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Flavors of the Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) The JEM-EUSO and S-EUSO missions. Andrea Santangelo. Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics Karls Eberhard Universität Tübingen. Outline. Why space? The Basic concept: the EUSO mission
Flavors of the Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO) The JEM-EUSO and S-EUSO missions Andrea Santangelo Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics Karls Eberhard Universität Tübingen
Outline • Why space? • The Basic concept: the EUSO mission • The near term future: JEM-EUSO • Technology • Status • The long term future: Super-EUSO • Science Requirements • Technological developments
Why From Space ? “Although it is impossible to predict what Auger will find in the next few years, it seems certain that it will be necessary to monitor massive volumes of atmosphere to study charged cosmic rays and neutrinos with energies above 1020 eV. Observations from a space platform are likely to be essential, particularly for the study of very high energy neutrinos.” (from the “Statement by the Pierre Auger Collaboration on UHECR within the Cosmic Vision Process”, 2004).
Has something changed from the time this statement was done?
Clear Evidence of Suppression of Flux > 4 x 1019 eV • Rough agreement with HiRes at highest energies
Open Questions remain • Is this the GZK suppression? Or are the source running out of fuel? • Do we have a high statistics description of the spectrum? • Do we see a recovery of the spectrum? • Has the spectrum an end? • A high precision measurement of the UHECR spectrum around and beyond the „GZK“ feature Some – but few (~1 with Auger) - events above 1020 eV Only a few per millenium per km2 above 1020 eV
Where, Which, What are the sources? Science: 9 November 2007 First scan gave ψ < 3.1°, z < 0.018 (75 Mpc) and E > 56 EeV
Sources of UHECR (4) • It‘s a question of Exposure… (Allard, 2007; Olinto et al., ICRC07) Armengaud, ICRC07 (Blasi & De Marco) (S-EUSO proposal, 2007)
A key requirement for UHECR Astronomy • Identification of individual sources of UHECR and measurement of their energy spectrum
Kalashev et al., 2002 EUSO Red Book, 2004; Bottai, 2004 Mannheim, 1995 Protheroe & Johnson, 1995 Speculative models Astrophysical models Region of ‘safe’ neutrino astronomy ? Cosmogenic Neutrinos
Constrains Semikoz & Sigl, 2004 SHDM models are strongly constrained by the absence of identified photon candidates in the Auger data Semikoz & Auger Collab., ICRC07 Strong constrains: Gamma-ray flux at GeV Auger results on photon
Cosmogenic Neutrinos n - oscillation: ne : nm : nt 1 : 2 : 0 (at generic source) 1 : 1 : 1(at earth) max.mixing, 13=0 Berezinsky & Zatsepin, (1969, 1970) Berezinsky (2005)
A question of threshold Lipari, 2007 Integral and differential neutrino interaction rates. Solid line: downward, dashed upward emerging tau leptons. Engel et al., 2001 (thick curves) Semikoz & Sigl, 2004 (thin curves)
John Linsley in 1979 in the Field Committee Report of NASA “Call for Projects and Ideas in High Energy Astrophysics for the 1980s” The concept to observe, by means of Space Based devices looking at Nadir during the night, the fluorescence light produced by an EAS proceeding in the atmosphere In 1995 Yoshi Takahashi of UHA rediscovered the original idea and proposed the MASS program wich later became a reality with the OWL and EUSO studies
A compact, monocular, instrument … System electronics, single photon counting, fast 10 ns, track time sampling (Gate time unit) 833 nsec The 300-400 nm fluorescence light is imaged by a large Fresnel lens optics onto a finely segmented focal plane detector. Focal surface, single photon counting, high pixelization, 2*105 pixels Entrance pupil diameter > 2.0 m, F/# < 1.25 Double sided Fresnel lenses, 2.5 m diameter Filter, deposited on the lens
EUSO • Large distance > 400 km • Large FOV
