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Creating [User] Interfaces

Creating [User] Interfaces. Introductions & Overview Moodle HW: Introduce yourself and make reply comments on moodle. Complete HTML5 exercises. * Will try to have an in-class activity most classes, so come prepared to work AND listen & discuss!. Introductions. Jeanine Meyer

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Creating [User] Interfaces

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  1. Creating [User] Interfaces Introductions & Overview Moodle HW: Introduce yourself and make reply comments on moodle. Complete HTML5 exercises. * Will try to have an in-class activity most classes, so come prepared to work AND listen & discuss!

  2. Introductions • Jeanine Meyer • Full Professor, Math/Computer Science & New Media. • Ph.D. in Computer Science • Previous experience: IBM Research (robotics & manufacturing systems), IBM EduQuest (corporate grants). Pace University. Consulting/k-12 Faculty development • books: Multimedia in the Classroom, Programming Games using Visual Basic, Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP, Beginning Scripts through Game Creation, Essential Guide to HTML5, HTML5 & JavaScript Projects • You

  3. Websites for course • My website:http://faculty.purchase.edu/jeanine.meyer • Lecture charts • Schedule, handout, guides to midterm and final • Moodle http://moodle.purchase.edu • Required assignments (posting, comments to other posts, pages) • In class and homework

  4. Course subject • Concepts, tools, practice in creating applications for [practical] purpose • 'HCI': exchange of information, perhaps with side effects • Success or quality of interaction can be determined. • Did client/customer/user see right information? • Was the intended transaction processed (correctly)? • Was effort or time acceptable? • Practice in specific technologies: HTML5 JavaScript, VoiceXML. • Practice in presentations (including writing), team work. Focus in course is the 'front end', the interface with the client/user/visitor/etc. Back-end/back office processing is the subject of other courses, including Creating Data Bases for Web Applications and Social Software. Focus on artistic expression [only] in service of functionality. The important question is: does it serve the objective(s)!

  5. Course content • Concepts & processes • Definition(s) of usability • Assessing usability, including observations, tests, etc. • Observations include embedded devices • Attention to specific audience needs • Accessibility issues • Language/localization • Platforms • [Regular] Web (full-size computer screen) • Save mobile for other class • Telephone (directed speech recognition) • Technologies • HTML5 (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) • VoiceXML

  6. Course structure Each day may include lecture and computer work Postings, homework, midterm & final quiz plus • Classwork exercises and homework • E.g., comparison of government sites • Site comparison study • User observation study • Embedded computer study • Build VoiceXML application • Build teaching example • Planning presentation & final presentation

  7. Questions? • Now to overview on content

  8. Goal • Raise level of analysis of interfaces (not exclusively web sites viewed on desktop computers) • concepts and terms • practice: looking & reporting, identifying purpose & role players, observing use, as well as building our own applications

  9. Whole story • Identify users—give name to users and there may be several groups of users • Identify goals / purpose / function: what do you want this application to do? What do users want? • Try your best to be user-centered: put yourself in position of the users • For example, vocabulary, organization • Involve actual users early and continually, including • At the very start • after application launch

  10. Note Field is evolving. • Must pay attention to existing interfaces • Even more spread between new and experienced clients/customers/users • BUT…new interfaces / metaphors can take over, with new expectations • mobile devices supporting new interactions.

  11. Presentation / Usability • Edward Tufte • Known for beautiful books, critique of PowerPoint, critique of effort on Challenger launch, other • Jakob Nielsen • Known for critiques on usability, books, etc. • Steve Krug • Short, funny how-to books on usability • ?? Extra credit opportunity: make posting, not just a link, summarizing new and/or source

  12. Page concepts • Screen real estate • content • navigation • decoration • white space • chartjunk, data ink • data dimension • answers to question: Compared to …? • above the fold versus below the fold • flow • scanning versus reading • chunking information

  13. Application concepts • Metaphor • For example: visit a website • user-centered, user expectations • shallow versus deep organization • bread crumb trails • data dimension (as relevant to overall design) • functions of audio, video, animation

  14. Building usability • Identify/decide on [better] name for your users • Determine function(s), metrics • Formative evaluation: what does it take to get to information/perform task successfully • Observe performance • can include asking for opinion(s) • Correct/improve • Monitor/correct/improve

  15. Usability definition "[Usability refers to] the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of user." - ISO 9241-11 International Organization for Standardization Will look at other definitions and discuss.

  16. Accessibility • Special needs • For example, visually impaired • Note: special needs may help more general population in special circumstances or even any situation… • Language • Localization • For example, dates • Other?

  17. HTML5 • HTML5 is the latest/soon to be version of • HyperText Markup Language (HTML): text with tags for content • JavaScript: scripting/programming language for interactivity, dynamic presentation • Cascading Style Sheets: formatting • Many new features, for support of semantic web, dynamic/interactive websites • CAUTION: definition not official. Support from browsers not complete (most especially: IE missing, but promised.)

