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Fusion Neutronics - Methods, Data, Applications -

Explore nuclear interactions, neutron transport, Monte Carlo simulations, and nuclear cross-sections in fusion reactor design. Learn about materials and data essential for fusion research.

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Fusion Neutronics - Methods, Data, Applications -

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  1. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt WE Heräus Ferienkurs für Physik "Kleine Beschleuniger - Großes Potential" Dresden, 16. -27. September 2002 Ulrich Fischer Association FZK-Euratom Institut für Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany Fusion Neutronics - Methods, Data, Applications -

  2. Introduction Fusion Neutronics Basics Computational Methods & Tools Nuclear Data Fusion Neutronics Applications Fusion Reactor Design Data Validation Analyses Summary Outline U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  3. 14.1 MeV 3.5 MeV D-T Fusion Reaction d + t  a + n + 17.58 MeV U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  4. blanket modules TF-magnet vacuum vessel ITER test blanket port plasma chamber cryostat divertor

  5. Nuclear interactions neutrons  atomic nuclei elastic & inelastic neutron scattering [(n,n), (n,n'x),(n,2n)] g-production [(n,g), (n,n' g), …] charged particle production [(n,p), (n,t), (n,a),…] First wall, blanket, shield,vacuum vessel, magnetic field coils, etc. transmutation, activation, nuclear heating, gas production, radiation damage Neutron and photon transport phenomena 14 MeV source neutrons Secondary neutrons & photons Fusion Neutronics U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  6. Boltzmann Transport Equation U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  7. Neutron transport described on macroscopic level by Boltzmann transport equation Numerical approximations for its solution Discrete ordinates method (SN procedure) Computer codes: ANISN, ONEDANT (1D) DORT, TWODANT (2d) TORT, THREEDANT (3d) Production runs in 1d geometry (cylindrical, slab) Specific problems in 2d geometry (x,y or r,) Neutron Transport U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  8. Simulation of random pathways on microscopic level Probabilistic approach Individual particle histories Monte Carlo Method • Preferred in fusion neutronics • Flexible 3d geometry representation • No numerical approximations • Large number of particle histories required for high accuracy • Accuracy limited by statistical error and uncertainty of nuclear data • Codes: MCNP, MORSE, TRIPOLI U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  9. Nuclear Cross-Section Target: N nuclei per cm3 Neutron beam: n neutrons per cm3 with velocity v Neutron flux density: [cm-2 s-1] = n [cm-3 ] v[ cm s-1] R[cm-3 s-1]  N [cm-3]  n [cm-3]  v[cms-1] R =  N  n  v = N    =   U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  10. Nuclear Cross-Section • Microscopic nuclear cross-section  • Determines probability of reaction event • Dimension of an area 1 barn = 10-24 cm2 • Depends on nuclide, reaction type and neutron energy • Macroscopic nuclear cross-section  = N  •  = tot= N11 + N22 + N33 + ... • Dimension of reciprocal length: 1/cm • Determines attenuation of beam • Monte Carlo: probability p(x) for reaction event between x and x+dx: U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  11. T-Production Cross-Sections U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  12. (n,2n) Cross-Sections U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  13. Elastic Scattering Cross-Sections U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  14. Important Nuclear Cross-Sections U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  15. 52Cr Neutron Emission Cross-Section U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  16. 28Si Neutron Emission Cross-Section U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  17. Neutron flux spectra: fusion vs. fission U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  18. Neutron transport data a (E), tot(E) E: neutron energy nem(E,E’,) =cos (), =scattering angle Angular distributions ("SAD") for elastic scattering; energy-angle distributions (" DDX") for inelastic reactions: (n,n’), (n,xn),... Photon transport data  - production cross-sections and spectra  - interaction cross-sections Response data tritium production, energy deposition (heating), gas production, activation & transmutation, radiation damage Complete data libraries are required (!) Fusion Nuclear Data U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  19. Fusion Reactor Materials U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  20. European Fusion/Activation File (EFF/EAF) Developed as part of EU fusion technology programme JENDL-FF (Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library - Fusion File) Fusion data library based on JENDL-3.1 ENDF/B-VI (US Evaluated Nuclear Data File) General purpose data library suitable for fusion applications FENDL: Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Developed for ITER under co-ordination of IAEA/NDS  Working libraries for discrete ordinates codes (multi-group data) & Monte Carlo codes (MCNP, continuous energy representation) Fusion Nuclear Data Libraries U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  21. Initiated and co-ordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Data Section (IAEA/NDS) Objective: Development of nuclear data file for ITER Data selected from national files ENDF/B-VI (USA), JENDL (Japan), BROND (RF), EFF (EU) FENDL-1 (1987-1994), FENDL-2 (1993-1998) multipurpose, activation, decay, charged particle, dosimetry reference nuclear data library for ITER design FENDL Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  22. FENDL Data Evaluations U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  23. EFF-3 general purpose data files 7Li, 9Be, 27Al, 28Si, natV, 52Cr, 56Fe, 58Ni , 60Ni; (Mo, natPb) Complete evaluations of neutron cross-section data from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV Multi-group and Monte Carlo (ACE) working libraries Validated through extensive