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Faculty Senate Meeting January 23, 2014. Agenda. I . Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes Campus Reports and Responses Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary • Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary II. Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes http://facultysenate.mst.edu/media/campussupport/facultysenate/documents/fsminutes/2014/FS.Minutes.11.14.13.pdf • Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary • Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses • Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch Administrative Reports i) W. Branson for C. Schrader ii) J. Cawlfield for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer
Faculty Senate Report January 23, 2014 President’s ReportJanuary 23, 2014
Faculty Senate Report January 23, 2014 • Intercampus Faculty Council: • IFC Task Force on workload policy draft report: focus on department chair education • PeopeleSquish is not the future • 5-yr grade book retention in the works • Campus: • Experiential learning definition from VPUS, asked AF&S and CCC to ponder • Experiential learning proposed as HLC Quality Initiative • Dean search committees include nominees by FS President • Speaking of Deans: Bylaw revision… • by ad hoc committee, or • by the many Standing Committees? • Faculty Senate: • J. Werner archiving resolutions
Faculty Senate ReportJanuary 23, 2014 Not in the Agenda (CRR 300.030 D.4.c.(2): “Agenda of the Faculty Senate meetings are distributed to all faculty members no later than one week in advance of the meetings.” • Suspend the order of the day to include committee report by Student Affairs Committee?
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch Administrative Reports i) W. Branson for C. Schrader ii) J. Cawlfield for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch Administrative Reports i) W. Branson for C. Schrader ii) J. Cawlfield for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer
Enrollment Management • First freshman PRO registration day for Fall 2014 is February 22. • A new “Smart Card” will replace the current ID Card. Details will be available during the Spring Semester. • Course renumbering is on schedule and cut-over will occur in August 2014.
Enrollment Management • The Chancellor’s Scholarship recipients for Fall 2014 have been identified, 40% are female. • Financial Aid has secured an $80,000 grant for an Institutional Work Study program to target low-income freshmen. Will work similar to Federal Work Study.
Global Learning • Psychology is the latest department to offer a MS degree to distance students with an MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. • Enrollment in distance courses (including FLW and MSU) continues to increase with 750 projected for Spring 2014 at the close of registration as compared to 742 in Spring 2013.
Office of Graduate Studies • Vicki Hudgins, Graduate Studies Specialist, celebrated her 41st year at Missouri S&T on December 18th. • The number of documents submitted and completed for technical editing increased from 47 in FS12 to 56 in FS13 (a 16% increase). • 42 theses and 36 dissertations were formatted during the FS13 semester for a total of 78 papers checked and processed. • Unofficial Fall 2013 graduation numbers: 31 PhD, 233 Masters, 157 graduate certificates. (The Office of Graduate Studies has until January 13th to clear final graduation reports and the Office of the Registrar will not release official numbers until the end of January.)
Office of Sponsored Programs Summary of FY14 activities through the end of November Proposals awarded in total dollars: $15.9M (down 59.4%) Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 140 (up 13.8%) Proposals submitted in total dollars: $58.6M (down 12.2%) Number of proposals submitted: 234 (up 13.0%) Total expenditures: $19.3M (up 12.6%) Net grant and contract expenditures: $15.8M (up 14.3%) F&A recovered: $3.3M (up 16.4%) Number of active awards: 610 (up 9.7%)
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch Administrative Reports i) W. Branson for C. Schrader ii) J. Cawlfield for K. Wray C.Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch Administrative Reports i) W. Branson for C. Schrader ii) J. Cawlfield for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer
Student Council Winter Retreat • Sunday, January 26th • Highlighting what we accomplished last semester • Brainstorming what we need to improve on for the future executive members • StrengthsQuest • Student Survey
Student Council Turf Campaign Template #5: General Student DRAFT 1.03.2014 Dear INSERT NAME, Every student knows that sometimes it’s a good idea to get out of the classroom and onto the playing field, whether you’re an intercollegiate athlete, an intramural athlete – or just someone who enjoys cheering for your friends. That’s why I hope you’ll join me in supporting a project that’s all about teamwork. Last fall our Student Council voted to fund 75 percent of the cost of installing turf at Allgood-Bailey Stadium and the intramural field with student activity fees. I’m proud that our student body has stepped up to help Missouri S&T create first-rate facilities for our student-athletes and intramural program. The $2.4 million turf project has three funding sources: $1.8 million from student activity fees $300,000 from the university (Geothermal Energy Project reinvestment funds) $300,000 from private donors (the balance we still need to raise) I’m excited to share that four alumni from Tulsa (Keith Bailey, ME’64, Steve Malcolm, CE’70, Kristie Gibson, EMgt’74, and John Gibson, EMgt’74) were so impressed with the student commitment to this project that they established a $150,000 challenge match encouraging other alumni and friends to contribute. The Tulsa Turf Team Challenge is matching every dollar donated to the turf project until we reach our $300,000 goal. This means we can get there in half the time – at twice the speed! I’m asking you as a fellow Miner to consider a gift to support this project. Every gift makes a difference – and every gift will be matched thanks to the Tulsa Turf Team Challenge. Please visit give.mst.edu to make an online gift, or complete the attached form and return it with your contribution. Please join us in this Miner Nation project. Ashley Koesterer Student Body President
