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Gravity. What keeps you grounded!. $ Challenge!. The falling dominoes. Pass out Gravity Notebooks Get in groups and complete “The Falling Dominoes” Activity. Gravity study jam. Video - Gravity. Gravity is everywhere. Gravity is the invisible force that is pulling two objects.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gravity What keeps you grounded!

  2. $ Challenge!

  3. The falling dominoes • Pass out Gravity Notebooks • Get in groups and complete “The Falling Dominoes” Activity

  4. Gravity study jam Video - Gravity

  5. Gravity is everywhere • Gravity is the invisible force that is pulling two objects. • It is what keeps us on earth. • It is what makes something thrown in the air always come down. • It is what makes the planets orbit the sun. • We cannot see gravity, and we normally do not feel gravity, but it is always there.

  6. Earth vs. the ball… • The ball’s gravity pulls on earth. • The earth’s gravity pulls on the ball. • Both the ball and the earth pull on each other with the same force. • Why does earth always win this tug-of-war?

  7. Earth wins • Earth wins because of mass. • Earth is much larger than the ball . As a result, earth’s gravity will pull the ball back down to earth quickly.

  8. dominoes • Did earth’s gravity affect how quickly the dominoes fell? • Why or why not? • Yes! Because of mass. The heavier the object, the stronger the pull of gravity. • The stronger the pull, the quicker two objects will attract, which means the faster it will fall to earth.

  9. Defying gravity? • Is it possible to defy gravity on earth? • No! • Where must you go to defy gravity? • Out of the earth’s atmosphere • Ex. Astronauts, Moon (weak pull) • When have you felt weightless? List 2 examples

  10. Egg drop video Egg Drop Video Link

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