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Lib 150 Section 13 Lloyd Chittenden

Lib 150 Section 13 Lloyd Chittenden. Searching with Keywords, Boolean operators, Truncation And Subject Headings. Please turn off your cell phones. Choosing Keywords. What discrete (separate or distinct) ideas or concepts make up or are contained within your research question?

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Lib 150 Section 13 Lloyd Chittenden

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  1. Lib 150Section 13Lloyd Chittenden Searching with Keywords, Boolean operators, Truncation And Subject Headings Please turn off your cell phones

  2. Choosing Keywords • What discrete (separate or distinct) ideas or concepts make up or are contained within your research question? • What are the effects of TV violence on children? • Children AND violence AND television

  3. Keywords • What are some synonyms or closely related words or phrases for each of the terms? • Children • Children OR Youth OR Teenagers • Violence • Violence OR Aggression OR Hostility • Television • Television OR TV OR Media

  4. Combining keywords with Boolean operators • AND joins discrete terms to narrow a search • OR joins synonyms to broaden a search • NOT excludes terms to narrow a search • Parentheses organize search terms (like math) Effective: (5+9) – (6+3) = 5 Not so effective: 5 + 9 – 6 + 3 = 11

  5. Combining keywords with Boolean operators (cont’d) (children OR teenagers OR adolescents) AND (violence OR aggression OR murder) AND (television OR tv OR media) Online help: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/lobo2/keywordbuilder/keywordbuilder.php

  6. ***Truncation*** • Use an asterisk (*) to cut off words at root • Find words that have the same root but different endings • Example: robot* robot, robots, robotic, robotics

  7. In Class Exercise • Break into groups • Follow instructions on the handout

  8. Cherry Picking Strategy • Use Keyword searching to find one good item that is directly about your topic. • Ex: Native Americans in Movies • Find the Subject Heading in the record for that item. • Indians in Motion Pictures • Search on that term as a subject to bring up more items on the same topic.

  9. Library of Congress Subject Headings • These are subject terms decided on by the Library of Congress that bring together all works on a particular topic. • Heart attacks or Myocardial Infarctions? • Native Americans or Indians or First Nations? • Capital Punishment or Death Penalty? • LC will pick one term for each concept • Try browsing LCSH

  10. Be specific • When searching with LCSH look for the most specific term that fits your topic. • Works on more specific aspects of a topic will be with the most specific term • Divorce • Divorced People • Divorced Parents • Children of Divorced Parents • Adult Children of Divorced Parents

  11. Coming up… • Quiz 1 next week

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