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Established : 2001 Office address : Skattoeraveien 17 Postal address : P.O.Box 413 N-9254 TROMSOE . Website : www.technorenergy.no Target Area : Balkan region Business area : Renewable Energy (Hydro Power) . WHY THE BALKANS?
Established: 2001 Office address: Skattoeraveien 17 Postal address: P.O.Box 413 N-9254 TROMSOE. Website : www.technorenergy.no Target Area : Balkan region Business area : Renewable Energy (Hydro Power)
WHY THE BALKANS? ➪ Europe’slargestnon-utilized Hydro Power potential ➪ Norwegian/Nordic – competence area ➪ EU – focusonthe Balkans ➪ The Balkan countriesarepositioning in/for EU membership – rapidlyadapting legislation etc. ➪ Athens-agreement (2002) - Energy Charter Treatycommittingthecountries to deregulation/-privatizationoftheenergy sector. Liberalized market from 01.01.2008 ➪ ”Green” energy is a positive focus area nationally and internationally ➪ ”Green” energy is a target area for The World Bank and otherinternationalfinance institutions ➪ Security and Climate - demands ➪ Profit and cooperationpotential
MAIN FOCUS AND STRATEGIES: 1. Generationof Hydro Power. ➪ ”Greenfield” projects. ➪ Acquistionsof Hydro Power Plants available in the market, or those under privatization, according to theongoingderegulationprocess. 2. Trading: Physical Financial 3. Sales ofconsulting services, technicalsoultionswithinourfieldofexperience.
CHALLENGES ! ➪ Distance: Norway - Balkan ➪ Maintainanceofrealationships ➪ Utilizeexisting ”Goodwill” ➪ Market analyses ➪ Market influence ➪ Contract design ➪ Cultural differences ➪ Differentlydevelopedsetsofrules ➪ Dependenceoffrequentchanges in politicallyappointedcompanymanagement ➪ Corruption ➪ Lackof bilateral system ofagreements Norway - Balkan ➪ Valuecreation – win/win – Spinn offs ➪ Creationof visible transfer ofvalues ➪ Availabilityofinternationalcompetence
HISTORY ➪ Workedonthe Balkans since 2001. ➪ Carriedoutseveralprojectstogetherwiththe Balkan countries to prepare for thefreeenergy market, basedonourNorwegian and Nordic knowledge. ➪ Cooperation has provided a lot ofknowledgeabouttheenergy market, confidence and relationships. ➪ Offices in Sofia, Belgrade and Banja Luka. ➪ Establishedboth separate and JV companies in differentcountries. ➪Acquired so far totally 7 concessions for developinggreenfieldrun-of river power plants. (6 + 1 Joint venture plant) ➪ Are in position to buyhydropower plants beeingprivatized and/or developed. Strategiccooperationwithintransmisson and generation. ➪ Workwitheducation, efficient, organizationofproduction and introductionof a de-regulatedenergy market.
OUR WORK ➪ Trade- and business development in a broadcooperation, regional, national and international. ➪ Building up network and relationships ➪ Developmentofcompetanc:local, regional, and nationallevels. ➪ Internationalization. ➪ IntroduceNorwegian and Nordic products and industry to a new and exciting market. ➪ Create visible value transfer local, regional, national and international. ➪ Pilot projectsin pilot areas. ➪ Prepare for futureexport/import. ➪ Transfer oftechnology.
BULGARIA Project work 1. Institutionsreccomended to address: ➪ Royal NorwegianEmbassy, Sofia. ➪ MinistryofEconomy and Energy. ➪ National Electricity Company – NEK ➪ Agency for energyefficiency ➪ The different private companies in thesector
BULGARIA Project work 2. TECHNOR ENERGY Is at present in investmentnegotiations for buying stakes in 5 smallhydropower plants in Bulgaria Furtherthecompany is preparing for Partnership for cooperation in electricitytrading
BULGARIA Project work 3. The company is pleasentlysurprised by theinterest and proactiveattitude shown by all institutions and companies, which have been contacted for advice and assistance. They have all cooperatedverywell in order to facilitate all activities in the most proficient manner.
Dear seminar participants ! Thankyou all for your attention! Sofia 15th November 2007 Oddbjørn Pettersen