Student Council Student Body President Packet • Presidential Packets Available on January 21st • Campaigning Begins on February 10th • Presidential Debate on February 11th at 6:30 PM in the Havener Center • Campus voting begins February 24th • Campus voting ends on February 28th
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report M. Fitch Administrative Reports i) W. Branson for C. Schrader ii) J. Cawlfield for K. Wray C. Staff Council Report N. Weaver D. Student Council A. Koesterer E. Council of Graduate Students K. Limmer
Ignite Rolla “enlighten us, but make it quick” • Wednesday Feb 26, 6pm • ~12 speakers with 5 minute talks • Students, staff, faculty, and community members • Engage the S&T and Rolla community • Research and technology focus, but the talk can be about anything the speaker is passionate about: work, interests, or hobbies
Graduate Education Weekin Missouri April 5-12, 2014 • Graduate Research Showcase • Thursday April 10 • Requesting Faculty Judges (March)
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary • Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student AffairsA. Pringle
Faculty Senate Report January 23, 2014 RP&A ReportJanuary 23, 2014
Faculty Senate Report Referral 1 Experiential learning (info shared by VPUS) to CCC asking their opinion about implementation Motion to seek input from the Campus Curriculum Committee (CCC) in regards to their opinion about implementing experiential learning into the undergraduate curriculum was passed.
Faculty Senate Report Referral 2 Experiential learning (info shared by VPUS) to AF&S asking their opinion about standards Motion that the Academic Freedoms and Standards (AF&S) Committee establish the standards involved in experiential learning passed. This would set the basis of what would define experiential learning.
Faculty Senate Report Referral 3 Rule changes on Deans to RP&A Motion was made to refer the revision of the CRR in regards to the role of Deans in the promotion and tenure process to the Tenure Committee. The revisions would be due in April 2014.
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student Affairs A. Pringle
Campus Curricula Committee Report January 23, 2014 Course Renumbering Initiative • CC form freeze terminated • All new DC/CC/EC forms submitted effective FS2014 or thereafter should solely use 4-digit numbers • All graduate degree programs which still need to update 3-digit references need to do so ASAP!
Campus Curricula Committee Report January 23, 2014 Course Renumbering Initiative (cont.) • Motion approved by Graduate Faculty: “Graduate students will by default be allowed to count a maximum of 6 credit hours of 3000 level courses towards their graduate degree programs, and no credit hours of 1000 or 2000 level courses. Individual departments may further restrict the number of 3000 level courses and specific 4000 level courses counting towards their graduate degree programs.” Departments need to submit DC forms as appropriate in light of this policy change.
Campus Curricula Committee Report January 23, 2014 • 35 Degree Change (DC) forms Updates primarily due to address course renumberingand new graduate faculty policy. • 7 Course Change (CC) forms • 13 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only) The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the approval of this report’s DC and CC forms.
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Rules, Procedures and Agenda S. N. Balakrishnan Curricula D. Tauritz Student Affairs A. Pringle
Student Affairs Committee Report to Faculty Senate January 23, 2014 Common Exams
Common Exams SP2013 and FS2013 Spring (32) Fall (29) 4:00 2 exams (math) 4:00 2 exams (math) 5:00 18 exams 5:00 18 exams 6:00 6 exams 6:00 2 exams 7:00 1 exam (math) 7:30 6 exams (math) 7:30 7 exams (math) 6:00 exams: EngMgt 137 and CivEng 50 Some of the 5:00 exams lasted more than one hour. Some courses allow no exceptions and no makeup exams. Some faculty penalize students who miss class because of an exam. Some courses make limited accommodations for students with conflicts.
Department Chairs Subcommittee August 2013 Summary of Recommendations: 1. Keep common exams. 2. One hour across the week should be reserved for common exams. Suggested times: 7:00 am, 12:00 pm (MWF), and 5:00 pm. Need at least three days a week. 3. If a class is scheduled during a common exam time, the instructor of the class that conflicts with the common exam should be prepared to accommodate the students taking the common exam. 4. Flagging the conflicts as prerequisites are flagged in order to send information to students and instructors is not feasible. This also would require that the instructors and students resolve the issue on a case-by-case basis.
Common Exams, Spring 2013
Common Exams, Fall 2013
The SAC submits the following motion: 1. The period from 5:00-6:00 pm daily be reserved for common exams. 2. If a class or other required academic activity is scheduled during common exam time, the instructor of the class that conflicts with the common exam will provide accommodations for the students taking the common exam.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary • Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Old Business Report on Current Referrals and Actionable Items
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary • Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Melanie Mormile, Secretary • Approval of November 14, 2013 meeting minutes • Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn