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MARUDHAR MATHUR SAMAJ JAIPUR. EK SANSKRATIK DHAROHAR. Diwali milan samaroh 2010. Samudayik Bhawan. Service. FREE MEDICAL CAMP 18th april 2010. GOALS. Coaching in various subjects to boys appearing in PMT and other competitive examinations.
Service FREE MEDICAL CAMP 18th april 2010
GOALS • Coaching in various subjects to boys appearing in PMT • and other competitive examinations. • Summer classes for coaching in English speaking. • Computer Courses for needy and interested students, elders and young ones. • To provide skills to succeed in competitive examinations to younger generation. • Library for all in the SamudayikBhawan with the help of members in cash and kind (books).
IntroductionMarudharMathurSamaj was organized as a welfare society in the year1994 at Jaipur with eleven founder members . The name indicates heritage of Marwar by birth. Today the small thought has blossomed into a society of more than 700 members and their families closely knit together by common culture , passion and enduring for its upliftment . The elders are respected as much as the little ones are loved. We celebrate Holi, Diwali and other festivals together with same enthusiasm as personal functions like marriages, b’ days ,anniversaries . There are get-togethers to interact on Health , Education and Carrier building topics with eminent personalities from with-in society. We care for the members in their pain and dismay by extending support and assistance in all manners
OBJECTIVES MarudharMathurSamaj society was formed with the following objectives; • Social, cultural, economic and educational upliftment of society. • To cultivate the feelings of unity and co-operation among members of society. • To make society free of social evils. • Attempt to brush aside finatism and anti-social activities from society. • Adopt and support the government’s policies for betterment and social welfare. • Co-operate with organizations engaged in social welfare. • To fulfill the objectives through co-operation of all members.
Elections As per clause No.9 of constitution of the society ,the election were held on --- Oct 2009 and the general body elected unanimously the following team of office bearers for two years (2009-2011): K.K.MathurP.R.RaiPremBihari President Secretary Treasurer
EDUCATION Awards: • Brilliant Students 16 • Toppers 12 • Scholarships 4 • Donations Rs 96,000/ (Cheques) • F.D.Rs. Rs 40,000/ • English Coaching class For students was organized by society in summer vacation (2010). • Financial assistance provided to needy students, (1) Engineering student Rs 37000/,(2) School level, four children Rs.30,ooo/ • SUPORT
Medical Relief • Medical Relief is provided to needy members :- • Rs 33000/ was paid as 1st installment in ----2010 to re-imburse the bills of treatment of a cancer patient. • Rs 23500/ was paid as 2nd installment in the m/o – 2010. • Rs 11000/ has been paid for by-pass surgery of a child of our community from Jodhpur in the m/o Jan.2011. • Financial support received :- • Rs 33000/ from Sh. Suraj Raj jiMathur L/M • US$ 500, donated by Sh. Sameer Shah USA • Many other members donate liberally in Medical Fund.
AWARENESSTalk by Dr. M. K. Mathur, Rtd. Prof. &Head RRC SMS Hospital on Ostioporosis & deseases of bones in old age .Prof. NaveenMathur vice chansller Jodhpur University adressed the need of Personalit Development of young graduates.Dr. RameshroopRai ,rtd. Prof. & Head gestrology on constipation & burning in chest.Open discussion on Personality Development of young generation.Talk by sh. KishoriLalRtd. Session Judge on new horizons in Law faculty. y
CONSTRUCTION • Construction activities of the SamudayikBhawan of samaj are in progress for last two yers. • 60’*60* size Basement. • 50’*50’ Hall at ground floor. • 9 rooms, 10’*20’ size with attached bath & toilets . • Kitchen in side & two bath & toilets for general use at G.L. • Rs. 81,36, 979 / spent up to March 2010. • Yearly audit by m/s AmitRamakant & Co. C.A. • Funds donated by members of society. • Cultural