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The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS) and LUCAS Susan Wiser Landcare Research

The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS) and LUCAS Susan Wiser Landcare Research Lincoln, New Zealand MoRST Data Sharing Workshop 25 March 2009 http://nvs.landcareresearch.co.nz/. >77 000 Relev é s. >19 000 permanent plots. Formulation: Evolution of NVS.

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The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS) and LUCAS Susan Wiser Landcare Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS) and LUCAS Susan Wiser Landcare Research Lincoln, New Zealand MoRST Data Sharing Workshop 25 March 2009 http://nvs.landcareresearch.co.nz/

  2. >77 000 Relevés >19 000 permanent plots

  3. Formulation: Evolution of NVS

  4. >10,000 new plot records since June 2005 1-2 requests per week Support for standardised data collection Protocols for data use Strand 1: Anticipating and meeting enduser needs

  5. Strand 2: State-of-the-art data management

  6. Strand 3: Leadership in synthesis and integration: Integrated with NZ standard taxonomic names database

  7. Geographic standards allow ready integration with spatial layers to show species distributions

  8. ...and to allow ready integration with spatial layers

  9. Historic relationship between NVS and LUCAS • Original 1990 baseline based on forest data archived in NVS • Variance in C estimates at different grid densities guided plot network density • Plot protocols extended Forest Service 20 x 20 protocol • 16% of plots in LUCAS natural forests network predated the network; data archived in NVS • LUCAS holds copy of historic data from pre-existing plots • Paper and electronic copies of all above-ground data from LUCAS plot network archived in NVS LUCAS

  10. Why is LUCAS data archived in NVS? • Provide a conduit for discovery and usage of LUCAS data by a wider range of endusers • One query against both databases more efficient for endusers • Continuity for remeasurement of LUCAS plots in pre-existing networks • Formats compatible with NVS-specific analytical software and other packages Endusers LUCAS

  11. How this works: archiving data • Tables/fields mapped onto NVS tables/fields • Validation checks LUCAS 3. Recent corrections added 4. Validation queries LUCAS

  12. How this works: data requests Request data Provide permissions Endusers Inform of permission required Provide data Obtain permission LUCAS Private Landowners

  13. Where to from here? • Further work on versioning • Move towards using an exchange standard and distributed databases

  14. Where to from here: use of an exchange standard LUCAS WRITE WRITE READ READ Veg-X exchange standard Endusers Endusers http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/Vegetation/WebHome

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