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Join us for workshops to brainstorm and prioritize greenhouse gas mitigation actions for a comprehensive action plan. Your input matters!
Introduction • Welcome & Acknowledgement • Background • Workshops action plan • General Manager’s support • Housekeeping • Facilities, OH&S, Turn off mobiles [Insert Council logo]
Introduction Purpose • Developing a Climate Change Action Plan Program • Keeping to time • Respectful discussion Introductions Evaluation forms Right: Brainstorming mitigation options at Clarence Valley Council
Progress Identify Planning Team Gain internal support Steering Committee Meeting 1 -Develop a planning program Workshop 1 -Introduction Workshop 2 -Risk assessment Workshop 3 -Adaptation actions Steering Committee Meeting 2 -Research adaptation options Steering Committee Meeting 3 -Mitigation Workshop 4 -Mitigation actions Steering Committee Meeting 5 -Review Steering Committee Meeting 4 -Action plan
Expectedoutcomes Participants will: • Brainstorm greenhouse gas mitigation actions • Prioritise mitigation actions using an evaluation process By working as a group & in small groups Photo by yewenyi www.flickr.com
Emissions inventory [Outline what the Steering Committee, facilitator or other individuals have achieved by completing module 5 – note the process and outputs]
Emissions profile [Insert a visual representation of Council’s greenhouse gas inventory completed in module 5]
(1) Brainstorming actions • Groups of 3- 5 • Emission Reduction Action Template for each major source of emissions (A) • Some actions already identified by the Steering Committee (C) • Brainstorm additional actions & list (D) Photo by nicolas.boullosa www.flickr.com
(2) Rating mitigationpotential of actions • Work through each action & agree on its mitigation potential • Mitigation potential (F) = estimate of % of emissions reduction the action will achieve (E) x the quantity of the emissions source (B) Photo by Nomad Tales www.flickr.com
Example • For example: • Emissions from electricity use 12,000 T CO2-e • Installing insulation in council buildings would reduce electricity use by 5% • The mitigation potential for an insulation action = 600 T CO2-e Photo by AIA web team www.flickr.com
Break Break while the mitigation actions & mitigation potential are entered into an electronic spreadsheet
(3) Evaluating actions • Actions will be evaluated for their quadruple bottom line potential • Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) tool • Agree criteria & weightings • Score each mitigation action for all criteria using drop down menus
High score Medium Priority – High MCA score but low potential savings (tCO2-e). These actions may become higher priority if modified to improve the mitigation potential High Priority – High MCA score and high potential savings. These actions should be considered as a priority for implementation MCA score Low Priority – Low MCA score and low potential savings (tCO2-e). These actions are lowest priority Medium Priority – High potential savings (tCO2-e) but low MCA score. These actions may become higher priority through modifications to the action to improve MCA score Low score Low score Potential savings High score (4) Prioritising mitigation actions • Each action will be plotted on a matrix based on the potential savings (CO2e) & MCA score • This will classify actions as high, medium or low priority
Questions • Any questions?
Achievements from the workshop During the workshop we have: • Identified possible mitigation actions • Estimated the mitigation potential of the actions • Prioritised the actions based on mitigation potential and multi-criteria analysis
Conclusion • Thank you • Evaluation forms