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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 美国总统巴拉克 · 奥巴马和他的家人住在 ——. The White House. Let’s go into the White House which American presid ents have called home for more than 200 years.
第3版 Mini-world 万花筒
美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马和他的家人住在—— The White House Let’s go into the White House which American presid ents have called home for more than 200 years. The White House has more than 130 rooms. When visitors enter it, they see pictures of past presidents and first ladies on the walls. The second floor is the State Floor (国务楼层). Presidents use rooms here for official duties. The largest room on
this floor is the East Room. News conferences are held here. Other rooms on the State Floor are named for their colours: the Blue Room, the Green Room and the Red Room. Nearby is the State Dining Room (国宴厅). On the third floor are bedrooms for guests. Besides, the White House has an East Wing (东翼) and a West Wing (西翼). In the West Wing is the famous Oval Office (椭圆形办公室). This is the large office where the president works. Rooms in the East Wing offer private living space for the president and his family.
give sb. the cold shoulder Meaning: to behave in an unfriendly way towards someone that you know 冷落某人 Story: 关于该词组的起源有一个有趣的说法:如果顾客在餐厅逗留的时间过长,服务员就会给他端上一盘凉的羊肩肉。羊肩肉的肉质差,口感也不好,这是服务员在暗示顾客离开。 Example: What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole evening at the party. 我怎么惹着他了?他一整晚在派对上都对我态度冷淡。
Word Bank 超纲词汇 president /'prezId=nt/ n. 总统 visitor /'vIzIt=/ n.参观者 enter /'ent=/ v.进入 hold /h=Uld/ v. 举行(过去分词为held) guest /Gest/ n.宾客 besides /bI'saIdz/ adv.此外,而且 famous /'feIm=s/ adj.著名的
offer /'^f=/ v. 提供 more than 超过 official duty 公务 news conference 新闻发布会 private living space 私人生活空间
第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂
关于食物的趣味知识,你知道多少呢? Funny Food Facts ★ Cabbage is 91% water. ★ Carrots were purple before the 17th century (十七世纪). After that, people began to grow orange carrots. ★ Honey is the only food that will never go bad. ★ Lemons taste more sourthan strawberries, but there is more sugar in lemons than in strawberries. ★ Apples, onions and potatoes all have the same taste? Try it: pinch your nose and take a bite out of each.
哇,Jean给 Linlin做了一顿丰盛的英式早餐! Have a British Breakfast J: Jean L: Linlin J: Breakfast is ready! L: That smells great, but isn’t it a little early for all that meat? J: Well, the British love eating meat for breakfast because they think protein can keep them going all day. L: Do the British eat such a breakfast every day?
J: No, most people eat cereal and toast in the morning on weekdays. But at weekends, they eat a “full English” breakfast. L: So what makes a full English breakfast? J: There are a number of things, but two things are important—smoked bacon and fried eggs. Apart from that, there are sausages, mushrooms and tomatoes.
L: Wow! J: And they’re usually served with baked beans and toast. L: Do people eat this in a restaurant? J: No, they either cook it at home or go to a “greasy spoon.” L: That’s great!
不同的国家,不同的食物。 Food vs Countries Food Country rice dumpling China
hamburger fish and chips Food U.S.A U.K.. Country
spaghetti kimchi Food Italy South Korea Country
讲学指导 British Breakfast 不同于欧陆早餐面包加咖啡的简单组合,英式早餐以菜点丰富著名。 一顿丰盛的 British Breakfast 包括烤番茄、炒蛋、香肠、熏肉、麦片(搭配牛奶或酸奶)、茄汁 豆、蘑菇等菜点。而主食的选择,除了搭配黄油或果酱的吐司之外,可颂、丹麦卷等各欧陆特产亦归入其中。英式早餐的饮料以橙汁和牛奶为代表,另有咖啡、茶或典型的“英式早餐茶(多种红茶的混合浓茶)”。
Quiz I. 请根据文章 Have a British Breakfast 的内容,回答问题。 1. Why do the British love eating meat for breakfast? ___________________________________________________ 2. When do the British eat a full English breakfast? ___________________________________________________ 3. What are the two important things of a full English breakfast? ___________________________________________________ Because they think protein can keep them going all day. They eat a full English breakfast at weekends. The two important things are smoked bacon and fried eggs.
