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T-Cards for Vanguards

T-Cards for Vanguards. Research Notebook Entry 1 Greg Ash, Roger Casco, Aaron Herstein , Brett Overesch , Kevin Winget. Conceptual Issues. Not sure what data is important on T-cards Not sure exactly how they are used Expectations of users vary widely. ???. Interaction and Design Issues.

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T-Cards for Vanguards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. T-Cards for Vanguards Research Notebook Entry 1 Greg Ash, Roger Casco, Aaron Herstein, Brett Overesch, Kevin Winget

  2. Conceptual Issues • Not sure what data is important on T-cards • Not sure exactly how they are used • Expectations of users vary widely ???

  3. Interaction and Design Issues • Bluetooth communication • Finding a use for trans-surface in this project • Assumption that emergency response personnel will have required equipment ???

  4. Solutions • Acquire a real T-Card from Disaster City • Utilize Bluecove Bluetooth library • “Black hole” concept for resource reallocation • Command Interface facilitates trans-surface communication

  5. Bluetooth Code Snippet • private void bluetoothServer()  {StreamConnectionNotifiernotifier;StreamConnection connection = null;LocalDevice local = null;                try {                        // Get reference to an actual Bluetooth device                        local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();local.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC);javax.bluetooth.UUIDuuid = new javax.bluetooth.UUID(80087355); // "04c6093b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"                        String url = "btspp://localhost:" + uuid.toString() + ";name=RemoteBluetooth";notifier = (StreamConnectionNotifier)Connector.open(url);                } catch (Exception e) {System.err.println("Could not connect to bluetooth device, cannot start server.  Bailing.");e.printStackTrace();                        return;                }                // Here's the main loop - wait for connections and spin off threads:                while(true) {                        try {                connection = notifier.acceptAndOpen();System.out.println("Android client connected!");RemoteClient client = new RemoteClient(_commandQueue, connection);                _clients.add(client);                                   Thread remoteClientThread = new Thread(client);remoteClientThread.start();                        } catch (Exception e) {System.err.println("Error encountered while accepting new Bluetooth connection:");e.printStackTrace();                        return;                        }                }                               }

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