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The Republican Party

The Republican Party. Jacqueline Ordaz Christopher Leon Vanessa Arevalo Freddy Serrano. Motto / Contact Information. The motto is “God, Country, Liberty.” Contact Info: webmaster@GOP.com 310 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. Platform.

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The Republican Party

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Republican Party Jacqueline Ordaz Christopher Leon Vanessa Arevalo Freddy Serrano

  2. Motto / Contact Information • The motto is “God, Country, Liberty.” • Contact Info: webmaster@GOP.com • 310 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

  3. Platform • For the government to have a proper role which is smaller and smarter. • Limited down domestic programs to avoid their fiscal collapse. • Keep taxation, litigation, and regulation to a minimum.

  4. Republicans in Political world • Support counter-terrorist agencies, funding for robust defense against nuclear threats, and a strong ballistic missile defense for America and its allies. • Lower taxes for middle class and cut spending.

  5. Republicans in Economic World • They support the idea of a free-market economy. • Believe in importance of sensible business regulations • Oppose interventionist policies that put government in control of industry

  6. Republicans in Social world • Ensure quality health care that Americans deserve • Won’t promote health care quality and choice. • Children of immigrants can get citizenship through military service

  7. Republicans in Culture World • Are against the process of abortion • Cutting funding to abortion clinics because it is immoral.

  8. T-chart Liberal • In retrospect to immigration, children of immigrants can get citizenship through military service Conservative • Abortion • Military Spending • Free-Market • Business Regulations

  9. Famous People in the Republican Party • Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon

  10. The End

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