Japanese Experiment Module (KIBO) on International Space Station 51.6° ISS Flight direction
Outline of JEM Exposure Facility Robotic Arm JEM Exposure Facility: Number of ports: 10 Power:120Vdc、Max10kW Communication:low speed(MIL-STD-1553B) medium speed (Ethernet)、 High speed :FDDI) Coolant: controlled temperature 20±4℃
JEM-EUSO Telescope on ISS Tilted Mode JEM-EUSO Telescope will be attached to Exposure Facility of Japanese Experiment Module (JEM/EF) of ISS in about 2013 Vertical Mode Larger effective area (x3) with ~35°tilt
JEM-EUSO • Large distance > 400 km • Large FOV Area of FOV [km2] Tilt Angle [degree] Higashide, Wada et al., 2007
Progress 1: Refractive-Diffractive Optics better designed • Optics Requirements • FoV 30° • Pupil entrance pupil 2 m • F/# 1.0 • Spot dimension ~ 0.1° • Spectral range 300-400 nm NEW MATERIAL CYTOP 3 double-sided curved Fresnel Lenses with a central flat (color correcting) fine precision lens. > 50% Towards a Super Optics? A pixel size of 2.5 mm would greatly increase the S/N > +70% #26
Progress 2: Industrial technical advancements MAPMT 36PMTx36ch Helping advancing the JEM-EUSO capacity
Progress: From EUSO to JEM-EUSO New optical material (CYTOP) and Advanced Design Higher QE devices Advanced Trigger algorithm Tilt mode : 5 times exposure at E 3x1020 eV Fenu & Santangelo, 2008
Sources… Simulation (1000 Events) De Marco/Blasi 2003
Important calendar (forthcoming) • June 2008 • Third International JEM-EUSO Meeting • July 2008 • Selection for the Later Phases • April 2009 • Down-selection for B/C/D • Year 2009-2012 • Production, Assembly & Verification • Expected launch by HIIB-HTV in 2013
Submitted to ESA in response of the AO for the first cycle of missions of the Programme “Cosmic Vision 2015-2020” Maximize the Statistics in the 1019-1021 eV energy range S-EUSO and “Cosmic Vision” Opening Particle Astronomy “A Space Observatory for next generation studies of the Universe at Ultra High energies”
Tilted mode (?) • Free Flyer • Variable orbit 1000 km • FOV
the scientific requirements Effective Aperture E>5x106 km2 sr yr (Nadir Mode) Low energy threshold~100% @ E≤4 (goal 1) x1019 eV Average angular resolution Δα<2° (goal 1°) @ E≤1020 eV Energy resolution ΔE/E ≤ 0.1 @ E≤1019 eV EAS maximum determination ΔXMAX ≤ 50 (20) g cm-2 Orbit height variable800 (goal 500) -1200 km Operational life 5 yr on-orbit operational life(goal is 10 years)
Is such a challenging mission technologically and technically feasible ?
Effort 1: Optics Light shield Focal surface 4.48 m Ø Entrance Pupil with correcting plate and/or filter • Schimdt Telescope, a single spherical mirror (Zerodur 1 mm thick)+ a front correcting plate 7.5 m
Optics Deployability OWL Concept study Stecker et al. 2004 A 4 m deployable mirror for LIDAR application is under development on a ESA contract (ITT AO/1-4629/NL/CP Ref. 2053, Advanced Lidar Concept, ALC) Courtesy of Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA
Effort 2: Focal Surface • GAPD, Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes is the baseline sensor • High filling factor • High detection efficiency (>60%) • Single Photon Counting 5x5 mm2 GAPD (SiPM) developed by MPI and MEPhl Otte, ICRC07 4x4 mm2 GAPD developed by FBK and IRST (Italy)
Conclusions • JEM-EUSO is in Phase A Study, in the framework of the second call for the utilization of the japanese module of the ISS. If selected it will be launched in the 2013 time window. • JEM-EUSO is expected to significantly contribute to UHECR astronomy and possibly It will detect UHE Neutrino. But it will be also a pathfinder… • A Free Flyer Mission with an exposure of A> a few 106 km2sr yr +energy threshold of E<1019 eV hosting deployable Optics and High Quantum Efficiency Photo Sensors is feasible S-EUSO is being considered for “enabling technology” studies. • S-EUSO is expected to identify and study the spectral properties of celestial sources of Cosmic Rays. UHE Neutrino will be detected and studied, and new physics could emerge.
