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ALICE-USA. The history of “one year +” (I). ERICE, Sept . 2000 ; beginning of LHC-USA coll. LBNL+ORNL (-> PHOS electronics), OSU(->ITS), MIT (Computing), Houston (?), … LBNL, Dec. 2000, preparation of White Paper BNL, Jan. 2001, Town Meeting recommendations :.
The history of “one year +” (I) • ERICE, Sept. 2000; beginning of LHC-USA coll. LBNL+ORNL (-> PHOS electronics), OSU(->ITS), MIT (Computing), Houston (?), … • LBNL, Dec. 2000, preparation of White Paper • BNL, Jan. 2001, Town Meeting recommendations : http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~lhcusa/ ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Town Meeting recommendation: Concentrate on unique aspects of LHC physics complementing and extending RHIC program “A complete picture of relativistic heavy ion collision dynamics requires the analysis of both RHIC and LHC data.US participation in bothprograms is essential” Inheritance of generations of HI experiments: Bevalac -> AGS -> SPS -> RHIC -> LHC ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
The history of “one year +” (II) • Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan • - recommends “modest” effort at LHC This program should focus on those aspects of relativistic heavy-ion physics not easily addressed at RHIC. This includes jet and photon production at pT above 20 GeV/c, upsilon family vector meson production, and W and Z production in heavy-ion collisions……. Modest effort := (50 scientists + $10 M $) ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
ALICE or CMS? • CMS Pros: • Designed for hard processes -> Large acceptance. • No strong HI group (Any US contribution is significant !) • Little US contribution needed. • ALICE Pros: • Designed for soft physics of RHI -> Limitations imposed by physics (multiplicities) not performance (occupancies). • A “complete” experiment -> Full range of RHI observables. • Better suited to most interesting “semi-hard” region where jet quenching effects expected to be most visible. • More detailed jet-fragmentation studies -> lower pT (z), particle ID, strangeness, charm, B content,... • Dedicated HI experiment -> no concern about priorities. • US will collaborate WITH the European RHI community. ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
The history of “one year +” (III) • ORNL, March 2001, preparation of LOI • Submission of LOI, April, 2001 • Small meetings to discuss PHOS/EMCal electronics and EMCal options -> preparation of ALICE-USA Proposal ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
ALICE-USA Proposal submitted in March, defended in April • DOE Headquarters • April 2, 2002 ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
ALICE-USA Proposal The frontier of Nuclear Physics moves to the Large Hadron Collider in ~2008. The US heavy ion community must make the necessary small investments now to insure the continued vitality and viability of the US program in the LHC era. ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
ALICE-USA Proposal • Proposal presents a coherent plan for US participation at the LHC focused on the unique opportunities available in the ALICE experiment. • It aims to maximize both the impact of the US contribution to the LHC heavy ion program as well as the intellectual feedback to the parallel RHIC program. • Proposal insures that the US has a strong presence at the LHC when it becomes operational. ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
LHC vs RHIC • Quark-Gluon Matter at LHC will be different than QGP at SPS or RHIC. Very interesting to investigate. • eLHC ~ 20 x eRHIC, TLHC ~ 2 x TRHIC • Initial state dominated by low x processes • We will have the usual QGP probes and signatures… • PLUS, new high Q2 probes – jets, g, upsilon, W,… • Formed early to probe initial conditions ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Why ALICE … • Limitations imposed by physics (multiplicities) not performance (occupancies). • A “complete” experiment -> Full range of RHI observables. • Designed for PbPb physics • Suited to “semi-hard” physics region where jet quenching effects expected to be most visible. • Detailed jet-fragmentation studies -> low pT (z), particle ID, strangeness, charm, B content,... • Complement and extend SPS/RHIC -> spectra, ratios, flow, HBT, strangeness, charm, … • Dedicated HI experiment -> no concern about priorities. ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
