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I N S U R I N G I N V E S T M E N T S E N S U R I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S. Business climate and recent economic reforms in SEE & CIS The Western Balkans. Harald Jedlicka Marketing Executive Brussels, 27 th June 2007. Brussels, 27 th June 2007.
I N S U R I N G I N V E S T M E N T S E N S U R I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S Business climate and recent economic reforms in SEE & CISThe Western Balkans Harald Jedlicka Marketing ExecutiveBrussels, 27th June 2007
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries The IIWB - Services to investors Access to a widenetwork of contacts Information Quality adviceandassistance IIWBvalue-addforcompanies Introduction to IFC finance& services and MIGA PRI
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Doing Business in the Western Balkans Ease of Doing Businessranking 2006 & 2007 • Captures data in 10 areas defining the business climate • Compares 175 countries worldwide • Catch-up process has begun • Some countries already exceeding NMS levels 2006 2007 PL 2007 MZ SE RO AL MT BiH HR BG PL Source: The World Bank Group, 2007
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Supportive environment for FDI Corporate tax rates • New and improved FDI legislation • Low corporate tax rates • Attractive incentives for investors • Investment Promotion Agencies in place to support investors PL MZ SE RO AL MT BiH(RS) BiH(Fed) HR BG PL Source: Investment Promotion Agencies, 2007
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries The IIWB benchmarking study • Direct interviews with ~70 existing investors • Captures more than 70 datapoints on • Costs • Business Conditions • Risks • Focus on automotive and food & beverages sectors Available for free download at:www.iiwb.org
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Key indicators – employment cost Annual total employment cost for labor (in US$) • Based on interviews with existing companies • Figures include gross salaries and social security charges • Overall labor costs vary between 30% and 70% of labor costs in the Czech Republic or Hungary Technical Skilled labor CZ CZ MZ SE HU AL BiH HR CZ SK Source: The World Bank Group / MIGA, 2006
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Key indicators – labour availability Unemployment rates2006 • Abundant avail-ability of labor • Excellent skills base in certain sectors • Strengths in technical sectors • Multilingual proficiencies MZ SE AL MT BiH HR Source: WIIW, 2007
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Conclusion: a credible option to address your business issues • A growing market of app. 30 million consumers at the doorstep of the EU • Free trade agreements with the EU and Russia Market access • Labor costs of 30%-70%of levels in Czech Republic and Hungary Reducecosts • Abundant availability of skilled laborin specific sectors Access toskills
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Next steps Take the next step… Go visit the region and check it out! Help is here for you.
Brussels, 27th June 2007 Business climate in the Western Balkans countries Contact details Harald Jedlicka Marketing Executive t. + 43 (1) 535 53 82-2116f. + 43 (1) 535 53 82-5115harald.jedlicka@iiwb.org Invest In The Western Balkans World Bank Group Foreign Investment Advisory Service – FIASStrauchgasse 3A - 1014 Vienna, Austriawww.iiwb.org Maja Gedosev Marketing Executive t. + 43 (1) 535 53 82-2113f. + 43 (1) 535 53 82-5115maja.gedosev@iiwb.org