II. 请根据下面这首“藏头诗”,写出作者最喜欢的食物的英文名称。(小提示:请注意每行的首字母哟!) My favourite thing to eat! And it’s healthy for me, too! Never happy with just one, Got to eat, because they’re: OH SO YUMMY!!! My favourite food is _ _ _ _ _ es. mango
Word Bank 超纲词汇 honey /'h2nI/ n. 蜂蜜 onion /'2nI=n/ n. 洋葱 protein /'pr=Uti:n/ n.蛋白质 cereal /'sI=rI=l/ n. 麦片 toast /t=Ust/ n. 烤面包片 important /Im'p6:tnt/ adj. 重要的 sausage /'s^sId3/ n.香肠
mushroom /'m25rUm/ n. 蘑菇 serve /s+:v/ v.供应(饭菜) country /'k2ntrI/ n.国家 spaghetti /sp='GetI/ n. 意大利面条 kimchi /'kImt5i:/ n.泡菜 pinch one’s nose 捏住某人的鼻子 take a bite out of sth. 咬一口某物 a number of 若干,一些
smoked bacon and fried eggs 熏肉和炒蛋 apart from ... 除了……之外 baked beans 茄汁焗豆 either ... or ... ……或…… greasy spoon 供应廉价食物的小餐馆(greasy指“油腻的”,spoon指“勺子”)
第6版 Playground 英语操练场
配饰往往能为你的装扮起到“画龙点睛”的作用哦!配饰往往能为你的装扮起到“画龙点睛”的作用哦! Accessories hat scarf belt
tie necklace bracelet
earring hairclip sunglasses
The Moon Always old, never new; Never sad, sometimes blue; Never empty, sometimes full; Never pushes, always pull.
You can’t have your cake and eat it (too). 这句话直译为“你不可能拿着蛋糕,同时又吃掉它”,表示两件事不能被同时满足的意思,和我们常说的“鱼和熊掌,不可兼得”以及“世事两难全”有异曲同工之妙。 Mandy: He works so hard to pay for (支付) his big house, but he never has any time to stay (待着) home and enjoy it. David: Yeah, you can’t have your cake and eat it.
Word Bank 超纲词汇 accessory /=k'ses=rI/ n.配饰 belt /belt/ n.腰带,皮带 tie /taI/ n.领带 necklace /'neklIs/ n. 项链 bracelet /'breIslIt/ n.手镯,手链 earring /'I=rI9/ n.耳环,耳饰 hairclip /'he=klIp/ n.发夹 sunglasses /'s2nGl1:sIz/ n. 太阳眼镜,墨镜
第7版 Story Zone 故事地带
博兰是一只性格温顺的小恐龙,它和家人朋友在森林里过着与世无争的生活。可是有一只恐龙老爱找它的麻烦,它就是——博兰是一只性格温顺的小恐龙,它和家人朋友在森林里过着与世无争的生活。可是有一只恐龙老爱找它的麻烦,它就是—— Boland was a little dinosaur. He lived with his parents in a big forest. He had a lot of friends, and they played together every day. Boland was friendly with all of them—all of them, except one ... Tyrone the Horrible (I)
His name was Tyrone—or Tyrone the Horrible, as he was usually called. He was a young dinosaur, too. But he was much bigger and stronger than most of the others. He was a big bully. In fact, he was the world’s first big bully! Tyrone liked to pick on Boland. He always teased him and stole his sandwich. Night after night, Boland had a hard time getting to sleep. He kept thinking of ways to stay away from Tyrone.
Word Bank 超纲词汇 horrible /'h^r=bl/ adj.可怕的,讨厌的 dinosaur /'daIn=s6:/ n. 恐龙 forest /'f^rIst/ n.森林 except /Ik'sept/ prep.除了……之外 other /'28=/pron.其他的(恐龙) bully /'bUlI/ n.欺凌弱小者 tease /ti:z/ v.欺负,戏弄
steal /sti:l/ v.偷,窃取,stole 是steal的过去式 be friendly with ... 对……友好 in fact 事实上 pick on (sb.) 找(某人)岔子 stay away from 避开