ALICE – USA Proposal: two projects < $ 5 M each • Large Area EMCal Project: $4.95M proj.dir. : T.Cormier • US Electronics Project: $4.81M proj.dir. : T.Awes • PHOS FEE $3.60M • EMCal FEE $1.21M ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Why Large EMCal in ALICE … • Extend trigger efficiency for high Q2 • Measure neutral energy of jets • PHOS is too small to contain jet • Extend PHOS measurements g, p0, and e+/- • Allow back-to-back coincidences, e.g. increase acceptance for g (EMCal/PHOS) + jet(TPC) • Significant and highly visible US contribution to ALICE - give US “ownership” of high PT physics in ALICE ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Large Electromagnetic Calorimeter EMCal HMPID EMCal: Modest resolution, • Large acceptance Df= 120o • -0.7 < h < 0.7 • (7 times PHOS acceptance) • ~Back-to-Back with PHOS PHOS TRD ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Physics Summary ALICE with addition of US built components can address both Soft Physics + Hard Physics ~SPS/RHICmanynew things The ALICE-USA Collaboration Proposes to: 1. Contribute to the baseline ALICE Physics Program and thereby strongly complement the bulk of the RHIC heavy ion program. 2. Bring/extend a major, identifiable, hard physics program to ALICE, to address issues which greatly extend the RHIC program ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Institutional work load distribution - Staff Staff FTE: 9.1 (2002) -> 36.5 (2010) we are here ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Institutional work load distribution - Students Students FTE: 1.3 (2002) -> 22.5 (2010) ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
“Post” Proposal • Number of meetings with DOE • Support Structure funded as R&D effort – July 05 (we have done it ! ALICE-USA is on the map) • CD0 – fall 05 (general, for the LHC effort) • Admission to ALICE discussed with ALICE MB- June 06 • New Management in ALICE-USA- July 06 • CD1 – September 06 ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Future Steps • Admission to ALICE (access to all data sets) • Development of Research Plan • Building EMCal • Do PHYSICS ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
EXTRA SLIDES ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
PHOS Electromagnetic Calorimeter • PHOS physics : -study initial phase of the collision of heavy nuclei via direct single photons, -signals of chiral-symmetry restoration Technical data: 17920 lead-tungstate crystals(PWO) -coverage in pseudorapidity -0.12;+0.12 -coverage in azimuthal angle 100o “The members of the ALICE-USA collaboration (LBNL and ORNL + 11 universities) are preparing a proposal for DOE to build the readout electronics for the PHOS. Oak Ridge National Laboratory will have primary responsibility for the design and construction of the front end electronics.” (from LHCC ALICE Comprehensive Review, 11-12 March 2002) electronics project dropped due to delays (?) ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
ALICE-USA Collaboration Organizaton Propose 2 projects, Each < $5M Other US institutions will participate in simulations, testing, installation, commissioning, calibration, and analysis, as well as other areas in ALICE where special expertise (slow controls, silicon,…) ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Why PHOS Involvement • PHOS gives access to hard processes: • High pT QCD g’s -> gluon structure functions (gluon saturation) • High precision, high pT p0 measurement -> jet quenching • g-jet tagging -> jet quenching • High energy e+/--> W,Z0 production low x, high Q2, quark structure functions • “Low” pT g’s -> Initial QGP temperature • PHOS FEE requirements match to ORNL expertise: • Need trigger capability and large dynamic range, as done for WA98 and PHENIX • History: ORNL+PHOS Collaborators on g Measurements (WA80, WA93, WA98, PHENIX) ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
The LHC vs RHIC Physics Case • Quark-Gluon Matter at LHC will be different than QGM at SPS or RHIC - higher T, higher e, far above ec , longer t ALICE has a large TPC and excellent particle identification, including electrons and muons. It is designed specifically for the HI environment and will significantly complement the RHIC program. i.e. We will have the usual QGP probes and signatures in ALICE • PLUS, new large Q2 probes - g, jets, open Charm, open Beauty Upsilon, W, Z,… which allow detailed investigation of the initial state as well as the highest density and temperature phase of the QGP. Because of it’s lower center of mass energy, the RHIC program can only touch on some of these observables. This sector, which comprises a significant extension of the RHIC program, is the major thrust of the ALICE-USA Collaboration ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Jet Studies in ALICE • Sufficient rates to >250 GeV • ALICE has exceptional capabilities for analysis of parton fragmentation • Jets visible above soft background • Reconstruct parton kinematics using EMCal+TPC • Detailed studies of fragmentation • pT • Flavor • Multiplicity • Correlations • BUT, need EMCal for trigger, reconstruction, tagging. ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
With admission to ALICE, ALICE-USA physicists will have access to ALL data Do analysis outside high pt sector to fully exploit QCD physics, initiated at RHIC energy -> get involve in working group activities to shape the physics program e.g. heavy flavor (see recent Trento ECT Workshop), pp (Rolf/Purdue), HBT (Mike/OSU), … Sensitive issue II: Expand Physics Program ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006
Sensitive Issue I: Admission to ALICE in 2006 • Most Important: it is a process (not a “yes”/”no”; last word is said yet) Need to justify in the Research Plan the importance of participation in pp running in order to be admitted now DOE has to be convinced that money is wisely spent (10K/year/scientist can not be wasted !) my opinion: G.O. ALICE-USA Collaboration Meeting, October 6-7, 2006