  18. New features include: • Semantic elements: header, footer, section, article, others. • canvas for drawing • paths of rectangles, arcs, lines, images • mouse events • localStorage (variation of cookies) • audio & video elements • including drawing video on canvas

  19. Comparisons Study • Comparing two things with similar functions is good way to get at critical issues. • Possible topics • [websites for two different colleges: we will do this next class!] • old and new NY voting machines • websites for motor vehicle for two different states • GPS on different devices • ??? • Determine system owners, classes of system users, application purpose(s), owners' goals, etc. Observe (use) and report.

  20. User observation study • Pick computer application, e.g., website. • Determine functions and system owners and classes of users • Recruit 3-5 people that can act as users • Represent different groups and/or levels of experience, etc. • Structure session: define tasks • Observe and assess usability. Get feedback from your subjects.

  21. Embedded devices • ATM • Car • Parking lot payment kiosk • ?

  22. Directed speech recognition • Something different! • Applications set up to recognize speech (over the phone) and give information and/or do transactions and/or get to correct person. • Examples?

  23. VoiceXML • XML language. Set of tags, including form, field, grammar. A special language for grammars. • A company named Voxeo offers a testing service for developers. • You can (will) register as Voxeo developer.

  24. Example • Implements conversation with members of my family • Code not complete, mainly shows interactions with Aviva, who at that time was folding cranes for a friend's wedding.

  25. <?xml version="2.0"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form> <field name="childid"> <prompt> <audio src="whosthis.wav">Hello. Who is calling?</audio> </prompt> <grammar type="application/x-gsl" mode="voice"> <![CDATA[ [ [dan daniel (daniel meyer) (dan meyer)] {<childid "daniel">} [aviva (aviva meyer)] {<childid "aviva">} [esther (esther minkin) ] {<childid "esther">} ] ]]> </grammar>

  26. <catch event="noinput nomatch"> <audio src="sorry.wav">Sorry. I didn't get that.</audio> <exit/> </catch> <filled> <if cond="'daniel'==childid"> <goto next="#danfollowup"/> <elseif cond="'aviva'==childid"/> <goto next="#avivafollowup"/> <elseif cond="'esther'==childid"/> <goto next="#estherfollowup"/> <else/> <reprompt/> </if> </filled> </field> </form>

  27. <form id="avivafollowup"> <var name="rest" expr="1000"/> <field name="bcount" type="number"> <prompt> <audio src="howmanycranes.wav">Hello, Aviva. How many cranes have you made? </audio> </prompt> <grammar type="application/x-gsl" mode="voice" > <![CDATA[ NATURAL_NUMBER_THRU_9999 ]]> </grammar> <catch event="noinput nomatch"> <audio src="sorry.wav">Sorry. I didn't get that.</audio> <exit/> </catch>

  28. <filled> <assign name="rest" expr="1000-bcount"/> <audio> <value expr="rest" /> </audio> <audio src="togo.wav"> to go. </audio> <if cond="rest&lt;200" > <audio src="homestretch.wav">You're in the home stretch </audio> <elseif cond="rest&lt;500" /> <audio src="morethanhalf.wav">More than half way </audio> <elseif cond="rest&lt;800" /> <audio src="goodstart.wav">Off to a good start </audio> <else/> <audio> Get a move on </audio> </if> <audio src="goodbye.wav">Good bye. </audio> </filled> </field> </form>

  29. Classwork • [Re-] do Favorite Sites HTML exercise in HTML5 • use semantic elements in place of formatting in the <body> • use CSS font-family feature to ensure graceful degradation…. • NOTE: by using HTML5 we are ignoring current lack of support by IE! • Write description, giving purpose (s) of site along with description of users. • What is purpose of owners? • What is purpose of users?

  30. screen shot, not live html

  31. Favorite Sites or anything else • html document: tags and text <html> <head> <title> </title> <style> </style> formatting <script> </script> interaction / behavior </head> <body> content (and structure) </body> </html>

  32. <html> <head> <title>Favorite Sites </title> <style> header {font-family:Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif; text-align:center; font-size:30px; display:block; } article { text-align:left; font-size:20px; margin:20px; display:block; font-family:"Century","Tahoma", sans-serif; } img {display:block;} </style> <script> document.write(Date()); </script> </head>

  33. <body> <header>Favorite Sites </header> <article> My Academic website, <a href="http://faculty.purchase.edu/jeanine.meyer"> http://faculty.purchase.edu/jeanine.meyer</a> is where I put information about my courses, along with publications and other activities. <img src="purchase_logo_sm.gif" width="200"/> </article> <article> My daughter, Aviva, is active in the <a href="http://stolenchair.org">Stolen Chair Theater company.</a> The next production involves Victorian photo-collage. <img src="CSTlogo.jpg" width="100"/> </article> <body> </html>

  34. Classwork • Produce your own version. • Research any CSS you need / want. • See next page concerning font choice.

  35. Homework • Read http://thenextweb.com/dd/2013/12/23/science-behind-fonts-make-feel/#!qBNC9 • Finish Favorite sites page and upload it. • Go to moodle and make introductory post to General Discussion forum. • Comment on other posts • Put in working link to your Favorite sites page

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