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Integrated Tokamak Modeling in RUSSIA Status and Plans S.V. Konovalov, RRC Kurchatov Institute. Institutions Involved in ITM activity coordinated by Kurchatov Institute. НИИЭФА Им. Ефремова. General Strategy is parallel development of compatible modules and integrated code.
Integrated Tokamak Modeling in RUSSIAStatus and PlansS.V. Konovalov, RRC Kurchatov Institute
Institutions Involved in ITM activity coordinated by Kurchatov Institute НИИЭФА Им. Ефремова IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
General Strategy is parallel development of compatible modules and integrated code • Integration shell • Modules: 1)Physics: Fixed/Free boundary equilibrium, Ideal/Resistive/Drift/EP MHD stability, Auxiliary Heating/CD, Impurity dynamics, Runaways, Energetic Ion effects, etc. 2)Engineerings: ITER systems, controllers, etc. 3)Diagnostics: EP, Ha, neutron, magnetic probes, reflectometry ... Integrating code Modules ITER Simulators Ultimate Goal is ITER simulators IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Integrating shell combines advantages of ASTRA and DINA IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Automated System for TRansport Analysis (ASTRA) MAIN ADVANTAGES: • It is widely used for scenario development and kinetic control, for experimental analysis, model validation and predictive simulations. • It has about 20 years history of development. It is familiar to users at more then 20 sites in 4 ITER Parties which enables to expect further contributions in the compatible modules development. • It comprises a large library of compatible validated and benchmarked modules for the simulation of plasma transport, equilibrium, heating and current drive. • It has well developed shell for modification of the physical model, automatic code generation, convenient graphics for real time interactive scenario control and presentation of the result. • Allows integration with other codes through the sheared memory IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
ASTRA-6 upgrades • Fixed and Free boundary equilibrium solver (SPIDER) • MHD stability analysis – KINX (no feedbacks on transport modifications at the present) • Impurity radiation and transport (ZIMPUR + NCLASS) • Auxiliary Heating/CD interpolated modules (OGRAY, STELION, DRIFT/NBI etc.) • Grid version for optimization of the scenarios, development of the experimental strategy, producing the user friendly simplified models - SIMULATORS (CODAC, real-time control models , etc...) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
DINA code Main advantages: • Scenario simulation with account for realistic external controllers for plasma position, shape and current. • Disruption and VDE simulations with halo and runaway current generation. • Simulator of ITER disruptions validated on JT-60U data • Interfaces with engineering codes (MATLAB Simulink version) • Reconstruction of the equilibrium configuration using the magnetic diagnostics data IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
DINA - MATLAB IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
DINA - upgrades • Improvement of transport models • Initial stage: model for neutrals, • integration with TRANSMAK • Advanced Auxiliary Heating / CD modules • Divertor plasma model: DINA-SOL • User interfaces: compatibility with ASTRA shell and SCoPEShell IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
MODULES IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Main Codes Auxiliary Heating & CDOGRAY, PSTELION, ANTRES Particle Motion & KineticsDRIFT, FPP-3D,VENUS-dF EquilibriumSPIDER, PET MHD StabilityKINX, NFTC Scenario ASTRA DINA Control Impurity radiation & transportZIMPUR Plasma Initiation SCENPLINT TRANSMAK Data Analysis, Neural Network, Visualization, etc.:SCoPEShell NNTMM, VIP, CLUNAVT 3D structuresKLONDIKE, TYPHOON IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Equilibrium solver SPIDER There are rectangular and adaptive grid versions IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
SPIDER free boundary equilibrium simulations • Simulation of the plasma initiation, VDE and disruptions • Good convergence for steep plasma current density and pressure gradients • Intrinsic compatibility with KINX stability calculations • SPIDER is the base of the DINA code IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Impurity charge state & radiation module ZIMPUR • ZIMPUR – calculates radial distributions and radiation of the impurity ions in all existing charge states • It allows simulations of the high-Z impurities Ar, W, etc. • There are 2 options: • Stand alone (atomic process rates, Z distribution, radiation, code description and demo – 50% ready) • ASTRA module combined with NCLASS (accommodation to SPIDER equilibrium is in progress) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
KINX – ideal linear MHD stability code • ITER edge stability diagram • Pedestal j|| and p’ rescaled independently • n=∞ ballooning and kink/ballooning modes n<40 IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
KINX - RWM • 2D RWM: • Benchmarking of codes used for simulation of RWM feedback control in ITER • Calculation of transfer functions describing evolution of RWM in the presence of active control • Calculation of N(no wall) and N(ideal wall) for different ITER plasmas Levels of normal displacements (left) and perturbed magnetic field along the first wall. IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
