this region.

  15. Yankee traders were from this region. New England

  16. Public schools

  17. Public schools New England

  18. tutors

  19. tutors Southern

  20. Wheat, barley, rye

  21. Wheat, barley, rye Middle

  22. Private schools

  23. Private schools Middle

  24. Boston

  25. Boston New England

  26. Lots of slaves

  27. Lots of slaves Southern

  28. Philadelphia and New York City

  29. Philadelphia and New York City Middle

  30. Corn, beans, and squash

  31. Corn, beans, and squash New England

  32. Rice, indigo, and tobacco

  33. Rice, indigo, and tobacco Southern

  34. Town meetings

  35. Town meetings New England

  36. Charles Town

  37. Charles Town Southern

  38. Breadbasket colonies

  39. Breadbasket colonies Middle

  40. Rocky soil

  41. Rocky soil New England

  42. For this section, you need to come up with the colony that the phrase / word / event is associated with.

  43. William Penn

  44. William Penn Pennsylvania

  45. Catholics

  46. Catholics Maryland

  47. “Holy Experiment”

  48. “Holy Experiment” Pennsylvania

  49. Peter Minuit

  50. Peter Minuit New York

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