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Digital techniques of Photomontages. (or “The Dalinian Inspiration”). By: Nicolás Berlingieri. INTRODUCTION The limit between the several arts is every day less and less defined.
Digital techniques of Photomontages (or “The Dalinian Inspiration”) By: Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION The limit between the several arts is every day less and less defined. There are “Mixed Techniques”, “Facilities”, “Digital Art”, etc., where several techniques are mixed to make a certain work. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION The “Dark Camera” was used by the painters before the photography existed. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION When photography was only black and white, the copies were painted to do them in color. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION With programs of image manipulation (Photoshop, Corel PhotoPaint, Photostyler, etc.) techniques of drawing and painting are mixed to modify the photographic images.But the “Altered” photos and thetechniques of “Photomontage”exist from the beginnings of photography. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION William Henry Fox Talbot (1800 - 1877) already made assemblies of “Calotyps” to form a single image. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION And Oscar G. Rejlander (1813 - 1875) in 1856 made the work “Both ways of life” (40 x 79 cm) stitching the images of 30 negatives. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION It is very common that an author is inspired by another one, or that it tends to copy itself to itself, generating therefore a style form. The examples are innumerable is this sense, and, in Salvador Dalí, they become very evident. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri
INTRODUCTION Smart influence of “La Maja desnuda” byGoya and repetition of objects and patterns (the sailboats) between its two works. Introduction Goya (1800 h.) “La Maja Desnuda” Nicolás Berlingieri Dalí (1922) “Desnudo en un paisaje” Dalí (1923) “El niño enfermo”
INTRODUCTION Many pictures of Dalí have inspiration in the “Angelus” of Millet.Sometimes he has even reproduced it like a picturehung in the wall. Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri Millet (1933) Angelus Pray Dalí (1922) Gala and the “Angelus” of Millet….
INTRODUCTION Several authors inspired to Salvador Dalí, as well as he inspired whom they followed him… Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri Dalí (1933) “Atavismo del crepúsculo” Dalí (1935) “Reminiscencias arqueológicas del Angelus de Millet”
INTRODUCTION We will see next some “Tricks” to make photomontages with the Photoshop program (sometimes inspired by Dalí….) Introduction Nicolás Berlingieri Dalí (1934 y 1946) “Destete del mueble alimento y La tentación de San Andrés” Títle: “Camellos de Dalí” (“Dalí’s camels”)
IMAGES ORGANIZATION It is advisable to have a good organization of the “folders”, grouping the photographies like in an “Image Bank” Images organization Nicolás Berlingieri
IMAGES ORGANIZATION In the folders we will keep the images in hi-res and, as far as possible, with the elements already “trimmed” for its use. Images organization Nicolás Berlingieri
IMAGES ORGANIZATION The images should be saved as TIF or PSD, in order to be able to maintain the “transparency” of the trimming. Images organization Windows Explorer allows to visualize TIF files, but not the PSD ones. But PSD files allow to save the layers options (Properties and Styles) and the Layouts. Nicolás Berlingieri
IMAGES ORGANIZATION Points should not be used in the file-names, because these are those which separate the “Suffix” from the name, so the Operating System can recognize the file type. Images organization Photomontage.PSD Photo.TIF Image.JPG Sound.MP3 Document.DOC Spreadsheet.XLS Portrait of Mr. Pérez.JPG Nicolás Berlingieri
IMAGES ORGANIZATION A “must” folder in your PC, it’s the corresponding one to CLOUD images…. Images organization Nicolás Berlingieri
IMAGES ORGANIZATION You should have a wide assortment, with different light conditions and in different schedules of the day, in order to be able to cover all the possible future necessities. Images organization Nicolás Berlingieri
IMAGES ORGANIZATION Clouds can easily be distorted, stretched or compressed, in order to obtain more dramatic effects. Images organization Nicolás Berlingieri
TEMPLATES It is advisable to have a folder with different types of “Templates”, which are “empty Images” you can use it as a “base” for future photomontages. Templates Nicolás Berlingieri
TEMPLATES These templates can already have “Guides” saved, to mark the “Thirds” for the composition of the photomontages Templates Nicolás Berlingieri 30 x 40 cm 35 mm (2,4 x 3,6) 6 x 6 cm