benchmarking European Activation File EAF-2001 766 target nuclides from Z=1 (hydrogen) to 100 (fermium) 12,470 excitation functions for neutron induced reactions from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV. Validated for important materials through integral activation experiments. EU Fusion Nuclear Data U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  24. Blanket Tritium breeding, power generation, (shielding) assure tritium self-sufficiency, provide nuclear heating data for thermal-hydraulic layout Shield Attenuate radiation to tolerable level assure sufficient protection of super-conducting magnet helium gas production in steel structure ( 1 appm) Safety & Environment, Maintenance Material activation minimise activation inventory with regard to short-term and long-term hazard potential maintenance service during reactor shutdown (dose level) Fusion Reactor Design U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  25. Tritium breeding performance Optimisation (material selection, arrangement) Nuclear power Total power generation (plant efficiency) Power density distribution (thermal-hydraulic lay-out) Radiation shielding Optimisation of blanket & shield Activation & afterheat Safety & waste management issues Radiation damage & transmutation Blanket life-time & performance Neutronic Tasks U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  26. Neutron & photon transport calculations Monte Carlo method (MCNP code) 3D modelling of reactor (torus sector) Nuclear cross-section data FENDL-1, -2/MC (Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library) European Fusion File EFF-2, -3 Activation & afterheat FISPACT inventory code MCNP-FISPACT (3D activation calculations) Nuclear cross-section data FENDL-2/A activation library European Activation File EAF-99, -2001 Neutronic Tools & Data U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  27. European Fusion Technology Programme Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Blanket Water Cooled Lithium Lithium-Lead (WCLL) Blanket Demonstration Reactor Fusion Power Reactor Power Plant Conceptual Study (PPCS) 2000-2002 Near-term concepts (HCPB, WCLL) Advanced blanket concepts (DCLL, SCLL) ITER/”Next Step” Testing of blanket modules Blanket Development U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  28. Nuclear design & optimisation using suitable 3D torus sector model of EU Demonstration reactor Tritium self-sufficiency Global tritium breeding ratio (TBR)  1.05 Thermal-hydraulic & mechanical layout Nuclear heating, radiation shielding Safety analyses Activation & afterheat calculations HCPB Demo Reactor Blanket Li4SiO4 breeder ceramics (pebbles), Beryllium neutron multiplier (pebbles), helium gas coolant, low activation steel (Eurofer) U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  29. Beryllium Neutron multiplication: 9Be(n,2n)2a – 1.57 MeV Neutron moderation: Elastic scattering Nuclear heating Li4SiO4 Breeder Ceramics T-breeding: 6Li(n, a)t + 4.78 MeV 6Li enrichment 20-40 % Nuclear heating Structural material: steel (Eurofer) 56Fe(n, g) 57Fe + 7.65 MeV Parasitic neutron absorption , but: energy release Major Materials & Reactions U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  30. Li4SiO4 pebble bed Be pebble bed Coolant HCPB Demo Blanket Arrangement of pebble beds U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  31. HCPB Demo Blanket U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  32. MCNP Model of HCPB Demo Reactor U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  33. MANET vs. Eurofer steel Steel composition [w%] MANET vs. LA steel EUROFER (Li4SiO4, 30 at% 6Li, 10 mm pebble bed height) U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  34. HCPB Demo Reactor: First Wall Spectra U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  35. Tritium Breeding Performance 10 mm pebble bed height [Eurofer1.1 w% W] U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  36. Nuclear Heating HCPB central outboard blanket module U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  37. Lithium burn-up HCPB central outboard blanket module 20000 h operation U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  38. Radiation Induced Damage (dpa) HCPB central outboard blanket module U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  39. Defect production Displacement cross-section PKA formation cross-section Neutron flux density Displacement Damage Formalism Displacements per atoms (dpa) dpa/s= U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  40. DPA vs. Lithium Burn-up HCPB central outboard blanket module U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  41. Simulation Irradiation in Fission Reactors U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  42. Eurofer Activation in Demo/FW FISPACT/EAF-99: dashed with symbols ALARA/IEAF-2001: straight lines U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  43. Material Activation: Shutdown Dose Rates HCPB Demo Reactor U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  44. Neutron Source Modelling Source density distribution: 0 a  A Iso-surfaces: R0 = major plasma radius, A = minor plasma radius E = plasma elongation, e = excentricity, d0 = triangularity U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  45. PPCS Power Reactor Parameters 1500 MWe net electrical power (unit size) U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  46. Neutron Wall Loading • Normalisation 1 eV = 1,6 10-19 Ws Pfus = 1000 MW= Nfus  Efus Efus = 17,58 MeV Nfus = number of fusion reactions • Definition Neutron Wall Loading U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  47. MCNP torus sector model (11.25°) Horizontal cuts outboard inboard Vertical cut U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  48. Neutron wall loading distribution U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  49. Nuclear Power Generation PPCS power reactor of 1500 MWe unit size U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

  50. SCLL reactor: radial power density profiles U. Fischer, Fusion Neutronics, Heraeus-Ferienkurs Physik, Dresden,16.-27. September , 2002

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