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healthWorks Training. Feel free to ask questions as we go along. Welcome. Please complete the pre-training questionnaire. Record your unique audit ID in your diary- you will need it again in 2 months time!!!. Session Plan. Course aim and objectives The links between health and work
healthWorks Training Feel free to ask questions as we go along
Welcome Please complete the pre-training questionnaire. Record your unique audit ID in your diary- you will need it again in 2 months time!!!
Session Plan • Course aim and objectives • The links between health and work • Welfare reform • Employability pipeline • When and how to talk about work • Signposting & healthWorks resources • Developments • Action planning • Discussion and close
Aim To raise awareness of the links between health and work and explore ways of addressing this as part of usual interactions together across health, social and the third sector.
Learning Outcomes • Recognise the role of health and work/volunteering in everyday life. • Be aware of welfare reforms and consequences. • Know when and how to raise the issue of work. • Be clearer and more confident about your role in supporting people with health linked work needs. • Be aware of the healthWorks Project resources available. • Be able to use these resources to provide basic information about local work related support services.
Health & Work The evidence tells us that there are considerable costs associated with long term unemployment. • At the individual level: Significantly more ill health (physical, mental, social and psychological) and an increase in the likelihood of an early death from preventable disease or by suicide. • At a societal level: Higher costs for medical and social care and economic loss of income tax returns.
Is (good) work good for health? Being in work is one of a range of factors recognised to influence good health For most adults of working age, including those with disabilities and common health problems, a return to work can: • promote recovery and aid rehabilitation • improve physical and mental health and wellbeing • reduce social exclusion and poverty (Waddell G, Burton AK. Is work good for your health and well-being?)
Vocational rehabilitation… …is whatever helps someone with a health problem to stay at, return to and remain in work. It is an idea and an approach as much as an intervention or a service. Waddell, Burton & Kendal (2008)
Benefits and Welfare Reform 1of 3 • Statutory Sick Pay • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Benefits and Welfare Reform 2 of 3 • Carers Allowance • Income Support • Jobseekers Allowance • Tax Credits • Universal Credit • Council Tax Reduction/Exemption • Disabled Person’s Reduction
Benefits and Welfare Reform 3 of 3 • Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance • Mortgage costs • Road Tax • Blue Badge • Travel card • Hospital Travel Costs Scheme
Employability “Employability encompasses all the things that enable people to increase their chances of getting a job, staying in, and progressing further, in work”. Scottish Government, Workforce Plus, 2006
Employability Pipeline Not job ready AHPs 3rd sector LA Not job ready 3rd sector LA Job ready JCP In work AHPs Not job ready AHPs 3rd sector LA
Occupational Health “Occupational health is about how your work affects your health, and making sure you are fit for the work that you do. This includes: Sudden injury at work, e.g. through a slip or trip; and Long-term exposure to hazards, such as repetitive strain injury or stress OH also involves preventing work-related disease, though safe working practices, ergonomics, health surveillance of the workforce and sickness absence management” TUC
Asking About Work • Asking about work is an opportunity to improve people’s health chances. • Employment status can be gathered both formally and informally. • You and your team can decide when best to incorporate this into your usual interactions and how you might record any action you take to tackle this.
Signposting & Resources www.hi-netgrampian.org/healthworks healthWorks Z-cards (or call 01224 558 504 to order free) healthWorks Prompt Sheet healthWorks Quick Guide
Local Services…. Visit: www.hi-netgrampian.org/healthworks and access the local Quick Guides. The database needs to be kept up to date- please help by sharing information.
Developments Focus on the Fitness for Work Report Service evaluation and research in conjunction with Clinical Effectiveness and R&D/Ethics sponsorship and approval (pending) Training of 220 AHPs across Grampian Focus Groups Patient Interviews New services and future opportunities • Fit for Work Service • AHP Advisory Fitness for Work Report • The Smith Commission- Work Choice and Work programme future?
Individual Learning and Action Planning Activity Reminder- Please complete post training questionnaire in 2 months time!!!
Discussion…. Juliet McBean julietmcbean@nhs.net or nhsg.healthworks@nhs.net