TEMPLATES A template for one photo of 30 x 40 cm must have vertical guides at 13.33 and 26.66 cm, and an horizonta one, at 10 and 20 cm. The intersections will mark to the “Golden Points”. Templates Nicolás Berlingieri 30 x 40 cm
TEMPLATES You can also add “Perspective lines” or “Escape Lines” in a transparent “Layer”. This can help you tofind the the propper position of the objects, will help to define the distances and the sizes of the different objects. Templates Nicolás Berlingieri
PROPORTIONS Drawing up in a layer the perspective lines, these will define zones which can be filled up with colors. Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri
PROPORTIONS This way it is possible to easily define the sizes of the several objects which will be inserted. Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri
PROPORTIONS Lowering the opacity of the layer by 50%,through it’s transparency we can see where to locate the objects. So they will match the previous established zones. Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri
PROPORTIONS These objects can be easily adapted to the proportional sizes , in order to obtain an harmonic result . Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri
PROPORCIONES Estos se pueden adaptarfacilmente a los tamañosproporcionales a fin deobtener un resultadoarmónico. Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri Títle: “Cappadocia Daliniana” (“Dalinian Cappadokia”)
PROPORTIONS The perspective lines help us to compose, to distort and to trim the objects, obtaining a more realistic perspective, even with elements intentionally out of proportions. Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri
Proportions Nicolás Berlingieri Títle: “Estiramiento al atardecer” (“Sunset jerk”)
COLOR CHART It is convenient to have a folder with “fixed” colors. Those colors will help us very much when we need to put color in a determined zone. They can be defined with the R (Red), G (Green) and (B) Blue values. Color chart Nicolás Berlingieri
COLOR CHART In the presses, the numerical values of the colors are expressedas Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y) and Black (K). It’s more direct and easy the Hexadecimal number (#). The “Skin color” changes according to the race of the person. Color chart Nicolás Berlingieri
COLOR CHART Thereare some products which have a very determinedcolor. It must be respected. Color chart Nicolás Berlingieri
COLOR CHART Metals as Gold,Bronze, Copperand others, they have a well defined color among little variants. Color chart Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Another important folder, is the one corresponding to “Textures”. In it you can put textures of walls, sands… Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES It may contain textures of floors, rush matting… Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES …or fine and thick grass textures, venetian tiles, etc. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES You can “build up” a texture. Let’s see how… Take an image where you find a texture you like. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Let’s enlarge the zone to have a better work. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Select the four corners with the “Poligonal Lasso”, even if they are not properly aligned. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Once you have the area selected with the lasso, choose “Edit / Copy”, then make a new image with the menu command “File / New” and past with “Edit / Paste”. If the selected area was not perfectly alligned, there will be a border with no image… Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES With the “Grid” activated, and with the option: “Transform / Distort”, let us make the drawing perfectly aligned horizontally and vertically. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Let us trim the leftover of the edges and, with the command “Image / Size of image”, let us put equal values for “Width” and “Height”, in order to make a sqared image. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES We will obtain a “Tile” or “Floor tile” which can be defined as “Motiv” (Option: “Edit / Define Motiv). Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES With the “Motiv Stamp”, in a “New” image, we will be able to make a “wall” Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Duplicating the layer of the wall, moving it downwards and distorting the perspective, we will be able fix the “floor”.With the tool “Degrading / Multiply” we will add realism. Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES Adding elements and shadows we will form the “Photomontage” Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
TEXTURES And adding lightning effects we will obtain a more interesting image… Textures Nicolás Berlingieri
Textures Nicolás Berlingieri Títle: “Odalisca Daliniana” (“Dalinian Odalisca”)
MOTIVS A folder with several “Motivs” will allow to freely choose among differents textures. Motivs Nicolás Berlingieri