KINX + TYPHOON 3D RWM • In-port coils are necessary to stabilize RWM in ITER • 3D structures – TYPHOON • Inertia-free MHD plasma model + 3D vacuum vessel were developed (KINX-3D) • Regularization procedure is necessary • KINX+TYPHOON coupling At the moment development of 3D-RWM code is temporary suspended IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Alfvén mode stability in ITER Alfven continuum (left) and gap mode radial structure in ITER inductive scenario Selfconsistent model for the Alfven mode evolution and associated fast ion transport (KINX + DRIFTASTRA; KINX+(VENUS+df)) is under development IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
OFMC code DRIFT • Anomalous transport and losses of fast ions (ripple, MHD perturbations) • Heat loads on plasma facing elements • NBI module • ICRF heating • FI distribution function • FI Diagnostics (NPA, scintillators) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Exact NBI geometry ITER, JT-60U, JET ITER NBI shine through IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
2-3D distribution of heat load ITER FW and Limiter heat loads due to alpha ripple losses (in absence of the ferromagnetic inserts) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Fast Ion Distribution Function NBI distribution function and NPA spectrum in JET IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Fokker-Planck Package Three-Dimensionalcode FPP-3D • Solves 3D drift orbit averaged kinetic equation, no limits on orbit width (esp. important for RS scenario) • Calculates radial particle, momentum and energy fluxes, bootstrap-current electron and ion components, etc. • Non-linear problems can be solved. • Fusion alphas, NBI and ICRF heated ion dynamics • Particle fluxes into lost ion detectors and NPA • Solution of inverse kinetic problems. Fusion alphas in JET experiment DRIFT FPP-3D simplified fast ion modules for ASTRA-DINA Full set of NBI simulators: Monte Carlo, 3D, 2D, 1D Fokker-Plank to be finalized IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Nonlinear 3D MHD CodeNFTC • Simulates NTM evolution in ITER inductive scenario • Simulates seed island formation from sawtooth • Predicts double threshold. Needs clarification, benchmarking with XTOR IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
OGRAY ECRH/CD ECCD for NTM stabilization in ITER ECCD module for ASTRA (ECCD ITER simulator) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
ITER ICRF antenna simulation with ANTRES code • provides impedance matrix of multi loop, multi recess antenna, radiating Fast Waves (FW) into inhomogeneous hot large scale ITER plasma, with account for reflected waves. • evaluation of power capabilities of ITER ICRF antenna and optimized construction of an antenna-generator matching system. • Analysis of potential advantages of the “traveling wave multi loop antenna”. IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
ICRF and ECRF by full wave 3D code PSTELION Power deposition to D+ and e- at F=53MHz, N=27 • ICRF in ITER: dominant ion heating, localized off-axis CD, various heating/CD scenarios • Importance of upper hybrid resonance in ECRH, impact on ECCD stabilization of NTM • Simplified ICRF modules – ICRF ITER simulator (in progress) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Neural Network Tool for Mathematical Modeling. NNTMM performs iterative analyses and optimization with Kohonen maps and feedforward networks. NNTMM is developed under MATLAB. It has a user-friendly graphical interface where the user can: • manipulate with input data (sort, select, etc.) • perform dimension analyses • clusterize and visualize data using Kohonen maps • train feedforward network • perform calculations with trained network • analyse network calculated data with Kohonen maps • find optimal parameters IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Data analyses and optimization in numerical experiments SCoPE (transport code) calculated data using 30 runs Neural network (trained using SCoPE data ) simulating 20000 SCoPE runs. New optimal sets of parameters are found. NNTMM approach permitted to rise bootstrap current for 30% using the data from only 60 runs of transport code SCoPE IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
Possible application of NNTMM • Development of the effective (real time) simulator of ITER scenarios • Optimization of the algorithms of the multi-parametric control of the discharge • Optimization of the experimental strategy (on the ASTRA simulations at present) IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
ITER confinement database analysis with Support Vector Machine Kohonen map (SOM) for the data from the international global H-mode confinement database SVM predicts that basic ITER scenarios are deeply in H-mode IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
SCoPEShell: a graphical Java shell candidate for integrated code It is a user-friendly graphical interface where user can: • set all input and output parameters of the numerical code • edit the numerical code source files • compile and run the numerical code • monitor calculations • convert output binary files to text ones • output all computed data to NetCDF format • plot 2D and 3D numerical code output data IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
SCoPEShell example IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
VIP: plasma shape reconstruction Algorithm is suitable for real time simulation with feedback control . IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007
2007 plans for ITER simulations • Plasma initiation, current rump up • Fast ion confinement / anomalous (including ripple) transport • Scenarios (sensitivity studies, control options) • Disruptions and VDE • RWM and NTM theory, modeling and possibility of control • ICRF antenna • ICRF & ECRF full wave modeling (dominant ion heating, off-axis CD possibilities) • NBI heating/CD for various NB designs, diagnostic NBI IMAGE session, Lausanne, May 2007