JEM-EUSO Collaboration 9 countries, 46 institutions, 120 members • Japan :T. Ebisuzaki, Y. Uehara, H. Omori, Y. Kawasaki, M. Sato, Y. Takizawa, T. Wada, K. Kawai (Riken), F. Kajino, M. Sakata, H. Sato, Y. Yamamoto, N. Ebizuka, (Konan Univ.), Y. Miyazaki (Fukui Inst. Tech.), N. Sakaki, T. Shibata (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), N. Inoue (Saitama Univ.), Y. Uchihori (NIRS), K. Nomoto (Tokyo), Y. Takahashi (Tohoku Univ.), M. Takeda (ICRR, Univ. Tokyo), Y. Arai, Y. Kurihara, H. Shimizu, J. Fujimoto (KEK), S. Yoshida (Chiba Univ.), K. Asano, S. Inoue, Y. Mizumoto, J. Watanabe (NAOJ), H. Ikeda, M. Suzuki, T. Yano (ISAS, JAXA), T.Murakami, D. Yonetoku (Kanazawa Univ.), N. Sugiyama (Nagoya), Y. Ito, Y. Muraki (STEL, Nagoya Univ.), S. Nagataki (YITP, Kyoto Univ.), A. Saito(Kyoto Univ.), S. Abe, M. Nagata (Kobe Univ.), T. Tajima (KPSI, JAEA) • USA : J. H. Adams, S. Mitchell, M.J. Christl, J. Watts Jr., A.English (NASA MSFC) ,Y. Takahashi, D. Gregory, M. Bonamente, P. Readon, V. Connaughton, K. Pitalo, J.Hadaway, J. Geary,R. Lindquist, P. Readon (Univ. Alabama in Huntsville), H. Crawford, C. Pennypacker (LBL, Univ. California, Berkeley),K. Arisaka, D. Cline (UCLA), T. Weiler, S. Czorna (Vanderbilt Univ.) • France: J-N. Capdevielle, P. Gorodetzky, P. Salin, D. Semikoz, G. Sigl (CNRS), J. Dolbeau (Coll. de France), E. Parizot, T. Patzak, F. Vanucci(Univ. Paris 7), J. Weisbard (IN2P3) • Germany: M. Teshima (Max Planck Munich), A. Santangelo (Tuebingen), P. Biermann (MPI Bonn), K. Mannheim (Wuerzburg) • Italy: S. Bottai. P. Spillantini, A. Zuccaro (Firenze), Anzalone, O. Catalano, G. D'Ali Saiti, M.C. Maccarone, P. Scarsi, B. Sacco (Palermo), B. M. Casolino, M.P. De Pascale, A. Morselli, P. Picozza, R. Sparvoli (Roma 2), M. Bertania, A. Cappa, M. Dattoli, P. Galeotti, P. Vallania, C. Vigorito, (Torino), A. Gregorio (Trieste) • Mexico: G. Medina-Tanco (Mexico UNAM), H. Salazar (Puebla) • Republic of Korea : S. Nam, I. H. Park (Ehwa W. Univ.) • Russia: Garipov G.K., Khrenov B.A., Klimov P.A. Panasyuk M.I., Yashin I.V. (SINP MSU), Naumov, D., Tkachev. L (Dubna JINR) • Switzerland: A. Maurissen, V. Mitev (Neuchatel, Switzerland)
“SSAC strongly recommends enabling technology studies…” “…in the field of UHE Cosmic Rays” (that is S-EUSO) • Clarify with ESA the critical technologies… • Feedback from ESA
Future key goal: be competitive for the next run of proposals in 2010 • Identify the critical enabling technologies • Address the Agencies (ESA+National) • Try to have access to R&D resources from ESA + Agencies • Decisions will be taken in June-July (at the next SPC)
the scientific requirements Effective Aperture E>5x106 km2 sr yr (Nadir Mode) E~107 km2 sr yr Low energy threshold100% at E≤1019 eV Average angular resolution Δα 1° -3° @ E≤1020 eV Energy resolution ΔE/E ≤ 0.1 @ E≤1019 eV EAS maximum determination ΔXMAX ≤ 20 g cm-2 Orbit height variable800 (goal 500) -1200 km Operational life 5 yr on-orbit operational life(goal is 10 years)